Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Eschatological Geopolitics – The Son of Perdition Allegation on the Greek Prime Minister

Do not be deceived! 

While academic and professional geopolitics is self-limiting in its choice of variables for prediction and estimation, our attention is focused on extra-academic variable for solutions. As a result the purpose of this piece is to shed light of emerging suggestions on Internet (YouTube) that the new Greek Prime Minister maybe or is the Anti-Christ. The backbone of this exploration is built on biblical studies, Marian prophecies and historical convergences. I need to stress that approved Marian apparitions are biblical. While the reality of the subject is unassailable its interpretations and explanations are conditional with minor gaps due to epistemological limitations.

Be mindful that biblical prophecies have both near-time and long (end) time dimensions. Symbolic reading/interpretation takes precedence over literal reading interpretation. Nevertheless the spatial and territorial influence of the son of perdition or anti-Christ will be global. His domination for its allocated period will be holistic and total. This is important!

The Bone of Contention
Those making suggestions or allegation are correct in designating the present century as end time. The background the suggestion is from individuals of various Christian denominations making their conclusions based on hunches, limited observations and feelings/intuitions. The primary trigger for suggestion is Mr Alexis Tsipras’ absence or lack of faith. 

The main issue with a number of these exclamations is the ubiquitous lack of or absence of biblical or extra-biblical references. Such absence is misleading, intellectually dishonest and spiritually inconsistent.  Without rich detail and supporting information geopolitically, even from a critical geopolitical perspective such suggestions are hot air. Let us review the biblical requirements and prophetic assertions regarding the son of perdition and juxtapose them with the alleged candidate. Biblical references used are based on Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible + Challoner Notes.

Direct from The Oracle
Who is he? ‘He’ suggests that this individual is a male (Jn 17: 12, 2 Thess 2: 3) and is already born in our own time and era. He will ‘be born of a Hebrew nun, a false virgin’. This is the exact words of Our Blessed Virgin Mary in her prophecy/apparition as Our Lady of La Salette France in 1846. Reflecting on the text and nouns in section 3 suggest a number of possible outcomes focused on the illegitimacy of the man’s birth or the illegitimacy of his descent (generations earlier) or even that he maybe reproduced through artificial insemination. This should be equally perceived from the dimension of perversion focused on reversed imitation of Christ’s virgin birth.

Mr Alexis Tsipras origin needs to match the above assertions to be qualified for son of perdition candidate. It is dangerous to casually map data onto an individual devoid of critical analysis and empirical data.  

Where will he come from? This man, the son of perdition, has a geographical origin already prophesied in the Sacred Scripture. Biblical references give an interesting geographical combination as his origin which was formerly under Assyrian Empire and then Roman Empire.  Furthermore the geographical possibility in the text in Dan 8: 8 – 9 conforms to what is today western Turkey.  The main city on this large peninsular is Istanbul formerly known as Constantinople. See map below.

Exaggerated Area Coterminous to Anti-Christ Origin
Historically, current shared boundaries of Turkey and Greece only came into force in 1922 with acrimoniously consequences that rumbles till today.  Post-Ottoman Empire acrimony between ethnic Turks and Greeks led to 1923 - 1930 horrendous population exchange/deportation of populations between the 2 countries based on religious identity. In essence erstwhile Greek Muslims moved en masse eastward to Turkey and erstwhile Turkish Greeks moved en mass westward to Greece. See map below. Mr Alexis Tsipras must be a descendant of a woman or came from a lineage of a woman who made that arduous journey from western Turkey possibly from Istanbul to Greece to fulfil the prophecy. Data for Mr Tsipras is not available at the time of writing. 

