Saturday, 24 November 2012

Rochas vs Imo State University

The latest news coming out of Owerri has confirmed that Governor Rochas Okorocha has sacked the Acting Vice-Chancellor of Imo State University, Prof B.E.B. Nwoke. This is the second sacking of an Acting Chief of the university by the same governor. While details of such decision remain unclear with no chagrin to wait for its emergence the contours on its implications are bare. Subsequent paragraphs will attempt to shed light on some of the implications as well as on apparent contradictions of the current government on education.

In the first instance it is nothing short of lunacy to expect praise and congratulations in repeated sacking of Imo State Acting Vice-Chancellors without serious excuse. It is abnormal, questionable and disrespectful of citizens. It is even worse than Argentina sacking 5 presidents in 3 days during their economic crisis few years ago. Unfortunately the first victim of this inglorious act is the governor who has without incentive damaged the little reputation remaining in his portfolio. Of course the same applies to Imo State and the university. This is clear indication that the governor is not a serious players and above all has no clear understanding of the strategic roles and functions of a university. 

For a governor who pledged the growth of the state as his priority, dismantling huge legacy of state architecture is no worse than incest. There are few things Imo State is known for at the global stage, education seats at the top. Not just producing high quality citizens with world-class education but possessing world-class educational outposts. Now the governor has risen to the occasion to prove his critic right of his strategic imbecility. The subtext is that the university cannot have a substantive vice-chancellor under his watch. 

Instead of extending performance and excellence which requires huge resources to enable it engage in research in broad swathes of specialisations, this university has been reduced to the state of glorified high school only fit for producing at best conveyor-belt products who are condemned to struggle in graduate life. Why is this the case? Well, various administrations refused to inject necessary resources and investment through strategic myopics of previous governors which the current one simply and happily rehashes.

Some of highly needed resources include uninterrupted staff salaries, state-of-the-art-library stocking current publications in hard and soft copies, subscriptions to leading journals from around the world especially from emerging economies, equipment of laboratories, active connection to regional/global research communities and providing funding for research institutes especially on Igbo Language, Igbo Culture and Igbo Knowledge preservation. On the last subjects the governor made recent noises about using Igbo Language in public discourse without back up. Of course it is common knowledge that our language is not received by us as a vehicle of intellectual engagement and research, medium of written transmission and dissemination of knowledge talk less of being the parallel medium of documenting day-to-day activity of governance. Poisonous virus of colonialism clung unto by the stupid!

There is strong tradition of contradiction in the current government which allows one the luxury to juxtapose soundbits and real policy implementation. It seem more likely that we are exposed to experimentation in governance or even further a disinteresting governance charade without pretence whose time has come. Total rejection of citizens and above all intellectual activity is both obvious and a product. It is unprecedented and we are living with it. One wonders the level of decadence this government will stoop next. Nevertheless it remains clear that this government will not even get close to challenging the honourable legacy of Chief Same Mbakwe's legacy in progressive education.

Unfortunately, one cannot be in two places at the same time. Imo State cannot be a great state or serious player in the global South without an active heartbeat of productive intellectual life situated in its own space. Imo State University must be a world renowned research university that attracts the best from around the world. Only serious governance, clear vision and strategic investment will deliver. This government will not deliver. At a time of serious positive changes in global South linked to internally generated resources, advancement in governance and liberation from imposed shackles, this government is rather retrogressively playing blindness to reality at the expense of citizens. The 3rd Acting Vice-Chancellor will not doubt be unsurprisingly shown the door in time. 

Every society has its good, bad and ugly. Sadly what we are witnessing is the rendition of ugly governance script of our humanity through mismanagement of expectations in Imo State University whose time has come and fortunately whose time to go will also come. 

Friday, 17 August 2012

Confusion of Governance in Imo State

One will rightly wonder if the title is appropriate in the current political climate. Such question will only emerge where issues are blindly followed without critical and empirical analyses. In addition the ever liquid media platform that allocates cheap gravitas to sound bits have succeeded in confusing many citizens of the state on strategic issues or poverty of policy implementation. Especially the special species abroad. The purpose of this article is to navigate the rough waters of gap between observed and expected in the government or rather regime of Mr. Rochas Okorocha. 

Historical information is essential toward understanding the lot of Imo State including anecdotal highlights. 2 years ago, Imo State was on the brink of political explosion where the erstwhile incumbent could no longer handle the ship of state. Aptly Imo State started tottering like an emergency patient. It is on the back of that collective experience that majority of the people voted for an alternative of course with feeble questions on the person of the incumbent governor.

I am equally aware that our 'imposed' political culture is raw, unrefined and undignifying. Mr. Rochas Okorocha naturally made the 'mother of all promises' including but not limited to 'building bridges were river do not exist'. He was taken at his word by many within default demographical and geographical parameters. Bear in mind of the anecdote that Imo State has the most educated/knowledgeable population. Maybe it will be handy!

For most citizens the highest priority in the land are summarised in 3 points; insecurity, poor economy and social justice. There is no suggestion that the current regime will overcome even 40% of inherited problem rather will make robust effort to put Imo State back on the road to holistic recovery with a legacy for future administrations to follow. 

Bull in China Shop
The first of confusion emerged with a statement credited to the governor that he's in a hurry. Even cattle rearers have not found the luxury to manage their beast as they please. Despite the confidence and patience of the electorate, the governor apparently confirmed initial concerns in some quarters that he lacked coherent plan or governing strategy. Rather he is deemed the front-face of the urban, privileged and powerful who pay lip service to the need of majority. In the dearth of transparent policies, he has resorted to 'one week, one policy' methodology as a means of governing. 

On insecurity, perception of crime and fear continues unabated without credible strategies to mitigate the situation. Kidnapping, stealing, corruption and defiance of the rule of law continues without obstruction turning the state into a space for fiends. No serious policy document has been released or any consultation paper emerged from either the executive or legislative arm. In effect the population is ruled from anywhere than through clear structured linkage to the state. His contributions to debates on state police and terrorism in the North are at best unconstructive and unproductive.

The economy continues to suffer despite all the comparative advantages including available labour, abundance of skilled manpower, diverse regional opportunities, proximity to commercial hubs of Aba, Ontisha and Port-Harcourt. Sadly state data on economic performance is absent. No serious analyst expects the state to provide all jobs rather hope it creates conducive atmosphere for investment and economic development. His first action in office was sacking 10,000 civil servants employed by his predecessor. These 10,000 men and women were violently pushed back into unemployment gallows. Something out of the colonial imperialist rule book!

Verbal-only Policy
There is no credible policy or structure for enhancing private sector investment to take advantage of huge labour market. On the contrary most attention is focused on public building construction which is temporary and unsustainable. Evidence is emerging that many of constructed roads are sub-standard, contractors are owed and some of the road contracts are over-estimated. It is alleged that some road cost N60 million per kilometre.

