The nuclear negotiations between
Tehran and Washington DC has dragged on to its final day 24/11/2014. In the
interim both sides have sized each order up and made strategic calculations
regardless of the negotiation end game. While Anglo mainstream media dominate
the information war with misinformation, a number of variables missing from the
geopolitical equation indicate that in the long term, unfolding forces will
favour Tehran’s position. Select treatment of these factors/variables is
presented below.
US Internal Incoherence
Credit must be given to
interlocutors on Tehran and Washington DC sides that pressured and successfully
convinced both parties to agree and engage in negotiations. One must equally
express clear surprise that the negotiations lasted the current duration
without complications. It is a victory of sort that these negotiations took
place however it will be myopic to anticipate a comprehensive agreement between
2 hegemons of pride and juggernauts of pig-headedness.
One of the fault lines of
potential failure of US position is fissures within its political leadership
with clear absence of coherence, diminution of national interest below
intangible proxies and lack of dedication to defining and maintaining unsubordinated
US position. Despite all the wealth of human and material resources, current US
leadership is divided to pursue a consistent position in foreign affairs. The gap
between the presidency, the legislature and interest groups is so huge that
prospective opponent is bound to receive conflicting and confusing messages
that only succeeds in hardening minds in Tehran.
Even within the narrow field of domestic political participation, between and within Republican and Democratic Parties,
various dynamic views continue to evolve with no concrete structure, dominance
of immature discourses and above all detest any room for generating a package of
national interest limited to US aspiration. Rather US position is represented
as an evolving amalgam of internal and external interests which more or less hold
Washington DC hostage on its hamstring foreign policy.
Economy stupid
States need positive economic growth
and progressive economic development in peace time to successfully engage in
complex international relations project vis-a-vis hard/soft power projection. The
last few years has exposed US economy through deliberate mismanagement, myopic
deployment of narrow interest policy and illusory pursuit of unbalanced geopolitical
projects. Despite possessing potentials for dominating the global economy, the
adoption of counter-productive and regressive policies is gradually eroding US
influence which manifest domestically in growing unemployment, huge
underemployment and declining productivity.
Externally, illusory pursuit of
global domination through deployment of hard power with declining economic growth
domestically has contributed to the rise of other economies befitting massively
from producing for and targeting US market. These outflows of capital from US
to emerging economies without serious counter-balance/moderation diminish her
ability to manoeuvre in the world stage and Tehran is watching with keen
Abuse of economic warfare through
misapplication of economic sanctions against Tehran succeeded to the point of
eliminating Tehran from direct US attack and opening opportunities for her
engagement with other capitals. For any economy imposed with US sanctions, US
products and US currency are the first victims contrary to western media spin.
Other powerful currencies naturally fill the vacuum. It is obvious that Tehran’s
bilateral trade and balance of payment in basket of currencies is boosted by US
economic warfare. Ongoing sanction by US against Russia has eliminated Visa and
MasterCard as payment system players with Moscow’s development of home-grown
alternative. In addition the SWIFT international payment system, a US dominates
financial architecture is currently being replicated by alternative structure
which may be favourable to Iran.
Europe Divide Weakness
Nearly 2 generations after the 2nd
world war it is evident that Europe remains to all intents and purposes a
colony of United States. The potent political weakness, absence of robust geopolitical
identity in a changing world and disappearance of a molecule of independence
has convinced Tehran that not only is the US the only player of stature in the West,
that European capitals are unworthy of trust and dependence especially London
and Paris. Emerging divisions in Europe with regard to Russia relations only
allows Tehran room to review erstwhile policies.
Lack of political ambition and
poverty of leadership has effectively eliminated Europe as a serious progressive
player in a rapidly changing world that includes Iran. Ubiquitous and
under-performance of Berlin is a testament of geopolitical weakness in the
global arena. One must not forget that US military bases are still in effect in
Germany post-cold war unification. Such weakness and division allow Tehran room
to exploit favourable interests elsewhere towards meeting her strategic
East Drift
In view of issues raised on US
under-performance on the global economy, members of the Global South are emerging
as the new economic powerhouses including China, India, Brazil and so on. These
and many other economies are not only growing economically but geopolitically
as well which cannot be dismissed, reversed or ignored by United States. The recent past APEC, ASEAN and G20 summits that
all took place in Asia sent a single message; Asia/Global South has arrived. With
Russia already on a favourable seat on the non-Atlantic and non-European
configurations, these constellations of geopolitical power possess potentials for
accommodating Tehran.
One must appreciate that the gap
between United States and Iran is not about possession of nuclear technology or
potential acquisition of nuclear weapons. The crux of the matter is Tehran
desire to appreciate in the ranks of human, technological and resource developments.
The idea of limiting, containing or controlling Tehran’s development ambition
by United States resonates negatively & strongly in the formerly colonised Global
South coupled with increasing evidence of US undermining effort among various
Global South capitals. Most Global South countries will never challenge US but
are fully aware that only in equitable development can their societies be
Devoid of coherent position on
every issue, Global South members are disposed to seek alternative routes collectively
or otherwise for economic growth, economic development and geopolitical
engagement. Concentration of global wealth and power in this group of countries
only limits ability of United States to suppress and emasculate Iran.
Cuba, an island in the Caribbean,
has survived 50+ years of US sanctions and is unlikely to give up her
independence and sovereignty. Iran can
afford to wait, Tehran can afford to do nothing, can afford to manage stalled
negotiations and bid her time with the emerging geopolitical heavyweights in
the Global South since the new wind of geopolitical reconfiguration is blowing
in that direction. It will be a realistic conjecture for Tehran to walk away
from the deal which will be a perfect epithet of US era and a favourable signpost
of East/Global South initiation on the world stage.
Changing ‘Middle East’
The epicentre of US foreign
policy attention and interventions in the last 50 years is the ‘Middle East’. Apparently the reason for multiple interventions
is inadmissible US policy failures. Years of opportunities for resolving some
of the issues are dismissed with expectation in deployment of military force
and advanced weapon systems. Evidence of weakness in the United States
geopolitical project is manifesting in ‘Middle East’. The list is numerous to
count but they include failure to contain Iran, failure to moderate Tel Aviv, failure
to support feasible Palestinian self-determination, failure to justify/explain
Iraq destruction and current inability to destroy & regime change in Syria.
With defying solidity in Tel Aviv,
intransigence in Ankara and profound uncertainty in Riyadh; US is leading a
house built with cards. It is very clear to Washington DC that an emerging
Middle East is a surprise and an uncertainty it wants to certainly control
strategically but is equally aware that this cannot be accomplished without
Tehran. With Iran as the sole stable territory in a sea of intergenerational
instability, the die cast. Iran is not going to do Gorbachevian error/naivety via
toxic doses of glasnost and perestroika in casting off allies in Hezbollah
and Damascus for illusion while it is surrounded.
With United States unwilling or
unable to deal with the above named capitals and their diverging interests,
Tehran may be best placed to limit concessions, delay and rejuvenate her
strategic interest to fully align with the East in the long run while
Washington DC continues to battle the demons it unleashed in Tel Aviv, Riyadh, Baghdad,
Erbil and Ankara. US State Department will have her hands filled.
In the final analyses, Iran – US nuclear
negotiations can only be comprehensively addressed when both capitals focus on
their sole strategic interest rather than one carrying multiple baggages of
irrelevant policies, expectations and design with time regressing aggressively.
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