Map of Population Deportations between Turkey & Greece 1923 - 1930
When will he arrive on world stage? There are 2 dimensions toward understanding the timeline of his emergence. The first dimension is the time line in world history and this aligns with the generation/decades following the 1947 UN approval for the creation of Israeli state (Dan 9: 25, Matt 24: 34). Marian apparitions/prophecies as Our Lady of Good Success Quito Ecuador (1581), Our Lady of La Salette France (1846) and Our Lady of Fatima Portugal (1917) all concur. By the way all the named apparitions are approved by the Catholic Church. 20th & 21st century bear all the marks of upheavals mentioned in Matt 24: 3 – 12.

The second time line focus on a particular time frame within the current era. This son of perdition will appear on the world stage following a period when the world is struggling with apparently irresolvable political, economic, social, environmental, military and moral confusion/uncertainty. Surely he’ll be staunchly anti-God, anti-Christ and anti-religion (Dan.7:8, 7:11, 7:20, 7:25, 11:36, Rev.13:1-6). Since the last decade insurmountable complex problems are compounding giving significant testament as many solutions are thrown in by the global elite without success. Read Matt 24: 3 – 12, Rev 6:2 – 8. His coming will usher in a false hope accompanied by his false ‘successful’ solutions to aforementioned complex problems (Rev.13:3-4; 17:17). St Paul pinpoints his emergence following first great apostasy of loss of faith (white Horse) and other upheavals (2 Thess 2: 3 – 11).

With special significance it is very early to map stated patterns on Mr Alexis Tsipras for a number of reasons. His currency in domestic and international affairs is being tested in his first confrontation with the beast, {one world government disposed} European Union (Rev 13: 1, Is 4:1). His solutions to EU banking/political elite are currently being chewed over to affirm/reject his proposals/solutions. His political and military solutions will surely offer deeper insight nevertheless only after the current Greek economic crisis is averted.

Ultimate Marker
While biblical references and Marian prophecies are concrete on the son of perdition’s emergence, it is important to focus on a single event that will surely designate his emergence. This individual, a global dictator & the most powerful global hegemon will among other things institute the abolition of the {new covenant Passover} (Catholic/Christian) Church Holy Sacrifice/Communion throughout the world. This is referred to as the abomination of desolation (Matt 24:15, Dan 8: 11 – 12, 9: 27). 

It is true that Mr Alexis Tsipras is an unbeliever and his private/political views may no doubt align with atheistic, humanistic and materialist dimensions. One must be patient to monitor his views/actions on religion, Greek Orthodox Church and Christianity at large. Nevertheless his potential action to eliminate the essence of Christianity which is the daily remembrance of Christ’s Holy Sacrifice of His Body & His Blood (at Mass) will be the clincher.

Strategic and highly geopolitical issues like the subject require care, tact and quality in presentation and dissemination. While it may apparently have a dedicated Christian disposition, its implication is not limited to them hence comprehensive & accessible presentation of information in any media is inevitable. Cheap, lousy and regressive content miserly pretending to assail the subject is illogical, disturbing and misleading which may apparently deceive contrary to ascribed expectation.

Monday, 23 February 2015

Extra-territoriality and Supranationality of Russia’s ‘Errors’

There are 2 sources of misunderstanding Russia in the West. These include conflating current Russian Federation with USSR and uncritical acceptance of misinformation disseminated from Western media and intellectual structures. In attempting to move beyond both sources, this article attempts to draw important items from Christian prophetic tradition to extend realistic understanding of 20th & 21st century Russian geopolitics. Above all this attempt makes a leap by extracting post-communism Non-communist Russia from dominant & active canons of communism values currently ravaging the West and many parts of the world.

Prior to the Spectre
The state of Europe was depressing at the time Karl Marx was concluding his theories of communism which by the way was not the alternative to capitalism rather a form of capitalism dominated by the state. Nevertheless he was prescient enough to foretell accurately of the ‘spectre haunting’ the continent. He could only use his own environment as the laboratory for implementing his theories and this includes then Russian Empire. Statistically anywhere in the world had equal chance to becoming a test bed for communist ideas.  Communism was not meant for Russia and vice versa. It is also regressive and intellectually dishonest to place Russia as ‘designated’ for communist infection, as if other European nations were no less suitable.