In the absence of credible economic plan, out-of-state migration will continue unchecked meaning that other states and countries benefit from our investments. Ignorance of the potentials for gradual development of Knowledge-based economy considering huge number of post-secondary school graduates each year for a state acknowledged as hub of education production is instructive.

Extra-urban areas remain stunted in development due to historical (abysmal) performance of local government authorities. Instead of skillfully engaging the incumbent LG Chairpersons for new brand of people-oriented governance, the governor felts that the strategic interest of Imo State was best served by shortsightedly sacking them which was illegal ab initio. By so doing he shot himself on the foot and cost the  state scarce resources. Political myopics 101!

LGs are natural poles of economic growth and economic development more so for a people who claim superiority of learning and knowledge, instead are now centres of crass malfeasance and corruption. Another testament to his allergy to due process is the now abandoned relocation of Imo State University to his hometown. I do not find serious issue with it so far it is backed by law and full investment is laid for reputable research institution not glorified secondary for Jurassic Park town council. Sadly there were no enabling laws and clear investment plan. Hollowness of the plan is confirmed in its costly abandonment and reversal.

Dark Ages
Our state remains a space of social injustice on many levels which stems in part from abuse of law, abuse of privilege, distortion of due process and inter-generational politico-cultural transition. The spatial dimension is vividly rendered in the continued attention to the few neo-urban centres of Owerri, Orlu and Okigwe in the allocation of state resources and direction of investments.

It is apparent that beyond the boundaries of these three locations, values, potential and importance zero in on residential functions. They are referred to as 'rural' hence require 'rural development'. The resident citizens are in effect second class citizens and second fiddle in contradiction of the fact that development in about man/woman in his/her full unique circumstance and consciousness regardless of location.

The latest attempt at challenging this contradiction in the new 4th Tier Law is early to refute/confirm. Nevertheless confirming gratuity, approving pension, obtaining spouse deed of death, obtaining certificate of occupancy and many more public service cannot be certified without paying illegal fees alias bribe. The poor are most hit as they have no one to plead their cause.  So what is happening in Imo State under the current regime is more of the same.

It is clear that Mr. Rochas Okorocha lack the calibre, pedigree, motivation and dedication to positively rule Imo State. Many pundits retort that his intention is noble forgetting that positive intentions are forged on empirical evidence. His political philosophy is crystallised in simple seduction of the electorate through the media to buy time for further accumulation with little substance to show for it.

Realistic investment in the citizens through robust public services in the economy, education, health, security and civil service is absent. In its place is incoherent and disorganised framework of patchy soundbits, unsound policy development, shallow rooted implementations and opaque disposition to due process. This is the hallmark of confusion which the state doesn't deserve or desire. There is opportunity for him to redress this situation in the remain years in office.

Saturday, 11 August 2012

US Pit-Stop Diplomacy on Nigeria

Few days ago US Secretary of State, touched down in Abuja on her latest 11-country tour of Africa. While the whole package was at best shuttle diplomacy unfurled in emergency toward making 'strong statement' to Beijing, it is a distraction from the big meat of excruciating process of attempting regime-change in Damascus. In any case it is instructive to dissect significance of pit-stop, how it came about that Abuja is only fit to receive important ally and not host them; and how this visit fits into the current US African geopolitics.

There is no doubt in any watcher that Africa visit was significant as resident ambassadors were deemed unsuitable to deliver the message indirectly to Beijing from African capitals. US regime is bent on maintaining unchallenged stranglehold on Africa by any means and increased militarisation of diplomacy through US African Command (AFRICOM) inspires effort towards directly re-emphasising conformity to each capital. It is important to observe that Hilary Clinton slotted 3 (laps) stops in West Africa consisting of Dakar, Abuja and Accra. This illustrates the level of importance accorded the region and governments. You do not need to be Formula 1 fan to catch the drift. However in other 2 capitals explicit programmes of hosting were followed strictly were US entourage combined work with pleasure. Other capitals are deemed as full race laps while Abuja is given the derisory role of few 'seconds' pit-stop of dry catching up, refueling, checks and take-off. Tasks unfit for mechanic(s) and deserving of glorified race track operatives!

Different national and international media confirmed that Hilary Clinton spent only 5 hours in Abuja all given to meetings with the President and his coterie. It is a classic demotion and loss of confidence in GEJ/Abuja. One would wonder if they actually sat down. Now some reports suggest that subsequently planned engagements were cancelled during the visit for security reasons. Well, there may be other reasons beyond public display of surprise in situ as the stunt simply indicate US chickening out even in her sole superpower status. By so doing there is erroneous inflation of insecurity to embarrass Abuja as well as giving tacit unwarranted recognition to Boro Haram in the short term. This could blowback on Abuja as Boko Haram may feel emboldened. 

Given that State Department collate daily/timely primary security reports on Nigeria it is difficult to react negatively through cancellations in the name of 'perceived' threats in situ while been hosted. Who is the threat, where is it coming from beyond US capacity and how credible is the threat? Security watchers will concur on bungling of reception to spite a host. However there is no doubt the visit is more about (standing) GEJ reading his report card especially on crude oil export security and expected collaboration in AFRICOM including taking lead in Mali. Of course the crux of her post-meeting statements concentrated on insecurity, a humiliation and heavy indictment on GEJ. It carries a strong message that Nigeria is unsafe and unfit to host important delegations. 

There is no evidence that State Department feel Abuja is slipping away as its regard for Nigeria as 'bastion of stability' remain unchallenged. Population is in survival mode and politics reduced to survival parades for detailed US role to take centre stage. One can contend that so far as Niger Delta crude oil installations are secure, Boko Haram is insignificant. While China's influence increases, it has insignificant effect on US interest. Africa's handling of geopolitical interests has recently become sophisticated and nuanced with examples in Ethiopia and Angola profitably working between seams of divide demarcating West and Beijing. Survival (political) strategies of many African government diminishes erstwhile rash attention to ideological disparities of gift bearers hence flexible diplomatic operations towards obtaining the best deals from many worlds.

In the case of Nigeria, China's interest will continue to grow because of Beijing's culture of eschewing baggage in relations. As a growing economy with huge population demanding low end goods and basic services, Beijing has free reign in meeting Nigeria expectations through huge contracts and dumping. Crude oil interest is best maximised through fresh upstream activities and downstream sectors investment, in summary US strategic interest in Nigeria is secure in the short term. It must be stated that members of the armed forces are likely to travel to US for further training as this will continue rather than in Beijing. 

So Nigeria has received new star on her epaulets as the diminished giant fit to receive and not host the sole superpower. In classic diplomatic race where other capitals are credibly allocated full laps, Abuja can only muster a pit-stop. Another deserved demotion, humiliation and dress down in international relation and loss of eminence in global geopolitical architecture. As far as this pit-stop diplomacy is concerned Nigeria is a wash out and coated with indignity.

