Wednesday, 3 February 2021

Portuguese Euthanasia Bill & the 3rd Secret of Fatima


In a COVID-19 dominated space & time, it was reported last week that the Portuguese parliament passed a euthanasia bill with a significant majority. Given that this is one tool from the culture of death encouraged increasingly in the despiritualising European Union, such repeat in Portugal calls for global concern. This concern is drawn from the fact that Portugal is privileged to receive messages from heaven when Our Blessed Mother Mary, the Mother of God, was sent by God to 3 children in Fatima to warn the world in 1917. We are going to explore this backdrop against the current geopolitical events and highlight their potential implications.

The Bill

Portugal is a member of the European Union, a post-national and post-Christian geopolitical entity. One of the main features of EU is its anti-Christian and anti-life positions. It is against first principles drawn from profound divine order. Simply put EU is against God and the culture of life. It is a bastion of offensives against marriage (between a man and a woman), gender (male and female only), the unborn, family and life itself hence it is a purveyor of death. While many of these values are subtly attacked, industrial killing of the unborn in the womb (abortion) and killing of the weak through medication (euthanasia) is gradually entrenched. For the EU dignity of the human person is non-existent.

Portuguese lawmakers moved under the cover of COVID-19 to progress this bill so that doctors and nurses in her health system can legally kill patients under various pretexts established in law. The main pretexts will be that the patients sees themselves as a burden to others, not necessarily that the illness is foreclosed. Another will be pain, and then incurability of illness. The person is seen as an individual devoid of identity, attributes and relationships. The so-called inserted checks will not be applied to safeguard patient’s dignity. Just fodders for the state through the health system! The sacrificial and cohesive dimensions of human suffering will be stripped by such law as Belgian and Netherlands examples show.  

Apparently one would be prompted to see this bill as an anti-COVID-19 measure but once it is in the statute books, it will outlast the infection.

The Deposit of Faith

Portugal is one of the few European countries where faith is strong as a value of personal and collective identity. Most of the population is Catholic. Her history in the last 1000 years is shaped by the Catholic faith. About more than half of the population identify themselves as believing in God which may not account for those attend weekly services and liturgical celebrations. This pattern is strongest in Lisbon & Porto, the two biggest cities. In the minor cities and towns, significant sections of the populations identify their faith with regular weekly participation in the various services and liturgical celebration.

Portugal influenced and is influenced by global events of the last 2 centuries. So it is not an island isolated from events near and far. It was a world power in the 12th - 14th centuries and held distant colonies including Goa in India, Macao (China), East Timor; Angola, Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau in Africa. Brazil was her biggest prize.  Her current position in global affair is rather demoted.

However her declining fortune took a swift turn as the world descended into one of the bloodiest conflicts in human history. As the 1st world war rages in the western and eastern fronts with minimum participation of Lisbon, a profound event took place in Fatima, 90km north of Lisbon. A event with profound impact and consequence for the world. On the 13th May 1917, Our Blessed Mother Mary appeared to three shepherd children in Fatima with a message of peace and reparation for sin, encouraging devotion to her Immaculate Heart and the recitation of the Holy Rosary. She appeared to them on the 13th day for six consecutive months which climaxed with the Miracles of the Sun on the 13th October, when the sun ‘danced’ against all natural laws. For comprehensive treatment read The Whole Truth About Fatima by Frere Michel de la Sainte Trinite in 3 volumes. It is important to stress that this apparition is approved by the Catholic Church. Fatima is global pilgrimage site.

The three children were cousins, illiterate, from ordinary families and spent all their lives before the apparition in their village. They were given messages including prophecies; some private, public and secret respectively on 13th July 1917. There are three main secrets given to the children including a vision of hell, Russian ascendancy to the global stage and a special message to the Pope to be revealed in 1960 but remains unrevealed by the Holy See. The second secret or message has both geopolitical and prophetic dimensions.

Our Blessed Mother Mary warned that if the world continues to offend God and Russia is not consecrated to her Immaculate Heart by the Pope, another worse war will breakout. She gave the children signs including the name of the reigning pope & a night illuminated by unknown light. Almost 2 decades after WW1 this unknown light lit up the northern hemisphere on 25th January 1938 under Pope Pius XI. The next year the German air force started bombing the Polish port city of Danzig/Gdansk setting off global conflagration for the next 5 years. USSR rose to global dominance for two generations. Despite the conditional nature of the prophecies, the accuracy of their fulfilment is inexplicable. The world doesn’t listen. It is safe to conclude that Russia is not yet consecrated by the Pope to the Immaculate Heart of Mary according to heavenly requirements. The popes have refused for a reason. Read Mystery of Iniquity by Fr Paul Kramer.

