Thursday, 21 August 2014

Investment in Perpetual Conflict (Weaponistan) – Epitome of Sustainable Development

Post World War 2 security and stability around the world provides curious spatial patterns, relationships and trends. Despite the natural disposition to take each new conflict as it emerged rather than on its merit (which is mostly absent), deeper appreciation of each conflict is the avoidance of isolating them. By collating all the conflicts over longer periods of time in specific locations, better understanding of these conflicts will become clearer in terms of their timing, specific theatre, mineral/political resource at stake, motives, players, instigators, weapons suppliers and funders. Full capture of these variables over time and space allows for wider scope for informed & contextual analysis disparate from mantra of the usual suspects who are rather unbeknown investors in Weaponistan.

It is not a place rather an existing context and phenomenon of the times with regard to weapons and conflicts. Weaponistan is associated with interlocking, networked & powerful individual geopolitical hierarchical relationships connecting political, media, economic, infrastructure, weapon production, mineral extraction, logistics interests etc.  These are sections of crème de la crème of the global power elite with no fixation for countries but concentrate on specific interest at a given period. Based on an overriding ‘grand strategy’ of the hegemonic power currently emanating from Washington DC, these are investors in perpetual conflict as a sustainable development.  By leveraging the instruments and assets of the state, state interest in conflated with narrow elite interest towards extraction and accumulation of targeted interest accelerated by violence perpetrated by investment in a cycle of perpetual conflict.

The dynamic of conflicts in the cold war hung on the premise that since both nuclear armed superpowers cannot confront each other in detente, then the whole world becomes open space of conflict investment. There were few conflicts where both superpowers were on the same side which was an exception. An example is the 1967 – 1970 Nigeria-Biafra War. In most cases, all conflicts were proxy battles wedged between Moscow and Washington DC, both sides supplying killing equipments and killing advisers in a sustainable development akin to Murder Incorporated a la Bruce Springsteen.

The 1991 demise of USSR changed the geopolitical calculus that left United States only standing, even though there is no evidence Washington DC defeated Moscow as the myopic, triumphalist & hubristic mantra goes. As this change sank in with parallel expectation that post WW2 peace will finally reign, no such thing happened. Rather conflicts were spatial reconfigured, displaced and reinforced. Weaponistan did not shrink rather its sales boosted as the movers and shakers sought for higher profits around the world mostly for states seeking her defensive posture.

Under Washington DC Watch
Since US hegemony hubristically consolidated without inhibition, rather with renewed vigour against any suggestion of challenge Washington DC moved to expand its military asset including military bases and associated hardware to provide conditions for new conflicts in Africa, Middle East and Asia. Interestingly South America finally escaped from the clutches of perpetual (ideological) conflicts leaving only Colombia to hold the can of worms with FARC. 

Defence budget of South American countries have increased with purchases of US hardware mostly except Venezuela where Commandante Hugo Chavez revolutionised her military doctrine, her defensive capability and sourced new suppliers of hardware.  By shifting attention to Moscow as her major supplier, Caracas invested huge resources to purchase ready materiel, training and capabilities to prevent supply hostage of erstwhile suppliers. Weaponistan grew fatter! As the new mission against ‘terrorism’ took shape, Weaponistan took a shine in permitting United States to open 2 new war fronts in quick succession in Afghanistan and Iraq. 

These conflicts regardless of their origins have only one beneficiary, Weaponistan. With trillions of dollars creamed off huge treasury bonds and trades in dollar as global reserve currency, expensive weapons were purchased and deployed to fight ‘terrorism’ which in the process created new dimension of the same conflict or new conflicts from the old theatres. By so doing these conflicts are easily manipulated to sustain for long periods in the same old name of ‘war against terrorism’.  War for the sake of war!

When the so-called ‘terrorists’ are compared with sophisticated and advanced US military machine, the odds are very high in favour of the latter. However if these conflicts are subjected to forensic analyses it becomes clear that these are not conflicts where clear victory or completion is the objective. The grand strategy is perpetual conflicts which stakeholders of Weaponistan perceive as sustainable development. 

The interlocking relationships between political animals and captains of weapon industry are very dense that instruments and other resources of the state are commandeered in disguise to sustain unsubstantiated threats. 
Iraqi conflicts has recycled in the last decade from 1991 kicking Iraqis out of Kuwait, to protecting the Kurds in the mountains with Non-Fly Zones, 2003 seeking exit of Sadaam Hussein, to giving Iraqis ‘democracy’ & ‘freedom’, to current balkanising of Iraq with no clear strategic follow-up plan. Fast forward to destabilisation of Syria and 'unveiling' of ISIS whose ‘caliphate’ is coterminous to areas with huge crude oil deposit and struggle to clarify the fate of Iraqi Kurdistan. 