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Lessons for Nigeria from Ghana

Relationship between Nigeria and Ghana dates back to millenia however in the last 100 years various dimensions of this relationship has presented important signposts for closer interaction of mutual benefits. Despite disparity in territorial and population size, both countries have been marked with inevitable mutual dependence. However there is reason to question how much one learns from the other and how much one ignores excellence in the other.

The colonial imperialist enterprise opened up avenues for greater interaction and many Nigerians found Ghana favourable economic, cultural and political landscape before the final 'assault' on their homeland. Notable Nigerians who experienced Ghanaian hospitality include but not limited to Nnamdi Azikiwe, Fela Anikulapo-Kuti, Murtala Mohammed and Chukwuemeka Odumegwu-Ojukwu. 

In the bigger scheme of things their politics towards independence provided useful template for insight into contrasting lead politicians' worldviews, attitudes to geopolitics and attention to meaning of independence. To an extent Ghana took the leadership on certain issues such Pan Africanism with sustained panache. On many levels, Ghana in Kwame Nkrumah, displayed astute awareness and incredible foresight in  realistic challenges of independence for Ghana and the rest of Africa.

Comparatively, Nigeria's pre-independence leaders never appreciated the concentration of external forces working actively against their unity. Internal rivalry and primacy of regional patrimonies sedimented their myopia to confront strategic intentions of the colonial master. It was a decapitated political enterprise. No lesson was learnt from Ghana with unfolding consequences.

When military rule became the new African political evangelical, Ghana suffered numerous abuses and retrogressive governance until she finally stepped out its shadows with Mr. Jerry Rawlings trading centralised command for negotiated plural political capital. Since his departure from office, Ghana has maintained consistent attention to pluralistic political development with elections accepted as active norm without resort to illegal compromises. National governments have been voted in and out of Osu Castle with elegance of maturity and endurance of utmost confidence. Lessons are yet to be learnt in Nigeria.

Last month, Prof. John Mills, President of Ghana died in office. Ghana's politicians of different parties and affiliation rose to the challenge to plug potential power vacuum and potential infringement on national security. The machinery of politics and governance working through elected representatives, political parties and institutions invested in an immediate seamless transfer of executive powers to the erstwhile vice-president. An impressive display of political maturity and confidence of citizenship! Unfortunately there is no evidence that Nigeria will learn any lesson here.

In the matters raised above the proverbial 'giant' of Africa has failed miserably to rise to the challenge of maturity rather continue on the despicable path of huge retrogressive malfeasance and waste reclining in the bosom of remaining only strategic potential with no sight of violent abandonment of indignity for the dignifying garb of real excellence. In the mean time Ghana cannot be envied for taking the lead ahead of the tiny 'giant'.

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Mrs Clinton's Tour and US Africa Project

US Secretary of State, Mrs Hilary Clinton, has embarked on her latest shuttle diplomacy across select African countries. Watchers are serenaded by sense of expectation from the tour that will take her across the west, east and southern sub-regions of the continent. The geography of the trip is instructive; from Dakar, Senegal closes the western seaboard to tottering Juba, South Sudan anchoring the eastern flank and then a quick stopover in  Qunu, South Africa holding the fort off the Cape and finally in Accra, Ghana for state funeral of the immediate deceased President. Quite a quadrilateral encirclement shuttle! It is a signal to Beijing that for Washington DC, Africa is covered in full embrace. Of course this tour is equally ominous for Africans in the chivalrous moves on the geopolitical chessboard. 

However, her comment with regard to the tour offered an insight in the dark arts of diplomacy and US real intentions. In another undiplomatic verbal hemorrhage similar to earlier ones dished out against Russia, this was a clear shot across China's bow. Read BBC report. The comment was directed against China's increasing economic footprint and expanding influence across Africa. 

African Chessboard
On the contrary reality is not lost on Mrs. Clinton on morbid fear of many African on the rolling out of US design on Africa anchored on AFRICOM project which has militarised US diplomacy on Africa while serving as arrowhead of recolonisation of the continent. Under the guise of fighting terrorism which doesn't exist in Africa, US is investing huge resources in destabilising the continent and her peoples who are bystanders and victims in the questionable war against 'words'. It is instructive to Africans that the origin (Saudi Arabia) of the current waves of terrorism is off target-list for retributive military campaign.

DR Congolese citizens will continue to wonder at the silence and endorsement of US of the impunity, rape and annihilation of her peoples and mineral resources by her proxies in Kigali and Kampala. US has consistently refused to condemn Kigali for supporting, arming and encouraging destabilisation of DRC on her eastern frontiers. Somalis for decades now behold strong obstacles toward stability and unification in a complex logjam which endures as proxies in Nairobi and Addis Ababa toe the line.

Many Africans will conclude that US has not fulfilled any legible print of democracy in the continent but rather have sustained a long trail of merchandise in blood for over 5 decades. While democracy possess positive strains for politicking, US has not always supported its full flowering abroad if South America were an example until the last decade. Africans will also nod at US weakness in advancing democracy in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Bahrain. 

China Pivot
In any case there is no basis for Africa to deviate or reverse her relationship with Beijing for various reasons. Beijing has refused to treat Africans as simpletons rather advances an impressive credential of recognition in deed. Whether it is in trade, loan negotiation and diplomatic exchange; Beijing has refrained from interfering in internal affairs of countries. China pays for services and mineral resources at world prices. China offers Africa alternative mechanism and processes which US and her western European satraps held so long as tools of imposition, imperialism and neocolonialism. It is on record that China has never invaded any African country or sponsored destabilisation of African peoples. Africans know vividly that China is equally a victim of colonisation. 

Africans are not going to fall for undiplomatic bluster which reveals another strand of instruction on who to deal with or how to deal them. Rather Africans know there is enormous opportunity for US to positively reconstruct her policy on Africa through serious strategies of sustainable engagement, respect, trade and civilian investment. Current US policy under a president conceived from African loins is costly in resources and heavy in African blood. It is a strategic failure that State Department refuse to reconsider the fullness of Africa's maturity in her unreconstructed view that Africa is only a battleground for bloodshed and mineral resource extraction. The tour will be crowned by lightweight soundbits here, few misplaced dollars there and immemorial photoshots to boot.

History is very clear that State Department will not change her counter-productive moves on Africa especially now that her satraps in Paris and London are economically morbid and eviscerated of geopolitical dignity. Of course these satraps will continue to prod their elite that on Africa, remora diplomacy is better than total absence from the shark's proximity. It is a better option following their unwilling surrender of erstwhile patrimonies!

The radical reality after all is said and done is that China needs Africa more than Africa need Beijing, the same applied to Washington DC. There is a saying in (Igbo) Africa, that when the strong pins the weak to ground it only pins oneself down. The lion may be the strongest animal in savanna, it doesn't always kill on every hunt hence increased diversity of species. 

