This continent and her peoples
from Baja California to Tierra del Fuego have not rested on their laurels in
their bids to stand up to defend and sustain their independence. In unique
expressions of dedication to strategic and continuous revolution, it is an
understatement to refer to these noble men and women across generations as
The last century saw an
intensification as the receiver of global hegemony designated that geography
her backyard and padlocked it with impunity. Despite the ringing encomiums of
freedom and democracy in the Norte, it is viciously emasculated and annihilated
in the Sud just to maintain preferred choice and options against popular will.
Even modest attempts to compromise majority expectation were savagely crushed
in Guatemala , Chile and Grenada ,
and many other countries.
Still these heroic giants of
peoples doggedly refused to submit to time-inflated potency of contingent power
without popular support. In a gradual shift and opening the churning struggle
and irrepressible power in the belly of indefatigable faithful took off in the
last few decades finally turning the tide of fortune for the majority. On the
shoulder of giants long gone and still alive, revolutionary zeal concentrated
and embodied on foresighted minds to carry the touch.
The spectre of revolution once
again exploded timely in Venezuela
as majority of men, women, youth and children took a final stand that banished
fear to its labyrinth leading to the emergence of Commandante Hugo Rafael
Chavez Frias. Armed with history and popular mandate but on an initially slow
start, impatience from below confirmed that currency of power cannot be shifted
successfully with complacency at home and chicken heart abroad. Else like Simon
Bolivar said, his will be another revolution ploughing the sea; in whose memory
he drilled in popular participation on the exemplar of Dr Salvador Allende in Chile and armed to the teeth like Commandante
Fidel Castro in Cuba .
Total recovery of the state, unfetter redistribution of national wealth,
withdrawal of subservience to the Empire, harassing and hounding poverty from
national heritage among others collectively elevated Venezuela identity and
brand. No more a territory once a year remembered for the apogee of
post-puberty feminine elegance and pageantry for the privileged! No, Venezuela
inhabits honourable men, women, youth and children, old and young, rich and
After a decade his active
participation turned to resilient inspiration achieving in the process what
centuries denied honourable men and women of Venezuela
with positive chain reactions across the Americas . Where high tenor of vicious
condemnation from the North and Empire becomes the unequivocal barometer of his
success! As the Empire pivots in tortoise-speed decline and bogged down in
cancerous conflicts with her blind remoras in terminal inability to re-create
greatness in a world whose geographical limits is confirmed, once again the
pantheon of South American revolutionaries have updated with another permanent
feature on its pedestal. That evergreen feature is Commandante Hugo Rafael
Chavez Frias.