Pre-Revolution Russia
There is no debate that Russia was already great power in the 19th century with a very strong centralised authority invested in the Czar. Her influence and geographical sphere was acknowledged by other powers including Great Britain, France, Spain, Portugal and lately Germany. Most of her current borders are already fixed (to be reduced later). Germany was a concept that became a territorial reality only in 1871. Like other European countries of the time of which she is intricately connected with an economy dominated by agriculture, Moscow dominated national population concentration, where her intellectual and social traditions were embedded within its religious ontology in the Russian Orthodox Church. 

It must be acknowledged that Moscow became the 3rd Rome after the fall of Constantinople in the 15th century, which translated as the last bastion of Christianity and of course the Christendom. Pre-revolution Russia pedigree in domestic and global affairs couldn’t be underestimated, discounted or now deliberately regressed.  Nevertheless a combination of factors in both domestic and foreign affairs challenged the order which drove her populations to seek solutions from the Czar, communism was not one of the main/popular platforms for improvements.

1917 Marian Apparition of Fatima Portugal
As Europe conflagrated in the industrial murders of World War 1, in a little town of Fatima Portugal Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to 3 children and over the months of her appearance gave them a number of prophecies including one that particularly mentioned Russia. This prophecy had and continues to have huge geopolitical implications for the world. She warned that ‘that if Russia was not consecrated to Her Immaculate Heart as She requested, Russia would spread its errors throughout the world’. 

A number of points need to be clarified. The insertion of the name Russia could be viewed with rather a reflexive disposition. Russia is to be perceived as a container for the emergence and dissemination of an (atheistic) idea, a (value) system, state of mind and strategy for national, international and geopolitical interest or rather domination. Prior to the times there is no other place, country or empire whose unique mode of (atheistic) ideological operation turned into rallying cry for global domination. Of various periods in world history has provided vignettes for weaponisation of religion/religious ideas. 

What are these errors? The errors prophesied are communism. It is the systems of thought and operations that eliminate (Most High) God (of Jesus Christ) from human affairs, which place human beings at the centre of affairs which overthrows millennia long traditions/laws/practices in economic, (geo) political, military, religious, social, intellectual and education dimensions of existence of a state/nation. This core value or strategic initiative of communism negates or opposes belief in God; it actually attacks religion as a mortal enemy as summarised by Marx in the enduring dictum, “Religion is the opium of the people”. This was rather a confirmation is of a moral distance from Resurrection!

What is rather very significant is the time of the prophecy and the state of Russia.  The prophecy was given prior to 1917 October Revolution in Russia when Vladimir Lenin took power. Russia was in a state of upheaval, murderous WW1 was going badly for Moscow and the future looked bleak. Less than a decade prior, Russia Empire suffered a crushing defeating by Japan. Russia was in no state to be perceived as a serious global contender or world superpower within a very short time talk less of exporting new ideas or fresh regressive thinking in human affairs. 

The 1918 peace treaty imposed on her by Berlin at Brest-Litovsk is one of the biggest humiliations a country can receive even though Lenin regarded it as a ‘breathing space’. It is very important to present these contexts in order to juxtapose elements of historical reality of the times with anticipated events rendered in a prophetic text. 

If communist theory and ideology is strictly made to be coterminous with territoriality of states then any argument for its existence will be narrow. Further than that, it is a body of knowledge and system of knowledge unrestricted by time and space. Its ideas transcend the state and boundary of states and aspects of its thinking permeated the very territories of those that invested so much to eradicate it as a state-based political phenomenon.  Its sociology couldn't be stemmed by boundaries.

Post USSR Communism
There is no doubt that by the 1970 despite Brezhnev stagnation state communism can be found in all continents. Moscow was the fountain from which communist rain fell and other communistic states took legitimacy from her association, endorsement and support. As a body of knowledge and medium of observing and measuring reality it’s really went round the world across all spheres of human endeavour. Its head can be perceived in regressive secularism, dominant deicide, elimination of God and faith in public space, feminism, legalisations of abortion and etc. These examples present vivid templates by communism (party) to subvert Christian faith and any faith across borders, territories and continents.