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Okonjo-Iweala, Washington DC Consensus and 9ja Economy

Finance minister, Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala has occupied threshold of Nigeria economic policy and management in 3 successive administrations. While her personal qualifications and pedigree are beyond dispute, her experiences and institutional exposures prior to securing the role cannot be dismissed. These institutions and their questionable objectives on Nigerian economy will be addressed later.

In Big Pond
The background to the discourse is the recent past admission by the minister of an NNPC account with JP Morgan bank. Read NNPC JP Morgan Account. The following comments were attributed to her, Yes, the NNPC has a foreign account with JP Morgan, and they are the ones running it. I don’t operate the account. However, the CBN is aware of the account because all the accounts of government itself are with the CBN. The CBN is the government banker.
“In fairness to the NNPC, if you have been asked to undertake financial transaction on behalf of government, when you are doing a financial transaction, you need an account, that is what I tried to explain to the National Assembly, because they can’t do commercial transaction without it. The issue is not that they have an account with JP Morgan, the issue is when resources get into the account, do they remit it to the government because that is what they need to do.”

Shock & Awe 2.0
Deeper insight would have shed lights into the murky and malfeasant world of Nigerian economy management where personal interests of the powerful, the privileged and government appointees including Dr Okonjo-Iweala triumph. While the minister drooled with platitudes on confirmation of account existence; critical questions of who opened/ran the account, reason for opening/running the account and total figures that passed through the account remained as mysterious as the erstwhile account existence. 

It is apparent that in this instance the minister failed the test of transparency instead deviated into illogical epistemology of roles and duties of institutions as if they are neutral and trivial entities. It is despicable for her to claim ignorance of the account’s existence, it is unpatriotic to deny knowledge as Minister of Finance of the Federal Republic and preposterous to deny linkage to government machine. It will be honourable for her to resign her commission. She will not resign while her truth remains economical.

The wider picture of the economy and its miserable performance into the future remains the wholesale focus of Nigerian strategic interest toward Washington DC consensus based World Bank where Dr Okonjo-Iweala was headhunted from. JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs are some of the arrowheads that execute Washington DC consensus sub-plots. Sadly Nigeria’s strategic interests are not served by Dr Okonjo-Iweala because her institutional experiences are built on ‘shock and awe’ which strategically diminishes the state to benefit World Bank and International monetary Fund (IMF). 

Chile and Argentina are prime examples of countries that paid extraordinary prices in blood as guinea pigs of ‘Consensus’ economic experiments. Current example is Greece on the highway to death as World Bank is part of the ‘Troika’ with EU and IMF harvest her remaining hemoglobin while she remains comatose on life support.

Unfortunately Nigeria is locked fully into this paradigm with anticipation of positive outcome which will never come. Dr Okonjo-Iweala is one of those who use their position to dismantle their national patrimony in favour of foreign interests including JP Morgan. The recent past removal of fuel subsidy is a prime example of ‘shock and awe’. The people do not matter and are not primary variables of economic strategy. It is instructive that the move was made immediately after a visit to Abuja by IMF head, Ms Christine Lagarde following among other charades Dr Okonjo Iweala’s soundbits on infant mortality. 

The battle of emerging geopolitics where China is in ascendancy will become more vicious in Nigeria as US AFRICOM project moves into high gear with recolonisation via militarization of Africa’s strategic resources in the bid to stem Beijing. Dr Okonjo-Iweala will no doubt sympathize with US and the ‘Consensus’ by collaborating to reposition Abuja to remain a ‘bastion of stability’ while millions of Nigerians continue to suffer from economic mismanagement and implementation of retrogressive/discredited economic strategies. For those who cannot distinguish between individual qualification and unpatriotic harbinger of experiential heritage against Nigerian state, wake up and decide whether Nigeria deserves rape and subordination as instruments of (economic) statecraft.

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Mission Creep in Imo State

A new conclusion by Imo State Blog i.e. the mouthpiece of the administration has reached new heights in presenting the state governor, Mr. Rochas Okorocha, as the best governor in Nigeria. Read Best guvnor. Of course the presentation bear the hallmarks of hollowness and shenanigan. It is an exercise shrouded in opaqueness, deformed methodology, intellectually dishonesty and disservice to the people of Imo State. The most reprehensible aspect of the exercise is the glee with which Imo State Blog rushed to publish without verification with the usual disclaimer.

A credible poll must highlight clear and accessible methodology. There is no evidence of the measurable parameters used to compared the governor and his peers across the country. Some of his peers have been in office for more than 2 years while Imo State governor is just 1 year in office. Without satisfaction to dismantle his 'achievements', he is rubbished by such unwarranted move to elevate him only to backfire on serious analysis.

The Real Deal
There is no clear structure of programme with targets, dependencies, quality and resource thresholds. Policies are made on air and implemented at whim without due process, supporting legislation and recourse to rule of law. While expectation for excellent performance is anticipated, the governor has failed miserably to define a clear path of strategic initiative, prudent economic management, functioning administrative machine and focus towards tackling some of the fundamentals in the state. The main issue for the state focus primarily on security, high economic growth and employment.

On primary issues mentioned above there are no clear policies beyond sound bits which vividly display poverty of knowledge about governance. Lack of clarity defines his approach to due process and rule of law rather those who mount credible challenge are dismissed as anti-governor. Imo State should be a state where her comparative advantages in education and manpower should incentivise road map of strategic economic development. Unfortunately, the hollow gap from De Sam Mbakwe's achievement continues to enlarge.

Sadly, we have allowed ourselves to be condemned by blindness to transparent governance. Many people have not experienced excellent leadership outcomes so praise singing for corruption and personality politics dominate the 'discourse'. Leadership is a matter of huge responsibility and those who deliver can be perceived well in advance. Prior to becoming governor, Rochas achievements carry less transparency even though philanthropy has become the ideal dumping ground against inquiry in this direction.

I have come to the conclusion that Rochas doesn't have interest of the people at heart no matter how much he dominates air waves with sound bits. There is no evidence of organisation, structure, adherence to rule of law and understanding of due process in his character. This so-called survey that put him at the top of the pack  is clear evidence of decline regardless of his views about it. His is a government of settlement and no more. Imo State is deem an extension of personal enterprise as Imo State Blog doesn't bat eyelids to register as praise singing incorporated in this case.

Having empirically analysed Imo State Blog twitter account with text mining tools, one is left in no doubt that the blog is a vehicle for advancing a one-man government, where the governor is the dominant parameter and sole variable for modeling expectations of the people (of course not forecasting their future). This is crystallised in the word cloud image of Imo State Blog twitter account as the largest texts focus on the governor while other matters simply vanish into oblivion.

