Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Titanic Humilation of Kenya & Kenyans a la ICC

Map of Kenya
The world is not running out of news. The Arabo-Islamic world continues on the road of implosion with the last leg of its reconfiguration concentrating in Syria based on sustaining perpetual conflict by any means. At least United States Vice President Joe Biden alluded to it last week. He apologised but didn’t deny. On the other end of the spectrum is biological weapon misinformation machine feeding battered populations with threat of Ebola. I F Stone said something about governments and truth.

Now it is Kenya’s turn to accept the chalice of humiliation in the name of subscribing to international law and stability. The President of the republic has assumed a part time role from Nairobi to face International Criminal Court in The Hague, Europe. Our conclusion is that Kenya and Africa in general will remain subjected to humiliation in the current North Atlantic regime until its powers diminish.

Not Yet Uhuru

There is no suggestion that injustice must go without investigation and unpunished. The election violence in Kenya few years ago can be summarised as the colossal evidence of elite ineptitude & impunity. It was long time coming from the political wreckage automated by the former president ‘Prof’ Daniel arap Moi. The election genocide is rather one of numerous examples of oppression of the commons sponsored directly/indirectly by Kenyan elite/state. The complex and dynamic situation that followed Moi’s exit opened a Pandora in the Kenyan political space with an elite lacking in strategic initiative and clear vision. 

With most of the population suffering from economic persecution and political oppression under Moi, which continued under Mwai Kibaki, the elite obsession with power by any means necessary blinded the them from the ticking time bomb that majority will survive by any means necessary. A few shillings here and there make huge difference in empty pockets, but laced with misinformation violence can be unleashed at a touch by the angry poor minds on behalf of their seasonal political grandee. Later they called the outcome ethnic violence rather than elite induced genocide!

Kenya in the ICC Dock
Parade of Harambee Stars
Sections of Kenyan elite who are alleged to have participated and encouraged the genocide initially created an aura of dependability and untouchability since they run the levers of the state.  In the ignorance usually associated with elite, they had every side covered. These elite including the current-former-temporary president, Uhuru Kenyatta refused to countenance allowing domestic courts to even entertain a modicum of legal redress. By so doing they forgot that Nairobi is a very small player in the region. 

By playing hardball and inflexibility, they condemned themselves to repeating ignorance of history. Now another African elected leader is in the dock in Europe, reminiscence of holocaust slave trade where human beings are put on show for Northern buyers and investors. Now Kenya and Kenyans have become chattels in the geopolitical neoliberal market place. Sadly Uhuru Kenyatta’s father Jomo Kenyatta, the first president after fighting for independence may not be facing Mouth Kenya again.

Losers Court of Humiliation
International Criminal Court (ICC) was set up by United States to keep Global South in check. Of course the chattering classes even Africa intelligentsia will maximise the merits. In the geopolitical scheme of things, ICC has become a new legal machination to sustain legalo-judicial colonialism of Africa. How many world leaders have been subjected to the travesty of the courts impunity? Apart from President Slobodan Milosevic of former Yugoslavia, the roll call is an all-African affair.

President Laurent Gbagbo of Cote D’Ivorie, President Charles Taylor of Liberia, Vice President Jean Bemba of Democratic Republic of Congo to name a few prominent Africans. ICC has come to represent a failure of Africa internal judicial and legal institutions which the elite dismiss as ineffective and inefficient, ignorant of the potential for their ending up on the wrong side of their recommendation. Maybe their perception is related to that of mangled health system which they abandoned for expensive flights to the northern hospitals where they can be treated and released post-treatment.

Forget about Sovereignty Stupid
No other European, Americas, Asia, even Middle East leader has been or will be placed in ICC dock. They are far ‘advanced’ and ‘superior’ to be exposed to such shenanigan. It is a settled matter. It also testified to very weak credentials of Nairobi in the geopolitical calculus as US client state. For all the huffing and puffing, Nairobi is lightweight material compared to her co-regional capitals like Kampala and Kigali despite mounting evidence of their contributions to the genocide of millions in DRC.

There are numerous documents and United Nations reports assigning culpability of both capitals for the devastation, waste, destruction and murder in DR Congo. However they possess higher geopolitical capital as they are rewarded with ‘bastions of stability in the region’ awards by Washington DC. Kenya is a weak & humiliated republic, Kenyans are a humiliated nation and this humiliation has long term consequences no matter how great the GDP rises. Kenya is mortally wounded and her full recovery and the duration is a matter of speculation. Her reputation and brand are in tatters. Kenya is damaged brand in her neighbourhood and across the world.

Hope of Exit and Restitution
The main lesson for Kenya’s peoples including the elite from the humiliation if received positive will consist of a complex and dynamic framework of nation-building worldview. The old structure with western imprimatur has failed Kenya in a spectacular fashion. The question is no longer whether strategic documents exist, rather whether there is a political belief in the supremacy & dignity of Kenyan state for citizens. A state where her institutions including the legal system are fully deployed to fully address issues, problems and crimes committed within her territory.

A new mind-set that accepts the sunset of geopolitical configuration of the world known for the past 60 years will be welcome. An acceptance that the sun is gradually setting on the West must be acknowledged, integrated and reengineered if Kenya is to move forward with vigour, substance, dignity and respect in the comity of nations. Not within ‘the international community’! Realistic reappraisal of internal affair, foreign and diplomatic relations at all levels is inevitable if Kenya is to assume her true position in the emerging geopolitical framework where Global South will surely inherit enhanced status and contribute significantly in realigning new international structures.

Until Kenya and Kenyans accept the rejection of their humiliation, one is forced conclude that it is not yet Uhuru (freedom). 

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