Post-USSR Russia is no longer a communist state and no longer pursues foreign & geopolitical affairs to specifically spread communist ideas/values as its objective. One can go as far as affirm that emergent Russia in 1991 was hijacked by United States and her allies. The main political persuasion in the country is pluralistic with market economy and is open even to those purveying communistic disposition. 

Except in few cases of defensive action, Russia has not militarily sought to expand her territory or launch wars of aggression against other states directly or by proxy.  Since 1991 till present there is only one country that has attacked other countries through pre-emptive unprovoked assaults. There is only one state or country committed with zealous aplomb to deny or eliminated other states’ independence and sovereignty by any means necessary including unprovoked military assault.

It must be stress that even in conflicts that took place during the communist era, such conflicts need to be framed and reflected upon based on the unique set of circumstances rather than taking biased hyperbolic generalisation that mostly favours anti-communistic/USSR narratives.

Extra-Territoriality/Supranationality of Errors
Therefore cessation of Moscow’s role as the fountain and source of communism begs the question of what happens to its existence beyond USSR and Russia. Other capitals and their national parliaments bear full responsibilities for national strategies, policies and laws that align with atheistic humanistic & materialist errors originally spread by 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. Any suggestion that continues to blame such decisions and ongoing machinations on Moscow deserves to be revised, contextualised and if necessary rejected. Governments’ especially Western hegemonic and regional powers whether independent or dependent bear full responsibility for their freely signed legal proclamations and statues. 

Market economy and democratic political persuasion of various kinds are not credible bulwarks against atheistic humanistic ideas and practices. There is false sense of comfort and delusion in those communities around the world especially in those that self-validate their military prowess that the end of state communism is the end of the idea or value.  Russia is no longer the geographical volcano out of which atheistic humanistic pyroclasts and lava emanates first to her satellites and then to the wider world. 

The biggest spaces for abortion in the world include United States, EU, India and China. In the current dispensation it will be laughable for United States and EU to harp on their Christian credential which realistically no longer exists.  These countries became exporters of the errors which they inserted in their foreign policies as tools for power projections. The legitimisation and expansion of the sex industry and elevation of unnatural relationship respectively have reached huge proportions even in those formerly brutalised territories in the ‘backyard’ which seem to be making progress in GDP.  Other errors include human genetic manipulations, displacement and degradation of family rights, legalising unnatural relationships, supporting multi-parent reproduction and etc.

The ongoing global economic regression and depressions which escalated since 2008 offers interesting intersect of analyses. An important feature of this pattern of economic decline is the bifurcation of national economic space between rich and ever richer minority and the poor and ever poorer majority. There is no justification to elevate the essence of state to poverty imposition and its institutions to solely implement austerity. The outcome where states are aligned with capital/banks to wage attrition war against citizens is worrying. What happened to debt forgiveness? What happened to Jubilee year? 

The praetorian guards of the market, the new god, are now running circles on any victims like helpless Greece that all debts including odious debts must be paid. Why should debt be held ad infinitum by the strong? Therefore the new geopolitics in Europe and West is power projection via austerity which apparently exposes the state to high level of vulnerability. No genius is required to unravel its niche within atheistic humanistic agenda. What happened to compassion? United States and EU eviscerates God and Christian traditions while their suited armies march from central banks to hapless victims in southern Europe & around the world for their collective dignity, integrity and humanity. 

There is obvious evidence of convergence of political, economic, social and cultural processes around the world. While some may disagree forms of plutocratic market democracy dominate global political landscape with that bearded revolutionaries have disappeared from the scene. Capitalism is the single economic system with a global architecture powerful enough for entire nations and populations to be eliminated at the least design. In parallel the elevation of consumerism (supported by advertisement and encouraged by cheap credit) as a global ‘religious’ phenomenon has evaporated any geographical limitation to its supranational nature which has totally de-masked and exposed vulnerability of humanity.  

