Thursday, 26 July 2012

Okonjo-Iweala, Washington DC Consensus and 9ja Economy

Finance minister, Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala has occupied threshold of Nigeria economic policy and management in 3 successive administrations. While her personal qualifications and pedigree are beyond dispute, her experiences and institutional exposures prior to securing the role cannot be dismissed. These institutions and their questionable objectives on Nigerian economy will be addressed later.

In Big Pond
The background to the discourse is the recent past admission by the minister of an NNPC account with JP Morgan bank. Read NNPC JP Morgan Account. The following comments were attributed to her, Yes, the NNPC has a foreign account with JP Morgan, and they are the ones running it. I don’t operate the account. However, the CBN is aware of the account because all the accounts of government itself are with the CBN. The CBN is the government banker.
“In fairness to the NNPC, if you have been asked to undertake financial transaction on behalf of government, when you are doing a financial transaction, you need an account, that is what I tried to explain to the National Assembly, because they can’t do commercial transaction without it. The issue is not that they have an account with JP Morgan, the issue is when resources get into the account, do they remit it to the government because that is what they need to do.”

Shock & Awe 2.0
Deeper insight would have shed lights into the murky and malfeasant world of Nigerian economy management where personal interests of the powerful, the privileged and government appointees including Dr Okonjo-Iweala triumph. While the minister drooled with platitudes on confirmation of account existence; critical questions of who opened/ran the account, reason for opening/running the account and total figures that passed through the account remained as mysterious as the erstwhile account existence. 

It is apparent that in this instance the minister failed the test of transparency instead deviated into illogical epistemology of roles and duties of institutions as if they are neutral and trivial entities. It is despicable for her to claim ignorance of the account’s existence, it is unpatriotic to deny knowledge as Minister of Finance of the Federal Republic and preposterous to deny linkage to government machine. It will be honourable for her to resign her commission. She will not resign while her truth remains economical.

The wider picture of the economy and its miserable performance into the future remains the wholesale focus of Nigerian strategic interest toward Washington DC consensus based World Bank where Dr Okonjo-Iweala was headhunted from. JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs are some of the arrowheads that execute Washington DC consensus sub-plots. Sadly Nigeria’s strategic interests are not served by Dr Okonjo-Iweala because her institutional experiences are built on ‘shock and awe’ which strategically diminishes the state to benefit World Bank and International monetary Fund (IMF). 

Chile and Argentina are prime examples of countries that paid extraordinary prices in blood as guinea pigs of ‘Consensus’ economic experiments. Current example is Greece on the highway to death as World Bank is part of the ‘Troika’ with EU and IMF harvest her remaining hemoglobin while she remains comatose on life support.

Unfortunately Nigeria is locked fully into this paradigm with anticipation of positive outcome which will never come. Dr Okonjo-Iweala is one of those who use their position to dismantle their national patrimony in favour of foreign interests including JP Morgan. The recent past removal of fuel subsidy is a prime example of ‘shock and awe’. The people do not matter and are not primary variables of economic strategy. It is instructive that the move was made immediately after a visit to Abuja by IMF head, Ms Christine Lagarde following among other charades Dr Okonjo Iweala’s soundbits on infant mortality. 

The battle of emerging geopolitics where China is in ascendancy will become more vicious in Nigeria as US AFRICOM project moves into high gear with recolonisation via militarization of Africa’s strategic resources in the bid to stem Beijing. Dr Okonjo-Iweala will no doubt sympathize with US and the ‘Consensus’ by collaborating to reposition Abuja to remain a ‘bastion of stability’ while millions of Nigerians continue to suffer from economic mismanagement and implementation of retrogressive/discredited economic strategies. For those who cannot distinguish between individual qualification and unpatriotic harbinger of experiential heritage against Nigerian state, wake up and decide whether Nigeria deserves rape and subordination as instruments of (economic) statecraft.

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Mission Creep in Imo State

A new conclusion by Imo State Blog i.e. the mouthpiece of the administration has reached new heights in presenting the state governor, Mr. Rochas Okorocha, as the best governor in Nigeria. Read Best guvnor. Of course the presentation bear the hallmarks of hollowness and shenanigan. It is an exercise shrouded in opaqueness, deformed methodology, intellectually dishonesty and disservice to the people of Imo State. The most reprehensible aspect of the exercise is the glee with which Imo State Blog rushed to publish without verification with the usual disclaimer.