Our concern is focused on the 3rd secret whose accessible content reads, “In Portugal, the dogma of faith will always be preserved, etc.”

The crucial take on the prophecy is the evident opposite. This means that over time faith in God more in Jesus Christ will decline across the world to various degrees except in Portugal. There will be a global apostacy with Portugal remaining the anchor of fidelity, a concentration of remnants who will hold fast to the faith. The same messages have been confirmed in the 1961 - 1965 apparitions of Garabandal, Spain. apparition Now, consider the state of global affairs since the 1991 USSR collapsed including the number of conflicts and millions of casualties recorded till the present time. This cannot be described as peace. Rather this move suggest a renewal of global hurt, pain and distress.

The same pressure on faith in God and on first principles doesn’t immune Portugal however while their elite are interlocked with the global elite, natural outcomes like unlimited abortion and euthanasia are accounted for. However, this doesn’t represent Portuguese majority. The Portuguese like the rest of the world will be tried, assaulted and humiliated for their faith by every means. There are only few cases where the state is a true submissive vehicle of heavenly designs and at this time Lisbon is playing an opposite game contrary to the teaching of the Church and the Sacred Scripture.

COVID Vaccine Geopolitics

The attack on the Portuguese and their faith is masked as anti-COVID strategy. However evidence shows that anti-COVID strategies including imposing fear on populations is used as an excuse to push the bill. Besides Lisbon is no more stronger as to resist demarche from Berlin/Brussels. In the current climate the vaccine war is playing out unconstructively across the world. EU is no more a confused spectator as its poverty of leadership shines. Apparently Berlin/Brussels didn’t produce any vaccine for a simple reason, its dependency status under Washington DC.

Its vaccine supply is interrupted and her populations are palpitating with confusion as each day goes by with demonstrations in various cities. Now bear in mind that the efficacy/efficiency ratios of these vaccines continues to hover below 80%. Hungary broke ranks by imported Sputnik V from Russia which has efficacy/efficiency ratio of 91%. Prague counts her citizens as person with dignity. It is clear the EU under pressure from Washington DC refused to approach Moscow even in emergency to protect her citizens. Even the Holy See has taken a PR role on these matters.

In the frenzy Iran bans all importation of all vaccines from US and EU. This is the only country that made such law and remains standing so far. The forces of the global elite have suddenly discovered that the world is divided into spheres where its control is limited. China is taking care of her population and allies, India is pursuing a similar track while Cuba is developing her own vaccine. Effectively a multipolar or tripolar world has emerged piled on Washington DC, Moscow and Beijing.

It is not lost on any careful observer that the decline of the West has moved another notch. Like or hate Mr Donald Trump, his presidency only accelerate the obvious by limiting US destabilising role in the world. As the Igbos say, a tree doesn’t fall on the first cut. Evidently Asia is moving ahead unconstrained by the infection while the so-called advanced developed West is mired in regression.

De-Christianised Europe

Europe is no more Christian than Igbo is the moon’s lingua franca. What is presented as freedom of conscience and religion is only a totemic presentation frozen in the statute books. Its limiting implication eliminates the relational and communitarian dimension of faith and worship especially in the public space. The culture of death is given prominence and primacy as unlimited killing of the unborn and increased legalisation of killing the weak by health professional shows.

Republic of Ireland used to be known as an island of saints, a bastion of catholic faith and Emerald Isle. The last decade that shown that this precious faith heritage is almost lost and the island is emerging as the Scarlet Stump with annually rising number of abortions performed on the island.

Poland is currently under siege from Berlin/Brussels for holding strongly to her faith heritage especially in her defiant refusal to permit unlimited killing of unborn children in the womb. Hungary is also facing similar attacks accentuated by media offensives. These are the only countries in the EU whose leaders are bold enough to stand by their traditions, heritage and histories.

The main plank of contention between Moscow and the West rest on the place of faith in God. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn captured it succinctly. The global elite with their atheistic materialist designs/errors which unleashed Bolshevik communism in 1917 as prophesied by Our Blessed Mother Mary with disastrous consequences across generation continues to seek Russia’s humiliation. Is it surprising that Moscow moved first on COVID-19 vaccine and the result continues to be rubbished in the mainstream media?

Now the sights have turned on Portugal and only time will tell the impact on the world. It is a subtle stripping of human dignity over time, the likes of which are easily explained away by the so-called experts even many self-identifying believing Christians.


Portugal’s move to legalise euthanasia is not isolated. It is part of a wider EU strategy of de-Christianisation and despiritualisation. This is an atheistic materialist agenda for enslaving the world for power and profit based on removing dignity of human person. The march will continue however the true faith of men and women of goodwill resides in their precious hearts and not on the statute books of state’s positive laws.