Interestingly most international passports now carry computer chips for uniform monitoring based on uniform technologies deposited at all airports in the world. There is no need to elaborate on Internet & telecommunication technologies as the global snooping machines with the aid of numerous satellites are already deployed to capture in real-time all telephone calls and Internet exchanges. These elements of global (uniform) geopolitical metastructure only lay the foundation of atheistic humanistic agenda to be finally operationalised through a global centralised government.  

With the background of massive global uncertainty, harking back to prophetic proclamations of 1917 Marian Apparition is one way of understanding the complexity and pessimistic trends of post-Soviet errors. The theories, knowledge and values of communism have been freely appropriated by the West as a means to advance strategic interest and projecting full-spectrum powers across the world. Understanding these trends with unblemished historical contexts including real-time confirmed signature removes ambiguity of the final destination or outcome of the errors in time and space for the world.

Monday, 16 February 2015

Greece in the Lead towards Reconfiguration of European Geopolitics

Potential Impacts of New Greek Election/Defiance of EU/Berlin 
Political outcomes and events unfolding in Greece are not isolated in time and space. It is not about money or instruments of wealth accumulation as imposed around by the mainstream media. What obtains in Greece is a manifestation of a long duree political and geopolitical struggle between 2 major interests captured within Greek territory. It is the case now that things have come to a head and this piece attempts to explore the determinants and scope its implications across Europe.

A People Betrayed Many Times
The dominant subject absent or seriously held down by the media is the real history of post-war Greek experience. Preceding it was the bloody experience and resistance of Greek peoples against Nazi onslaught which cost the Greeks dearly and like the ill-fated post-war settlement of accounts, Greek commons once again found themselves on the right of history by ¾. As a buffer against the then Iron Curtain with Turkey on the eastern flank, ideological (military via NATO) interest of the Great Powers superseded national self-determination implemented by Greek 1%. 

Even the internal politics was rigged against serious competition to prevent any bubbling of real initiative based on popular movement and real national agitation. It became safe to suggest that Greece was a European accident. Denied its place in the sun with proximity as back-door of Europe, Greek elites saw it fit to pander and kowtow to Western alliance in return for scraps from the table of global power elite at the expenses of their national interest.

1991 collapse of the ideological divide in Europe didn't magnify Greece’s ability to rise according to its popular wishes as Western powers saw to it that national interest chaffed under the radar while they are imposed with huge defence expenditure. No wonder many Greeks of the last 2 generations find more opportunities outside their national territory. With all eyes focused on the West even the orthodox religious and cultural connections with Eastern Europeans including Russian was modest and moribund at best.

Underneath all these changes were taking place and the bond of history among the peoples continues to thrive with hope, mobilisation and organisation waiting for its time while the elite ignored them as usual in history.

Imposition of Derogation
Even many of the so-called enlightened individuals including Greek elites whose hands are stained with regression and abuse of their heritage have resorted to derogation and abuse of Greek commons. Forced under a reconfigured geopolitical platform, a turgid Pax EUropa now institutes poverty as national dividends in Greece and across Europe via murderous austerity. When the bubble of EU economic re-engineering burst, risk and capitalistic accumulation consequences reverted to poisonous state. No more investor losses by any means necessary! Caucasian Europe is imbued with excellence in degradation and dehumanising of the Other. Africans initially, now Arabs and Asians provide excellent attestation!

Now EU elite realised with assistance from powerful media that Greeks are different from descendants of the so-called nucleus of Western civilisation. Actually for them the Greeks are lazy! A fitting metaphor manipulated to determine, trigger and execute destruction of peoples! This is humanitarian intervention without Hellfire missiles, Tomahawks, Rafale, Tornado and F-Series bombers. Yes, for them Greeks deserve to be stripped of ontology, history, civilisation, dignity, honour and humanity. They have become the Other despite their European origin and identity.