Why should ISIS or their handlers seek Baghdad with such rich deposits at hand? Who is ISIS master/handler? Just a division of Weaponistan deployed to distract in a maze of obvious contradiction! Forget about the religious scarce, a detritus of deliberate misinformation!  So Weaponistan is unperturbed. US is ‘back’ to Iraq with new advanced weapons which they refused to supply to Baghdad despite receiving payment. Mistakes are not deliberately made more than once without strategic initiative or purpose.

The cauldron of Middle East continues to boil under US watch whether it is Israeli attack on Gaza, destabilisation of Syria, maintenance of open border & easy movement of assets between Arabstan and Afghanistan. Middle East is sustained as the main theatre of the biggest weapon space and market for over 5 decades. Middle East is now sure bet of serious conflict every 3 years, huge arms purchase every 5 years and daily news of conflicts as a 'therapy' a la Anglo media. 

One may even go as far as to suggest that Middle East is a metageographical metaphor dedicated to conflict and uncertainty. This case is unfolding as an unstoppable reconfiguration of geopolitical reality in the metageography sweeping round with some player struggling to understand, contain or take advantage of it.  By and large the metageography has failed as a political project as it has become a huge island of instability where apparent conflict winners seem to be real isolated losers despite heavy investment in the best Weaponistan has to offer. It equally carries the potential of finally humbling United States as a superpower. Suggest that it maybe US graveyard!

US AFRICOM in bloom
As USSR gradually wound down under the double toxic doses of perestroika and glasnost, tectonic changes started emerging across Africa.  With the last geopolitical duel finally shifting against US in the 1988 Battle of Quito Cuanavale Angola showing the hand writing on the wall for Apartheid South Africa. It was only time before Zaire’s Mobutu had his last smile. Of course Chinese economic onslaught continues profitably and unprotected, Africa was obviously open, unprotected and attractive in her rich geology.

As a contested continental territory despite deliberate distraction in the Middle East & Afghanistan, US did not stomach challenge in a distant backyard.  By creating US AFRICOM, an instrument of recolonisation of Africa by force of arms was deployed initially sleeping in Germany, another conquered space in the heart of Europe. Time will open up for real action with wider spatial implications especially in those real estates with richer geologies and Chinese investments.  Despite Nelson Mandela’s frothing at the mouth, he betrayed his people in his 'evening' Damascene neoliberal conversion.

Earlier Djibouti in the eastern Horn was opened up as a military base for ‘war against terrorism’ where drones take off and land. Prior to that 1993-1995 Somalia’s drubbing of the sole superpower brought it a pyrrhic victory that made it ungovernable. Somalia is not a waste land, her geology and continental shelves paint a different story. Weaponistan knows it very well. Hence the many East African countries pretending to do peace-keeping while seeking for exploration concessions!

The processes that unleashed Rwandan genocide have converged into state building, clientism and export of destabilisation to former Zaire (DRC) with over 6 million murdered while its rich mineral resources are looted. Limb-cutting Belgian Emperor Leopold didn't that foresee he’ll be bested in his blood-letting game even by African sons farther east in a geopolitical high risk game. Even by armies without states!

In 2011 the sole obstructer of US AFRICOM had his country decimated and dismantled, with it the last figment of Africa independence went in his murder. Now Libya’s presence is defined by a struggle of complexity and existential inconclusion.  Weaponistan ensured normality of violence to vapourise peoples of this glorious land. China and Russia investment got lost with no compensation as Africans were murdered without dignity. No democracy, no freedom and no peoples to reap the promised benefits; only blood, tears and death remain in abundance. Libya's oil is gone by stealth.

Mali in time followed as the usual suspects descend on the territory with the usual excuse targeting sands, inselbergs and isolated habitat. Failing France pretend to take the lead when it can no longer justify its erstwhile role as a European power in European theatre. Bamako is now ‘humanitarian’ heaven with credible humanity as Weaponistan devises means to control her rich gold veins among other rich mineral deposits. 

Finally the giant of Africa that refused to fly gave up her wings. Fluctuating between conflict investments, Weaponisation recently used Movement for the Emancipation of Niger Delta (MEND) to extract tribute and ‘settlement’ from Abuja and then disappeared. In its place, Boko Haram rose to prominence and is riding towards becoming the 37th state of Nigeria with increasing capturing & retention of territories. Nigeria’s defence ministry’s part of Weaponistan has failed to deliver despite huge budgets which may have been lost in translation. 

As Iraq is showing clearly, Weaponistan has an investment cycle with potential to sustain itself so far purchase and utility is available. This can be referred to demand with purpose. Weapons can be purchased for either offensive or defensive requirements. Since the end of USSR, conflicts have remained sustained in Middle East, spatially displaced in various locations in Africa and lately taken hold in Afghanistan. These conflicts and sparks of instability leave a trail of events, action and resources only attributed to the complex activities of Weaponistan mostly under the imprimatur of the sole superpower, United States.

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