A credible poll must highlight clear and accessible methodology. There is no evidence of the measurable parameters used to compared the governor and his peers across the country. Some of his peers have been in office for more than 2 years while Imo State governor is just 1 year in office. Without satisfaction to dismantle his 'achievements', he is rubbished by such unwarranted move to elevate him only to backfire on serious analysis.

The Real Deal
There is no clear structure of programme with targets, dependencies, quality and resource thresholds. Policies are made on air and implemented at whim without due process, supporting legislation and recourse to rule of law. While expectation for excellent performance is anticipated, the governor has failed miserably to define a clear path of strategic initiative, prudent economic management, functioning administrative machine and focus towards tackling some of the fundamentals in the state. The main issue for the state focus primarily on security, high economic growth and employment.

On primary issues mentioned above there are no clear policies beyond sound bits which vividly display poverty of knowledge about governance. Lack of clarity defines his approach to due process and rule of law rather those who mount credible challenge are dismissed as anti-governor. Imo State should be a state where her comparative advantages in education and manpower should incentivise road map of strategic economic development. Unfortunately, the hollow gap from De Sam Mbakwe's achievement continues to enlarge.

Sadly, we have allowed ourselves to be condemned by blindness to transparent governance. Many people have not experienced excellent leadership outcomes so praise singing for corruption and personality politics dominate the 'discourse'. Leadership is a matter of huge responsibility and those who deliver can be perceived well in advance. Prior to becoming governor, Rochas achievements carry less transparency even though philanthropy has become the ideal dumping ground against inquiry in this direction.

I have come to the conclusion that Rochas doesn't have interest of the people at heart no matter how much he dominates air waves with sound bits. There is no evidence of organisation, structure, adherence to rule of law and understanding of due process in his character. This so-called survey that put him at the top of the pack  is clear evidence of decline regardless of his views about it. His is a government of settlement and no more. Imo State is deem an extension of personal enterprise as Imo State Blog doesn't bat eyelids to register as praise singing incorporated in this case.

Having empirically analysed Imo State Blog twitter account with text mining tools, one is left in no doubt that the blog is a vehicle for advancing a one-man government, where the governor is the dominant parameter and sole variable for modeling expectations of the people (of course not forecasting their future). This is crystallised in the word cloud image of Imo State Blog twitter account as the largest texts focus on the governor while other matters simply vanish into oblivion.

Friday, 20 July 2012

Abuse infested Imo State

One of the first scions in state creation
Of 1976
Emerged from East Central state of old
With much pomp and expectations
Following the genocidal decimation
Of Ndigbo few years previous

Over her life and times
From inception to the present
Few leaders have risen to the occasion
To inspire and deliver with integrity
Exemplified rarely in
Ndubuisi Kanu
And De Sam Mbakwe PhD

The wind of uncertainty is blowing again
Since 2011
With the state bedevilled by Rescue Agenda
Masked as quintessential blueprint
For a leader claiming to be coasted by gale force wind
Even on the doldrums where storms are rare

For a people so beaten and expectation so mangled
Sweet words and media sound bits shot on all cylinders
As Rescue Agenda meanders against structures
Processes and workflows
Promising all to be delivered within the same time frame
Seems like telling fibs to all at the same time

Fissures of despair rise like flames of fire
Naked for all to see like stubborn youthful pregnancy
An embarrassment for a loyal and proud people
That insecurity metamorphosed into industry
Unemployment massaged with diligence
While transparency is decapitated

As hope declines
The common denominator holds sway
Abuse of public resources and state asset take precedence
In no contrast to other states in the depressing Nigeria

Sadly for all the blessings and endowments
Ndi Imo
Are condemned to feeble governance
Devoid of real strategy and foresight
Just short term moves to blindside majority
A cushion for promoting corruption

Whether it is in Owerri
And Okigwe
The plot is no different
Except that current beneficiaries admit their opportunity
To share in the windfall
Legal or illegal is not the subject
In full knowledge that all Imolites are victims

