Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Internal geopolitics and complexity of advantage in embattled Nigeria

The current state of Nigeria and her expression of constitutional power at federal, state and local levels provides an interesting backdrop in chronic misreading of history, fatalistic disposition to self-destruction and sustained identity crisis. Bearing in mind that the above are not new elements in the political spaces, this piece makes an attempt to draw out historical niches supporting inability of figures heads to making the most from absence of war in parts of Nigerian geopolitical space.
In the beginning
The journey of becoming Nigeria can at best be compared to River Nile in complexity nevertheless we must acknowledge that the latter is a natural phenomenon. It is interesting that Nile possess the unique feature of being one of few rivers in the world that flow from south to north. It is a feat of natural ingenuity to sustain continental flow over thousands of kilometres in unprecedented assent before dropping off gradually towards the last 500 km in present day Egypt. It is important to re-emphasise that the world is not flat and south – north flow is close to anomaly nevertheless Nile has thrived across millennia.
In the case of Nigeria, it is started as a business deal between London and Unilever for a few pounds. Of course before that was the total pacification of the various peoples and nations currently under its leaking umbrella. By ‘total’ I mean deployment of religious, political, economic, cultural and military forces to destabilise and overhaul indigenous peoples and their civilisations. Ever since its emergence in 1914 it continues to be problematic which her colonial investors managed with aplomb while the indigenes or rather their figure heads handle with pretended stupidity. Without robust critical evaluation and historical amnesia, various figureheads continue to defy logic in the attempt to maintain a flawed architecture. Contrary to the success of Nile, blowing hot against gravity can only lead to disaster despite the best intentions. Intentions cannot conspire against history successfully.
If it is not reception of imposed political system without modification to accommodate unique local idiosyncrasies, it is preponderance of fear to discourage pluralistic endeavours across nationality lines and worse pretending that universalist foreign religious groups are indigenous despite their rank-and-file taking orders from outside. Remember that indigenous religions thrived on accommodation, ecumenism and tolerance; all of a sudden they are marginalised as satanic protégés of the same people who were in the beginning created in the ‘image of God and his likeness’. The result has been preventable conflicts and destruction of lives and property almost every 5 years. Surely Nigeria we hail thee!
Real Imbeciles
The conflicts and destruction perpetrated by the figureheads in politics, military and religion is mindboggling because they are indigenous. What is curious is that even in instances where the conflict theatres and destructions are geographically restricted, political operators in non-conflicts areas fail to take advantage in advancing strategies, make real political investment and meeting basis need of peoples, populations and electorates.  Ugly precedence can be relayed back to the 1950s when Nigeria was ready for or was offered independence only to be declined on the preposterous reason that ‘everyone  is not ready’.  Even if these were sufficient what was the internal geopolitical design to allow it to stand? Was anything extracted from the party seeking delay on the future strategy whenever the country became independent? Politics is about opportunity and speed. If Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe and Chief Obafemi Awolowo were eggheads of their time, why is there no record of their understanding of colonial strategic design and zeal to shape the future according to their designs? Or even an alliance between them for extended strategic control of Nigeria’s affairs? The got it wrong and still want future generations to do so; epitome of failed and flawed politicking. Is it to be believe that the north is not born to rule from sand to sea when the south threw away their opportunity into the sea? Is there any legitimacy for southerners to claim marginalisation when the so-called smart minds in Azikiwe and Awolowo woefully failed to read geopolitical wind directions and take advantage?
Matters continuing
The current leadership in Abuja will no doubt be impressed to be compared with Jurassic Park Town Council as it revels in the doldrums of both internal and external affairs. Its lack of touch, lack of focus and inattention is now legendary as the implications mounts. For those who clamour for their questionable turns on the presidency, it is my fervent hope that South-South group are in buoyant mood. For the figureheads who continue to fail tests of expectation at local and state levels in Igboland, one can only be reminded that there is time for everything. With nothing to show for effective leadership and strategic implementations after the 2nd republic, Igboland is now a mangled space of undeserving putrification. In the PDPstan, most LG Chairpersons appropriate public resource for next gubernatorial ambition and most governors perform abysmally for the next presidential race. Sad!
As recent conflict combusts the north epicentred in the North East one would have imagined attractions of the opportunities for areas in non-conflict zones. Lack of imagination and intellectual poverty have taken hold! Particularly this confirmation that absence of war is not peace is perfectly illustrated by Nigeria. As the north burn, the south has failed to take advantage to lap the race of development and advancement especially in Igboland despite hyperbolic drool of contested collective intelligence. Provision of basic infrastructure and public service is now confounded with emasculated expectation from proverbial 10% sorry 100%. An old son of a gun attributes it to leadership crisis, hmm! Identity crisis, QED!
Not even the sacrifices of generations past and those who particularly ran the river of hope in the Nigeria-Biafra War figure in political and geopolitical calculation of the figureheads including those in the religious sphere. Those who continue to delude themselves that indigeneity of structure is the same as control of decision making. Churches that lost touch with real people and real problem solving instead waste resources on incredulous philosophies and theologies devoid of addressing of self-same conquered peoples.  The sad part is the these church figureheads fail to realise that the institutions they represent continue to reflect strategic rear-guard actions against our peoples ontologies which cannot be shaken off by mere platitudes cloth in new status, foreign Northern degrees and enhancing built environment on donated lands. Blindness comes in various forms and shapes.
Any hope? Of course there is abundance of it in its immateriality. However one must acknowledge that the current generation is fast reaching its death when new unexpected positive rigour whose foundations were laid before will take off. Maybe at that time the concept, territory and continental shelves of what is currently regarded as Nigeria will be swept into oblivion.

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