Monday, 8 June 2015

Buhari’s Neighbourhood Shuttle Diplomacy & the Other Summit

President Buhari kicked off his diplomatic shuttles with an immediate foray among the comity of nations. His first official trip to Nigeria’s neighbours speaks volumes in the short and medium terms as it harks back into a defined precedence. This piece will review the import and potentials. The other following trip took him beyond African shores to G7 Summit in Germany. This trip is pregnant with meaning while it triggers a lot of concerns for Nigeria in the medium and long terms. On this point hangs an uncertainty of Nigeria’s diplomacy in a rapidly geopolitically reconfiguring world where erstwhile centre no longer holds.

President Buhari’s first foreign trip to Niger and Chad should be a no-brainer but within the context of ‘decolonised’ Africa it is heavyweight with meaning. It is also important to appreciate credible diplomatic gestures displayed by neighbouring leaders on his election by paying him pre-inuagural courtesy calls which is unprecedented. Some of them also attended his inauguration despite their tight schedules, poignantly all these countries were colonised by France.

With demise of USSR and slight dent on naked colonisation, Africa-centred foreign policy continues to defy expectation at it gradually responds positively to new geopolitical realities. These realities include the rise of China which is felt in Africa by her increasing investment footprint, the regression of France who has forced her against teleological design into Washington DC arms. The implication is observed in Paris re-parcelisation of France-Afrique policy to facilitate USAFRICOM objectives. The result has led to re-encirclement of Nigeria by United States via establishment of military bases in West Africa including but not limited to airbase in Niamey (less than 500 miles North of Abuja) and in Ouagadougou. This is instability per excellence!

It is equally on this framework that one start to appreciate the insertion of Boko Haram into the geopolitical equation. Boko Haram is an extra-African geopolitical insertion to weaken Nigeria and Africa.  Solution to Boko Haram is openly appreciated in Ndjamena and apparently this conclusion was misread public by Dr Goodluck Jonathan’s presidency, who made the biggest error with his ill-fated Paris visit a year ago.  On this note President Buhari’s move is wise on the surface; the diplomatic hurdle will be in obtaining full agreement in a short time with minimum French & Washington DC obstructions.

Nigeria’s current status including conflicted Foreign Affair ministry & hostaged Armed Forces leadership indicates that the time line of eliminating Boko Haram as a threat may take longer than anticipated. The levers of geopolitical initiative unfavourable to Abuja are partly pulled in Paris and endorsed in Washington DC. Currently and for a long time Nigeria has played passive role & subservient disposition below her full diplomatic potential in her relationship with both capitals. Nevertheless the presidential visits surely restore confidence in both capitals, reopen weakened channels and encourage sustained interaction with Nigeria.

The Other Summit
President Buhari left Ndjamena for Germany to attend G7 meeting in Germany. Of course Nigeria is not a member and the agenda issue are contentious. The reason for inviting Nigeria (lumped with Liberia, Iraq), a current geopolitical lightweight can be read as sub-text of an imposed grand design rather than with elation for winning diplomatic brownie points. Nevertheless, a few issues need to be mentioned in advanced.

It is must be appreciated that a person of President Buhari’s experience and capacity should adhere to diplomatic norms especially in full knowledge that Nigeria is not a banana republic. His pre-inaugural visit to the United Kingdom in un-presidential, geopolitically distasteful and diplomatically unsavvy. The message must have been closely watched in Beijing, Moscow, Pretoria, Brasilia, Tehran& Delhi.

Nevertheless there is an opportunity for President Buhari to talk, listen and read presentations of G7 members without giving anything away. G7 has questionable design on Nigeria. It must be an exploratory visit bearing in mind that National Assembly and various ministries are still in post-election mode and gradually settling down. G7 has made clear her policy on Africa with the recent regressive murderous demarche on migrant crossing the Mediterranean Sea. It must also not be lost on the President that G7 is a global destabilising force. The strategic trajectory of the group is unfavourable and tilts heavily on the negative be it economy, security, politics, health, culture, education and religion. Abuja must take stock and avoid particularly taking on spurious regressive geoeconomic policies like TIPP in the guise that Nigeria is Africa’s largest market!

Most discussion time must be allocated with US team especially at the lower levels for meatier details, followed by France team. It must be stated that Paris is not always in sync with Washington DC despite her rapidly declining fortunes. With limited information of geopolitically experienced members of the team at the time of writing, the President is not a greenhorn in global geopolitics with his mettle as Oil Minister and Head of State. Historically, he’s one of the only 2 Nigeria’s Heads of State that maintained robust diplomacy with the West in their administration. The other was General Muhammed who stood down United States a la Kissinger during the Angolan imbroglio. It is strange that both administrations didn’t last long.

The Other History
Observing the changing global scenario and reconfiguring geopolitics, President Buhari is aware of the transfer and consolidation of economic power in the east i.e. Asia led by China. This singular fact must be considered in all diplomatic and geopolitical dimensions of pursuing Nigeria’s strategic interests. China is a heavyweight that cannot be ignored and in acknowledgement mustn’t be acquiesced to easily.

China is the behest of new & unstoppable geopolitical configurations unfurling new diplomatic momentum which is beyond erstwhile capacity of the West to impinge or reverse. A number of institutional developments must be noted by the President and his incoming team across the board as opportunities for Nigeria. These include but not limited to Brazil, Russia, India, China & South Africa (BRICS), BCRICS New Development Bank, Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) & Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO).

There is a strategic need and necessity for the incoming team to contain West-centred worldview and cautiously acknowledge recent & consolidating global geopolitical dynamics led by Beijing. It is imperative to specifically diminish credibility ascribed to the geo-economic design of Bretton Woods’ institutions with a view towards higher flexibility on independence and strategic decision making. Nigeria is at a comfortable position & equilibrium to tap into declining West and rising East for Nigeria’s narrow interest and as step-board towards securing Africa’s interest. Until Abuja appreciate the weight of her continental responsibilities, the administration may struggle not just in the domestic front but on the geopolitical/international space.


There is no evidence that President Buhari’s formation including spell in United Kingdom and United States institutions is a hamstring to his delivery of robust Africa-centred & strategic foreign policy primarily focused on protecting the country’s strategic interest including national security. 

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