Resistance with Class
So when the toxicity of rigged capitalistic accumulation reached unmanageable proportion something is expected to give. With over $300 billion debt for 11 million people executed with finesse of ‘fiscal water boarding’, the Greeks realised that they either had to choose between death and honour. Now Greek has committed the awful crime of challenging the New EU Order (NEO) and the rhetoric against them borders on their temerity to do so. In Europe you are expected to tow the line or shot up. So much for democracy!

What is apparent is that capitalism is not the cause of Greek issue rather it is fascism, that uncontested merging of state and private interests with dissipation of their boundaries into a liquid relationship of common regressive vision. A geopolitical operation that refused to acknowledge the commons rather favour ill-fated struggles like failed banks is poignant. Now Greeks have said no with determination and serious consequences. They have and are putting up a serious fight and struggle. Remember Iceland with less a million people survived and thriving. Economy Stupid!

The fight is about power pure and simple. It is not about money. Internally, Greek elite are finished as a serious political force. They are harbingers of betrayal and indignity.  What EU elite refuse to countenance is the real experience of Greek commons, who are have confronted so much with institutionalised poverty and pain that death is trivial. Death is dead for them. The only things that can emerge for them is up and life.

EU elite led by Chancellor Merkel are too comfortable to understand reality of Greek streets. They are thumbing down their noses in disdain for the new Greek government.  History has shown that they are the wrong side of history. Washington DC did the same with Castro’s Cuba, Khomeini’s Iran and Hugo Chavez Venezuela.

As other Europeans observe, their observation conflate with EU elite fear that soon they may be pushed from power regardless of political divide. It is obvious that the ‘Greeks are lazy’ mantra will not work. It is equally clear that ‘Greeks must pay or stick to the plan’ is a hoax. The battle thicken as the new government in Athens refuse to budge under pressure as they painfully lead this apparently bloodless revolutions in Europe. They are standing tall!

The ‘right’ and ‘left’ concepts of political disposition are obsolete. The playing field is capitalism and the enemy is fascism for all players. The outcome is easily predictable; the commons in various EU countries will emerge as new political forces to contend with. Those on the right spectrum especially the anti-EU flirtation will surely emerge stronger. There is equally a geopolitical risk with far more potent than presented in the media.

The global sovereign fund of the rich Gulf States, China and other emerging economies are waiting on the wings to pick up cheap assets as Europe gradually unravels in an economic maelstrom. Currently Europe is a space of economic decline and vulnerability with internal bifurcation between the 1% and majority seeking handout which is serious clips with panache by genocidal austerity.  Europe may realise that it has little room to manoeuvre. Russia is not the weak link here, it is Europe.  While Berlin is played as the grand patron l’Europe Europe is leaking of credibility, stature and cohesion. United States private and public positions are interesting!


In the final analysis, EUrope in its current state is irrelevant and ripe for reconfiguration. The wind blowing from Athens is irreversible as many capitals and parliaments will be forced by unique national depressed economic experiences to foment spectrum of views from Anti-EU to pro-EU in the next decade. Of course the complex problem will remain insolvent but at least new faces and new ideas will grace the landscape. Those in Berlin who refuse to obtain insight from Athens will be eliminated in the next and subsequent rounds of European reconfiguration whose time has come.  

Monday, 9 February 2015

The Missing Link in Nigeria’s Current Election Re-Scheduling

A recent past article explored the use of Nigeria Army and Intelligence Agencies by the incumbent regime to advance its electoral interest. In the face of election re-scheduling by the Federal Government, it is important to highlight a pattern deep in the country politics against dealing successfully with large numerical projects like election and census. On another level, there is clear evidence that the most important dimension will continue to defy citizens and peoples; true solution-oriented leadership.