Friday, 20 July 2012

Abuse infested Imo State

One of the first scions in state creation
Of 1976
Emerged from East Central state of old
With much pomp and expectations
Following the genocidal decimation
Of Ndigbo few years previous

Over her life and times
From inception to the present
Few leaders have risen to the occasion
To inspire and deliver with integrity
Exemplified rarely in
Ndubuisi Kanu
And De Sam Mbakwe PhD

The wind of uncertainty is blowing again
Since 2011
With the state bedevilled by Rescue Agenda
Masked as quintessential blueprint
For a leader claiming to be coasted by gale force wind
Even on the doldrums where storms are rare

For a people so beaten and expectation so mangled
Sweet words and media sound bits shot on all cylinders
As Rescue Agenda meanders against structures
Processes and workflows
Promising all to be delivered within the same time frame
Seems like telling fibs to all at the same time

Fissures of despair rise like flames of fire
Naked for all to see like stubborn youthful pregnancy
An embarrassment for a loyal and proud people
That insecurity metamorphosed into industry
Unemployment massaged with diligence
While transparency is decapitated

As hope declines
The common denominator holds sway
Abuse of public resources and state asset take precedence
In no contrast to other states in the depressing Nigeria

Sadly for all the blessings and endowments
Ndi Imo
Are condemned to feeble governance
Devoid of real strategy and foresight
Just short term moves to blindside majority
A cushion for promoting corruption

Whether it is in Owerri
And Okigwe
The plot is no different
Except that current beneficiaries admit their opportunity
To share in the windfall
Legal or illegal is not the subject
In full knowledge that all Imolites are victims

Of a paralysed entity
With moribund lawmakers bordered only by the size of their per diem
A justice system too slow and fast only to the highest bidder
As for the executive
No different from inundated pot of tasteless soup
Consuming volumes of scarce firewood with disinterest

Ndi Imo are not blind
Individually and collectively
Knowing that Rescue Agenda will pass into oblivion
That hope nevertheless abounds
Corruption will not last forever
Or mark the state forever
Till that day when an untainted soul finally take the reins in Owerri

© 20/06/2012

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Melinda Gates African Ambition

Whenever a Gates is preceded by Bill, two obvious reactions naturally call to mind. One is the computer guru who transformed the use and access to hardware and software thus making him an individual with the world at his feet. In a sense a geopolitical figure! The second point is that he is one of the richest persons on earth. It is also on record that he has relinquished his role as CEO of Microsoft to pursue charitable/philanthropic causes full time. Another branch of his geopolitical investment! In this design his wife, Mrs. Melinda Gates (it doesn’t ring as much bell) shares the driver’s seat.

Target Africa
Their geopolitical philanthropic investment includes Africa as geography of concern under the guise of alleviating different problems ranging from health to family planning. Charming! Now a statement credited to Mrs. Melinda Gates on UK Guardian today stated along the lines that African women will later ‘ignore church teaching on birth control’. Read Guardian summary. This comment was made in an interview linked to a London summit attended among others by UK Prime Minister, Mr. David Cameron. My take derives from the fact that African women in Africa and in Diaspora are insulted by this statement or prediction.

A number of issues become pertinent when deeper observation is made on the setting scene and presence. Making such comment in London under the charge of UK Prime Minister who is from posh background like Mrs. Gates is instructive. Birds of the same feather flock together! One wonders the sense of proportion in taking such position where a man who has destroyed his country’s economy in the name of austerity, has hurt and is hurting women, children and vulnerable by unprecedented cuts in services and family planning resources while protecting and rewarding beleaguered financial and banking terrorists. Posh, privileged and powerful individuals committed to protecting their kind at all cost, the minority against the majority. It is safe to observe that such a statement in London is non-trivial, the centre of ongoing international banking scandal with LIBOR manipulation topping the chart. How insensitive!  UK women as wives and mothers are already in pain from financial scandals which Mrs. Gates may not have noticed.

Anything but Genuine Care
I wonder if Mrs. Gates had positive intention of African women at heart to make such statement or prediction about them outside of Africa. Too many times Africa turns into a distracted horse ridden by disinterested individuals running from the North with ‘unreconstructed benevolence’. One wonders the number of African women who were listening or read her proverbial prediction among others in London. What happened to Abuja, Addis Ababa, Dakar, Lusaka and other African cities?  It is very rich to assign expectation of a people, ascribe their initiative and then assume position of power devoid of merit. Of course money can buy anything.

It is disrespectful of Mrs. Gates to treat African women with contempt, with ignorance of their history and their acclaimed indefatigability. African women do not need messiahs, male and female, from the North or South or from Africa. African women are not held prisoner by their bodies; their bodies, sexuality and ontology are not controlled by none other than themselves. These proud women who are current holders of exquisite patrimony from ancient civilization do not submit to attempt to deride and usurp their dignity, integrity and honour.  Rich tapestry of African women greatness even in the field of birth control predates ‘the churches’. Birth control is not new in Africa, only the blind will adopt such blinder. African women lives and survival doesn’t depend on external factors or ill-conceived predictions for their ontologies.

No religious organization including indigenous, Christian and Islamic have control over African women, their bodies and their sexual rights. I hope the ‘churches’ are not prematurely celebrating such august recognition of their control of African women by Mrs. Gates. What a farce that African women individually and collectively lack initiative! It is sad that Mrs. Gates has jumped onto the maligned discourse that perceives Africans (women) as weak, incapable and incomplete. The perception is dishonest, fraudulent and abusive. 

Mrs. Gates has no right to position herself on the pedestal of feeling that African women in and beyond Africa depend on her wealth and connections. She must be reminded that Africa women are ageless, timeless, complete and non-reducible. They are giants of tradition, intellect, modernity, knowledge, flexibility and rich tapestry of inter-generational transmission. African women are not items, articles and objects upon which another puffs her mangled and inflated sense of leadership. No one hedges bets on African women. Mama Africa is not weak and feeble. Bad governance, extra urban residence and abusive client leaderships are not indicators of diminution of African women. Actually in the face of turmoil of many decades, African women remain immovable rocks/champions of survival.

If Mrs. Gates were humble and aware she’ll be in tune with her own country’s serious issues especially that birth control did not and has not put US on the glorious pantheon of women paradise. The current economic crisis unleashed by and in the US is hurting women and children the most. The fact that many US women have no access to health care is instructive and an opportunity to ground some charity at home.

Mrs. Gates should reconfigure her knowledge of Africa and African women as a matter of urgency. Having money is one things but acknowledging rich history of peoples over generations is another. It is dangerous to ascribe and impose commodification of sexuality and femininity on African women. While argument of altruistic design of her work in Africa is for another day, there is no doubt that observers are positioned to perceive another US geopolitical design on Africa’s most precious resource, her women, her mothers. In addition to military domination of mineral/natural resources via AFRICOM, every African should wise up to the twin hurricane unleashed by Washington DC and from Washington State.

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Suspension of NYSC in 'Boko Haram' Northern States

In the last few days and weeks voices have joined to protest against NYSC unwavering position on service in states infested by Boko Haram virus. Federal government officials continued to maintain that service in affected state is feasible in the face glaring evidence of lawlessness, supine security and absence of the state. With mounting casualties, deaths and destruction of properties; federal government's position became untenable even to her core supporters. Not too long ago NYSC service men and women were hacked to death in their various posts in the same northern states dominated by Boko Haram. Of course federal government position stems for the need to assure regional and international players that territorial integrity and national security are in safe pair of hands.