Of a paralysed entity
With moribund lawmakers bordered only by the size of their per diem
A justice system too slow and fast only to the highest bidder
As for the executive
No different from inundated pot of tasteless soup
Consuming volumes of scarce firewood with disinterest

Ndi Imo are not blind
Individually and collectively
Knowing that Rescue Agenda will pass into oblivion
That hope nevertheless abounds
Corruption will not last forever
Or mark the state forever
Till that day when an untainted soul finally take the reins in Owerri

© 20/06/2012

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Melinda Gates African Ambition

Whenever a Gates is preceded by Bill, two obvious reactions naturally call to mind. One is the computer guru who transformed the use and access to hardware and software thus making him an individual with the world at his feet. In a sense a geopolitical figure! The second point is that he is one of the richest persons on earth. It is also on record that he has relinquished his role as CEO of Microsoft to pursue charitable/philanthropic causes full time. Another branch of his geopolitical investment! In this design his wife, Mrs. Melinda Gates (it doesn’t ring as much bell) shares the driver’s seat.

Target Africa
Their geopolitical philanthropic investment includes Africa as geography of concern under the guise of alleviating different problems ranging from health to family planning. Charming! Now a statement credited to Mrs. Melinda Gates on UK Guardian today stated along the lines that African women will later ‘ignore church teaching on birth control’. Read Guardian summary. This comment was made in an interview linked to a London summit attended among others by UK Prime Minister, Mr. David Cameron. My take derives from the fact that African women in Africa and in Diaspora are insulted by this statement or prediction.

A number of issues become pertinent when deeper observation is made on the setting scene and presence. Making such comment in London under the charge of UK Prime Minister who is from posh background like Mrs. Gates is instructive. Birds of the same feather flock together! One wonders the sense of proportion in taking such position where a man who has destroyed his country’s economy in the name of austerity, has hurt and is hurting women, children and vulnerable by unprecedented cuts in services and family planning resources while protecting and rewarding beleaguered financial and banking terrorists. Posh, privileged and powerful individuals committed to protecting their kind at all cost, the minority against the majority. It is safe to observe that such a statement in London is non-trivial, the centre of ongoing international banking scandal with LIBOR manipulation topping the chart. How insensitive!  UK women as wives and mothers are already in pain from financial scandals which Mrs. Gates may not have noticed.

Anything but Genuine Care
I wonder if Mrs. Gates had positive intention of African women at heart to make such statement or prediction about them outside of Africa. Too many times Africa turns into a distracted horse ridden by disinterested individuals running from the North with ‘unreconstructed benevolence’. One wonders the number of African women who were listening or read her proverbial prediction among others in London. What happened to Abuja, Addis Ababa, Dakar, Lusaka and other African cities?  It is very rich to assign expectation of a people, ascribe their initiative and then assume position of power devoid of merit. Of course money can buy anything.

It is disrespectful of Mrs. Gates to treat African women with contempt, with ignorance of their history and their acclaimed indefatigability. African women do not need messiahs, male and female, from the North or South or from Africa. African women are not held prisoner by their bodies; their bodies, sexuality and ontology are not controlled by none other than themselves. These proud women who are current holders of exquisite patrimony from ancient civilization do not submit to attempt to deride and usurp their dignity, integrity and honour.  Rich tapestry of African women greatness even in the field of birth control predates ‘the churches’. Birth control is not new in Africa, only the blind will adopt such blinder. African women lives and survival doesn’t depend on external factors or ill-conceived predictions for their ontologies.

No religious organization including indigenous, Christian and Islamic have control over African women, their bodies and their sexual rights. I hope the ‘churches’ are not prematurely celebrating such august recognition of their control of African women by Mrs. Gates. What a farce that African women individually and collectively lack initiative! It is sad that Mrs. Gates has jumped onto the maligned discourse that perceives Africans (women) as weak, incapable and incomplete. The perception is dishonest, fraudulent and abusive. 