Intelligence Agency Co-option
By the time Col Sambo Dansuki opened his mouth in London few days ago advancing his reasons for election re-scheduling the die was cast. This individual is not even a minister of state hence unqualified to address such matters in both domestic and foreign fora. Only Internal Affairs minister and or INEC Chairperson including their appointed subordinates are competent to address elections issues to any audience. Clearly the incumbent regime and ruling party are under enormous pressure for such desperate measure.

First of all the information was not for Nigeria domestic audience who are the main stakeholders of elections. He was reaching out to the global elite, the powerful global network that interlocks its underlings on the Nigerian branch. In any case one can surmise that the message is clear; your investments will be secure under our regime if you understand our policy of temporary legal amendment (including rigging for the boss).

The only card played by this abuse of Intelligence agencies by the current regime is the elevation of the impending election to national security issue. By so doing so a fundamental mistake was secured, this is a mindless conflation of policies and dereliction of duty in addressing Boko Haram. If Boko Haram was not nipped in the bud and remained irremovable over 4 years, it is a toxic farce both to blame them for election re-scheduling and pledging to eliminate them in a few weeks. While Abuja is fully aware of this crisis plus its incompetence and malfeasance in managing it, it is also very clear that Abuja’s silence, subterfuge and pretence didn't confuse Nigerians.

Despite their suffering and smiling in the face of adverse waste of their huge national resources, they are tuned in to the fact that under the current regime; Nigeria’s territorial integrity is compromised. No amount of election re-scheduling will delete this important and ubiquitous fact. The president has not only failed to reassure Nigerians in the face of billions of naira defence budget but has also failed to express confidence of his ability to execute his function as Commander-in-chief in dealing with the crisis among others. Leadership is deficit including maintaining trust and delegating authority.

While many political parties are wondering about the real reason behind the expected decision, evident failure of the ruling party to tarnish the image of one of the presidential candidates via school attainment has already caused a strategic casualty.  Nigerian Army has been destroyed, its image tarnished and its future decimated due to her poor leadership in misaligning her core interest with narrow regressive interest of a political party.

Gerrymandering Geopolitical Interest
Few days ago US Secretary of State arrived Abuja to ‘advise’ on enhancement of democracy and sacrosancy of elections. Apparently what is obvious is not his statement which the US top diplomat is known for his undiplomatic nuances rather on how Nigerian interlocutors from PDP, APC and Abuja apparently demoted themselves to pupils seeking election manna from heaven. It is important to note that US has stopped or has significantly reduced her crude oil imports from Nigeria. Question is why was Mr Kerry in Nigeria?

Poignantly prior to his departure the same old noises on US infidelity were splashed on several dailies as puerile justification for the inability to confront and eliminate Boko Haram as a threat. Nevertheless it is equally clear that Boko Haram is a high stake leverage used by geopolitical powers including US and France to contain Nigeria within expected framework. However, a regime with contested objective, devoid of internal cohesion and bereft of real leadership cannot deliver in the domestic scene or at the comity of nations.

Failure of Leadership
The level of malfeasance and corruption among the political class is now stuff of legend. While election is not dissimilar to basic housekeeping processes, history has shown that Nigeria is in no shape to appreciate elections, a basic tool of problem management as a strategic initiative. The current and previous leaderships have been defined by corrosive failure in leadership best captured by an ontological depravity towards elections and census.

There is no point rehashing economic incompetence, project mismanagement and multi-dimensional anathema to positive governance at all levels of government. The recent past or ongoing verbal exchanges between a former Central Bank governor under a discredited regime and the current Washington DC consensus Finance/Economy Minister managing a discredited economy are significant and poignant. Of course no one is fooled and will not be. This is the missing link to all the preponderance to excuse events as opportunities to imposed regressive solutions such as re-scheduling elections. The commons, ordinary citizens and the plebs will continue to struggle and ‘suffer and smile’ with disinterest and fervent hope.