Dying Hurrah
According to Punch Online announcement by NYSC Director-General, Brig-Gen Nnamdi Okore-Affia approved the suspension of the Batch B programme in Yobe, Borno, Bauchi, Gombe, Plateau, Kano, Kaduna and Kano states. Read NYSC suspended in the North

This is a welcome development with many implications. It is a bold decision which must have been made under enormous pressure from all sides. For obvious reasons it may carry small weight in the scheme of things but the import is huge. Above all it is an indication that the state and Federal government are willing to show flexibility on sensitive issues without seeking to to be reminded with public show of force. Many issues of importance have been raised with public mobilisation only to be frozen out by Abuja. While young people have not been preferred agenda of the government this is the strongest indication yet of their relevance. 

Incompetence Galore
On other levels, local and national politics have confirmed certain positions. Federal government have always failed to deal with Boko Haram issue forcefully but this decision finally shows government concession of truth known by all. That Boko Haram is a force currently beyond effectiveness and containment priorities of the federal government. Similar conclusions can be attributed to both states and local governments of affected areas. All these geographies are tarnished in their ineffectiveness, corruption, incompetence and poor governance. Instructively the party political heavyweights of affected constituencies especially in PDP have effectively lost face in their ignorance, alleged collusion, obstruction of peace and disconnection with the electorate. How this will play out in future is anyone's guess if elections are devoid of rigging.

Significant impact of the decision is the apparent confirmation that NYSC is a mirror of national trend, setting a precedence for the suspension of service or activity in any part of the country when the need arises. In Nigeria where trends take time to dissolve, it is clear that future NYSC in affected states will remain suspended until Boko Haram is certified dead and eradicated. The affected states are also tarnished in the long run as no 'country for young people'. More poignantly it is reflecting geopolitical calculus of displacement from other states based on their insecurity which can be exploited to support secession. Territorial integrity are not always violated in internal conflicts however influence of the state becomes inevitably limited as observed in Mali, Colombia, Libya, Yemen, DRC and Sudan.

This is a deserved victory for young people in whose honour and sacrifice a noble decision came forth. One must also acknowledge the maturity of NYSC DG in swallowing brinkmanship to confirm a reality that is long denied. This is an opportunity for federal and state governments to reverse the trend on bad governance in favour of people-oriented administration based on rule of law, eradication of corruption and commitment to meeting citizens' needs.  

Friday, 29 June 2012

GEJ and change of Nigeria Security Bosses

In the last few days media was abuzz with news with suggested implications for the sacking and replacement of national security chiefs. The proximate purpose of the sack is linked to continued menace of terrorism perpetrated by Boko Haram. The purpose of this piece is to review the issue and attempt to bring out some latent points of relevance.

Men at work
It is instructive that the sack came immediately after the President's return from Rio, Brazil. One may suggest that required papers were sorted out in Brazil but fact points to a homework done prior to stepping onto the presidential jet in Abuja enroute Rio. Moving away from local champions in comfort zone and sharing space with serious players in global leadership elicited few exchanges and discussions which may have triggered incentive for GEJ to abandon an inertia on a single issue.

Beyond grabbing headlines there are other forces at work. One must not confuse the sacking with sympathy with victims, hurting and mourning families across the land. Actually the people count less for the president and PDP which I freely dub 'party devoid of the people'. On the other hand, the PDP is falling on new lows further made visible with the recent blatant obstruction to legislators attempt to tackle corruption in the oil marketing industry.

There is no incentive to pursue internal geopolitical settling of accounts in PDP because the new appointment cost myopic South-South elites. Rather what was on display is a battle of PDP elites who are running after crumbs of money rather than deeper interest in protecting lives and property across the land.

Above all as sordid as Boko Haram terrorism is, it is just one manifestation from the large pool of national malfeasance managed, supported and endorsed by the president. There is no attempt to curb or tackle corruption at any level. There is no evidence that GEJ is committed to investing national clean-up because he'll have to make a metamorphosis. Economic, social and emotional conditions in the country are grinding negatively each day.

The appointment from the north with required qualifications is no guarantee for containing and eliminating Boko Haram. The appointee will serve his term unsuccessfully and at the right time be removed in new revolution of chairs. Of course political connotation will be alluded to, still there will be no supporting evidence. The appointment is one move to create distraction on qualified incompetence of GEJ.

Unsurprisingly, the glue holding the PDP elite together which emboldens them to insensitivity is the glaring fact that for them Nigeria is a meal ticket. GEJ and his lot are no different from Zik, Awo and A. Bello in their contempt for real strategic and encompassing view of Nigeria. They make more money from the state than solving any problem.

There is nothing in Nigeria for GEJ and his co-ruling elite to worry about in the fact they feel that the population can be bought, silenced, ignored and abandoned. Sacking and new appointments are another waves of stunt, theatre and charade.

In the final analyis there is nothing to positively hope for under the current government. GEJ is too tainted to bring about positive change and as for decline of Boko Haram, only a deal made by the northern elite at their convenience will make a difference. Sadly this means more lives will be lost. However by so doing, another nail on the coffin of Nigeria is nailed waiting for the right time for her eventual dissolution.

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Nigerian Christian Churches and Question of Relevant Leadership

The ongoing targeting and slaughtering of citizens especially Christians by Boko Haram in the northern part of the country is now a certainty that will continue in the face confirmed weakness and inability of the state to react positively at all levels. Failure of the state to protect citizens especially Christians in the north is an undisputed fact. However an important dimension of the situation is the Churches leadership in action and reaction.

Poverty of Geography
An insight to religious geography of the country is an important step towards understanding the forces at play. The major religions i.e. Islam and Christianity are imports and non-indigenous. They are universalist in theologies and doctrines hence have no room for dissent and to share space unless constrained by reality. Even their attempts at indigeneity is symbolic and shallow at best. Above all there is a confirmed perception that the country as a religious space is unstable and balkanized into enclaves as a primer to doing politics.

Penetration of each faith beyond her naturally perceived geographies is clear. Islam is preponderant in the north nevertheless substantial Christian penetration is sustained by indigenous and non-indigenous populations. These populations are growing over time. In contrast Christian preponderance in the south is feebly challenged in the east than in the west where proportional populations of Muslims are found. In terms of relationships, northern Islamic-Christianity understanding is chequered and unstable. The northern Muslims are increasingly emboldened to attack Christians at their convenience since independence. Any such action by Christians in the south against Muslims is always reactionary.