Mrs. Gates has no right to position herself on the pedestal of feeling that African women in and beyond Africa depend on her wealth and connections. She must be reminded that Africa women are ageless, timeless, complete and non-reducible. They are giants of tradition, intellect, modernity, knowledge, flexibility and rich tapestry of inter-generational transmission. African women are not items, articles and objects upon which another puffs her mangled and inflated sense of leadership. No one hedges bets on African women. Mama Africa is not weak and feeble. Bad governance, extra urban residence and abusive client leaderships are not indicators of diminution of African women. Actually in the face of turmoil of many decades, African women remain immovable rocks/champions of survival.

If Mrs. Gates were humble and aware she’ll be in tune with her own country’s serious issues especially that birth control did not and has not put US on the glorious pantheon of women paradise. The current economic crisis unleashed by and in the US is hurting women and children the most. The fact that many US women have no access to health care is instructive and an opportunity to ground some charity at home.

Mrs. Gates should reconfigure her knowledge of Africa and African women as a matter of urgency. Having money is one things but acknowledging rich history of peoples over generations is another. It is dangerous to ascribe and impose commodification of sexuality and femininity on African women. While argument of altruistic design of her work in Africa is for another day, there is no doubt that observers are positioned to perceive another US geopolitical design on Africa’s most precious resource, her women, her mothers. In addition to military domination of mineral/natural resources via AFRICOM, every African should wise up to the twin hurricane unleashed by Washington DC and from Washington State.

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Suspension of NYSC in 'Boko Haram' Northern States

In the last few days and weeks voices have joined to protest against NYSC unwavering position on service in states infested by Boko Haram virus. Federal government officials continued to maintain that service in affected state is feasible in the face glaring evidence of lawlessness, supine security and absence of the state. With mounting casualties, deaths and destruction of properties; federal government's position became untenable even to her core supporters. Not too long ago NYSC service men and women were hacked to death in their various posts in the same northern states dominated by Boko Haram. Of course federal government position stems for the need to assure regional and international players that territorial integrity and national security are in safe pair of hands.

Dying Hurrah
According to Punch Online announcement by NYSC Director-General, Brig-Gen Nnamdi Okore-Affia approved the suspension of the Batch B programme in Yobe, Borno, Bauchi, Gombe, Plateau, Kano, Kaduna and Kano states. Read NYSC suspended in the North

This is a welcome development with many implications. It is a bold decision which must have been made under enormous pressure from all sides. For obvious reasons it may carry small weight in the scheme of things but the import is huge. Above all it is an indication that the state and Federal government are willing to show flexibility on sensitive issues without seeking to to be reminded with public show of force. Many issues of importance have been raised with public mobilisation only to be frozen out by Abuja. While young people have not been preferred agenda of the government this is the strongest indication yet of their relevance. 

Incompetence Galore
On other levels, local and national politics have confirmed certain positions. Federal government have always failed to deal with Boko Haram issue forcefully but this decision finally shows government concession of truth known by all. That Boko Haram is a force currently beyond effectiveness and containment priorities of the federal government. Similar conclusions can be attributed to both states and local governments of affected areas. All these geographies are tarnished in their ineffectiveness, corruption, incompetence and poor governance. Instructively the party political heavyweights of affected constituencies especially in PDP have effectively lost face in their ignorance, alleged collusion, obstruction of peace and disconnection with the electorate. How this will play out in future is anyone's guess if elections are devoid of rigging.

Significant impact of the decision is the apparent confirmation that NYSC is a mirror of national trend, setting a precedence for the suspension of service or activity in any part of the country when the need arises. In Nigeria where trends take time to dissolve, it is clear that future NYSC in affected states will remain suspended until Boko Haram is certified dead and eradicated. The affected states are also tarnished in the long run as no 'country for young people'. More poignantly it is reflecting geopolitical calculus of displacement from other states based on their insecurity which can be exploited to support secession. Territorial integrity are not always violated in internal conflicts however influence of the state becomes inevitably limited as observed in Mali, Colombia, Libya, Yemen, DRC and Sudan.

This is a deserved victory for young people in whose honour and sacrifice a noble decision came forth. One must also acknowledge the maturity of NYSC DG in swallowing brinkmanship to confirm a reality that is long denied. This is an opportunity for federal and state governments to reverse the trend on bad governance in favour of people-oriented administration based on rule of law, eradication of corruption and commitment to meeting citizens' needs.