The question now is, how is Christian leadership dealing the issue of sustained insecurity perpetuated by Islamic (Boko Haram) north and condoned by governments? Unfortunately Christian leadership over time came later to the party. There are many reasons for this situation. The principal among them is the reception and sustenance of unchallenged faith (strategic) purpose as primacy of the world beyond. The fact that only the living makes a Christian did not sink in. Christian groups including leaders and members have collectively failed to extract themselves from existential struggle of finding legitimacy in themselves as citizens and their unique environment. They have failed colossally to accept the strength of their citizenships and the primacy of their ontology as the basis for living their faith rather than vice versa. There is credibility deficit in Christian leadership from both operational and strategic dimensions.

For this reason they cannot accept that survival is the first law of self-determination. For this reason they failed to analyse available data for patterns and relationships towards informed decision and strategic advisory of members in the face of Sunday-Sunday bombing by Boko Haram. They failed to advise their members of alternative arrangement for Sunday services/Mass in the face of overwhelming evidence. This is evidence of rigid and unreconstructed interpretation of imposed theologies, practices and doctrines. Christian groups have failed miserably to fine-tune participation in the political space and political process respectively. The idea of seeking legitimacy and validation in the north conspires to seriously diminish their hands in the polity.

Christian groups are confused between their citizenships and functions of faith as multi-dimensional human beings. The leaders especially the Anglicans and Catholics have perpetuated this existential crisis since the inception of Nigeria. Having faith doesn’t diminish citizenship rather faith must derive from citizenship. This dithering and confused leadership has contributed to unclear policies, rearguard engagement with the state and abdication of responsibilities toward protection of citizens-members. By so doing in full knowledge that Nigeria is a dysfunctional state, they have contributed in sustaining dysfunctionality of the state. The choice of impotence justified in clinging to imposed hegemony of ‘separation of faith and state’ must be jettisoned as it has no relevance to our unique African/Nigerian experiences. Maintaining ‘separation’ position is indicative of intellectual, cultural and ontological retrogression.

Christian leadership and membership must be pro-active at all times in their accepting that active citizenship is primacy. They must realize that faith doesn’t suggest inferiority and that legitimacy of faith can only be sustained through indigeneity rather than from outside. They must also act on their duty of care to members and the general community by providing advisory information within their theologies and the constitution of the Federal Republic

Friday, 22 June 2012

GEJ, Traveling and Governance

There have been rounds in the media recently of President Goodluck Jonathan’s apparent abscondment to Brazil while the country is mired in conflict and malfeasance. Some have even gone as far as suggesting that he abandoned his duty post to play samba in Rio de Janerio. While this piece is in no way attempting solidarity with the president, it is important to flesh out vivid misconceptions on the subject or discuss.

Behind Time
First of the all the country did not suddenly become inundated with malfeasance, corruption, abuse of office and poverty of governance. It was there before he arrived in Abuja; he played his part in supporting corruption and malfeasance as deputy governor, governor and vice president. There is no evidence that in over a year in office, he is determined to even address the issues talk less of tackling them. He absconded from his moral and constituitional duties to serve the people diligently with due process, ethically and responsibly. He abandoned his responsibility to oversee rich tapestry of positive governance that diminishes PDP-directed corruption. He epitomizes poverty of governance in managing power devoid of the people.

The idea that he wriggled his way to dance samba in Rio is very rich in irony. Despite the fact that there is nothing against him traveling to South America, his foray in foreign lands and foreign policy is rather disappointing. When you peruse the caliber of leaders who attended Rio, it was obvious from the beginning that it will be a no-show. The cast list of absentees include Barack Obama of USA, Vladimir Putin of Russia, David Cameron of UK, Hu Jintao of China, Angela Merkel of Germany and Stephen Harper of Canada. The message was disingenuously clear; economy yes, environment no! Unfortunately the disconnect between economy and environment is not clear and simple. Sadly GEJ has never played comfortable in such meets except on West African playground. Nevertheless Nigeria needs the head present at such international no-show, feeble or not.

GEJ must travel without fear or favour. He may not travel only when there is fear of edifice of corruption and malfeasance collapsing. The Vice President will not take over power except in cahoots with US State Department. The same applies with the military. Get your orders from Washington DC and you take Abuja. Actually his presence and absence only matter because it costs the country dearly. Nigeria has lived with a president’s absence or vacuum so GEJ can only be creative and innovative at best.

Above all, Nigeria is not a one-man state. Even satraps of the Gulf ruled by absolute monarchs and totalitarian tyrants run smoothly in temporary absence of their leaders on foreign trips. The Vice-President is capable of making, manage and deliver policy including national security and territorial integrity. The cabinet members should deliver their individual and ministerial obligations without direct physical oversight of the president.

The governors have no inhibition in a federal state to govern their states. Despite their inglorious incompetence, they are legally and morally bound to protect lives and property across their jurisdiction. One must acknowledge that most governors especially in the conflict northern states have become the most stupid entities and examples of wrong-headed leadership.

Finally, the radical truth is that Nigeria is a failed state. It is a genocide state constructed without consent of the people, without the benefit of the people and not for the existence of the people. It is an artificial construct for the benefit of few and pain and death of many. The current leadership at all levels is simple manifestation of cancer of poor leadership. Their presence is counter-productive while their absence from office may offer incentive for constructive people-oriented solutions including dissolution of Nigeria.  

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Absurdity of Rochanomics

The arrival of Mr. Rochas Okorocha to the State House of Imo State on the back of his 2011 election victory has brought new air into the life of the state. Whether the air is refreshing or pungent will be determined by time. Opinions differ and will continue to diverge on the merits of his leadership and its evidence one year on. Nevertheless there is no doubt of the hunger of citizens and residents in their anticipation for civility, true governance, due process, strategic initiatives, investment in public service, security, economic development and economic growth with knock-on effect on employment.

The political landscape is not necessarily smooth and problems of the state are not trivial hence any anticipation of easy solutions is childish. One cannot accuse Ndi Imo of being a difficult bunch to rule as they have gallantly withstood repeated assaults unleashed on them by various governors except Rear Admiral Ndubuisi Kanu and Chief Sam Mbakwe. One would have expected that Mr. Okorocha drank from the wells of history in his decisions, judgments and strategies. While he expressed his desire to be on the fast lane of governance, so am I in a hurry to conclude his legacy from his 1 year in office by drawing from a single example.

Economy Stupid
It was reported on Imo State Blog few days ago that Mr. Okorocha in his capacity as Executive Governor authorized importation of 15 containers consisting of school uniforms, books, sandals, learning materials and desks etc. Cost is not disclosed. Critical assessment of this authorization brings a number of issues to the fore especially clarity in understanding the space of governance, appreciation of potential of the electorate/population and understanding of basic economics.

None of the materials mentioned on the import list deserves to be imported. There is no evidence that the local skill, resources, expertise, processes and structures were lacking to address the need if the governor deemed them relevant. Organised private sector including but not limited to various Chambers of Commerce, Manufacturers Association, firms, businesses and etc have the capacity, knowledge and disposition to deliver those products. The first observation is that the governor is isolated and doesn’t communicate effectively with relevant areas. Secondly it is obvious that the governor is not supplied information or ignores local information in making informed decisions.

If the governor is committed to economic development and economic growth of the state, such commitment would have manifested in direction huge proportion of allocated resources to local economy. Is Imo State devoid of experts in designing and production of school uniforms? There are many fashion designers across the land whose firms and employment would have benefited from such investment. The chain reaction would have led to expansion of the industry and associate industries. Rather what obtained was celebration of myopicism.

The same applies to desks and shoes. There is abundance of resources, skill and capacity in the state to develop, produce and expand investment to local needs and unique tastes. Scarce resources are wasted abroad to prop up foreign market, another economy and to our collective loss. It is difficult to convince an open minded citizen that such decision and initiative is for the greater good of the state or indicates excellence in governance. It point to gross poverty of leadership, gross poverty of knowledge of legacy information and vivid abuse distrust of the electorate, population and local industries.

There may be the odd argument that local products and local capacity are sub-standard. The currency of abuse in both the economic and political spaces cannot be isolated nevertheless it was an opportunity for the state to strategically encourage and target resources towards gradual rebuilding of the economy. Sadly the opportunity was mangled and murdered. It would have mattered less if contracts for those products and needs were given to any firm/firms in part of the state.

By ignoring the talents, professionals and productive potential of the state; he has signaled clear deviation from expected economic leadership. He has manifested his underlying commitment to unreconstructed panache for spending without accountability. On this score he has denied many firms and businesses the opportunity to advance their capacity; he has denied young people and potential entrepreneurs the scope to start useful jobs in their own state. He has failed to jump at the opportunity to deny crime an oxygen source.

Sadly he talks the talk and refuse to walk the walk. There is no desire to waste a second expecting a change in the course of retrogressive leadership. While hope for greater things abound, one is rather motivated to wait for the next election. Imo State has potential to grow, develop and excel. Rochanomics is an absurdity whose hazy contours and opaque agenda cannot rescue Imo State.

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Nigeria Subsidy Fight

As Christmas suffocated along
Even consuming the faithful
Where they thought most secure
The cabal have already concluded

At the dawn of the New Year
With pockets taunt and empty
Spending trailed down to mere return fares
The cog was let loose on the national wheel

Professional sufferers beheld another suffering
Fuel subsidy removal
Like thunderbolt
Smashing the New Year into still birth

Spontaneous reaction infected the 99%
Letting loose repressed anger against corruption
Imposed by the 1%
In an unmasked triumph of injustice

The divided land divided again
Not because of what it promises
Or what is expected of her
Rather into clusters of further uncertainty

The DC consensus on cabal unleashed
Structural adjustment platitudes already paid for in blood
By Chileans under Pinochet
Shock and awe that decimated Argentina

Confused and scattered common citizens became
With subsidy and corruption
Overhanging like a sword of Damocles
Obviously it is too early for comfort

The brim-hatted zoologist at the helm
Favoured and experienced steward of horror
Stood at the pinnacle of state declaiming peoples pain
While piling the drivers as compromise

Common citizens stood high and dry
As their pretending leaders betrayed positions and percolate up to the cabal
Co-scripting legal justification of their pain and injustice
Knowing that this is not the State to arise for together as compatriots
© 16/02/2012

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Balancing Equations against Nigeria Disintegration

The case for Nigeria’s territorial integrity is always made as some bet hedged against an inevitable. This implies an existence dynamically challenging to positions, designs and interests of diverse citizens in the construct constituting the territory, waters, airspace and continental shelf called Nigeria. However what is unclear is the weight of significance attached to defending the current status towards avoiding disintegration. Or is it taken for granted that Nigeria must be one in its current form?

The entity cobbled together in 1914 is an interesting piece undertaken without inquiry and consent of its eventual constituents. No doubt many of the constituents were taken unawares and those who understood it at the time resigned to radical change of reality after struggle. It is important that the different nationalities and communities that make up Nigeria are assumed to desire this forced union as long as it last.

Unfortunately history has shown that union (force or chosen) only survive in a consensus. For those who estimate or adopt that Nigeria will remain forever territorially unreconstructed seem to be ignorant students of history. They seem to ignore historical evidence of territorial change even in the glaring case that led to Nigeria’s origin. It is even against human nature to defy natural expression of discontinuation or reconfiguration in relationships. Friends, marriages and alliances serve various purposes for short and long term depending on internal and external conditions surrounding the relationships. Political relationship and territorial unions are not different.  

On another level there is the innate self flagellation at any suggestion that 19th century Berlin conference delineation is not sacrosanct. Are Nigerians or Africans condemned to abide by boundaries redrawn from outside? Whose interest is served by Berlin conference designs?

Those who take it for granted that Nigeria will remain as one should not forget that in part Nigeria has been territorially reconfigured in the not too distant past. 1961 plebiscite that saw exchange of communities between Nigeria and Cameroon is an example.  2008 ceding of territory of Bakassi again to Cameroon is another. Of course these exchanges were made under civilian governments, but the case for unity and integration has not been made forcefully through credible governance by various governments. It is taken for granted that unity is an existential certainty. Natural resources, military capacity and access/lack of access to the sea cannot stop such possible disintegration. Absence of conflict and friendly neighbours did not save Czechoslovakia.

Nigerians must accept that unity is not sacrosanct or no-go area in a popular local parlance. This is all the more plausible with an inter-generational bankruptcy of governance at all levels of government in the country. The waste and abuse unleashed since 1960 cannot be contained by denying citizens their aspiration for self determination even its speculation. Communities cannot be run down and be forced to watch their collective destiny decimated by external preponderance and mangled view of statehood.

Countries or states unite and disintegrate over time in relationship to internal and external geopolitical realities. Nigeria is no different. If the case for unity must be resounding then, real productive governance must be instituted and backed by law. There are numerous examples of change in the territorial status of countries. Even the United States used a combination of war, outright purchase and genocide to expand her territory. In 1903 Panama was relieved off Colombia for Panama Canal to be built to serve US interest. South Sudan disengaged forcefully from Sudan for similar reason to Nigeria’s ineptitude in governance. United Republic of Tanzania is an emergency cobbling of Tanganyika and Zanzibar to forestall perceived ambition of one man (Abdulrahman Mohamed Babu) in 1964.

There is no divine right to clinging to territories all the more territories designed for external manipulation. Even civilization states like China and United Kingdom have not been immune to loss of territories. Reconfiguration or disintegration of Nigeria is not an issue for imposition or denial rather an inevitable outcome over time and rather hastened by strategic errors of long term instability. If the current political continues, then when disintegration occurs there is high possibility that an inevitable resignation may have greater attraction than any attempt of fighting to save it.

Nigeria like any artificial construct has manufacture date and her expiration date must not be beyond consideration albeit realization. If the current malfeasance and corruption continues unabated, only convergence of time and forces will usher in her inevitable disintegration.