There is hope since nature abhors vacuums. There is an opportunity to be discerned in the whole drama for the commons. There is a huge opportunity for the commons and progressive forces to commence basic interactions and solidarity among themselves for real solutions. Two casualties are already recorded; Nigerian Army and PDP. These entities have already moved further in negatively reconfiguring core national ideals. Nigerian Army no doubt will need leadership make over. As for the big parties, something will give as they have failed as vehicles for positively realising aspirations of struggling peoples of Nigeria.

A new way of doing politics is inevitable. A time for new ways of serious politics in all geographies where the peoples are the engine, the machine and real determinant of their future has beckoned. With social media and Internet former barriers deserved to be analysed critically, programmes developed, policies and solutions propounded where prospective administrations will be held to account in post-colonial Nigeria.

In Conclusion
A number of options are abandoned for contemplation. Despite hollow excuses Boko Haram will not be dislodged from their positions within the time frame re-scheduled for national elections. If Abuja is to be believed that military hardware and equipments are the problems, there is no evidence that the Western Alliance led by Washington DC will approve sales to Abuja in the interim period. The military with a battered image maybe compelled to commence an aggressive scorched-earth policy against Boko Haram in the 4 states Abuja allege they hold territory meaning that few billions of naira will be thrown at the same problem to sway the electorate (in PDP favour) with little result in a short time.

Abuja is constrained to approach Moscow and Beijing for assistance due to lack of foreign policy independence. Another option is the well-worn rigging to ensure PDP grip on power. Well, there is no point speculating peoples’ potential reaction. Regardless of any option whether in isolation or in concurrence, Nigerians have made up their minds not just on voting but on where their strategic future lies. It is in a post-colonial Nigeria beyond the current broken & compromised system.

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

African Security Problem - A Geopolitical Red Herring for Recolonisation/Evolved Imperialism

Africa - A continent of 54 states
In the background of the 24th Africa Union Summit in Addis Ababa, a profound high-jacking of the agenda by misinforming Western media seem to find the gem in the election of Zimbabwean president as the AU chairman. Beyond appropriating headlines, the same suspects have latched on post-liberation-struggles imposed insecurity. It is the position of this article that Africa’s imposed insecurity is a function of geopolitical struggle on a wider spectrum between Western alliance and China. Insecurity and instability are manufactured tools or weapons in the geopolitical/geostrategic calculations of foreign powers’ arsenal. Unfortunately, Africa and Africans have become victims duly co-opted and cooperative under duress.

After Cuito Carnavale
In an era of instant messaging and 24-hrs news/misinformation, most of what is lost in not the underlying truth but also the historicity of content. Western media and western capitals have sustained misinformation projecting Africa as insecure & unstable. This is all the more poignant from sections of vulture-investors nevertheless Chinese, Indian, Korean and Russian investments continue to role in.

1987-1988 Battle of Cuito Carnavale in Angola set a watershed for eliminating a pillar of African instability in a proxy geopolitical war between United States and ideological communism. It may seem far away now but the essence cannot be dismissed. The scene was set by a fudged or muddled Portuguese policy towards Angolan independence which exposed colonial Lisbon as a farce laced with impotence displayed in the 1975 Treaty of Alvor. So instead of presenting a clear transition to independence, weak Lisbon played for sustained conflict between various independence parties.

These parties included pro-communist Popular Movement for Liberation of Angola (MPLA), Zaire-backed National Liberation Front of Angola (FNLA) and South Africa-US backed Union for Total Liberation of Angola (UNITA). Typical clash of liberation fighters! Surely they clashed as Lisbon sublet the problem by repacking it as ideological conflict. Above all the motivating issue is Angola’s rich mineral and marine resources. Remember the battle for South Sudan, same policies never change!

Rich reserves of crude oil & diamond among others, massive fishing generated by cold Benguela Current off Angolan coast and potential regional market domination in a stable environment provides geopolitical markers of which any new state must be collared at conception. See figure below.
Benguela Current - Source:
From the south, South Africa with its obnoxious apartheid footprint was already a regional policeman projecting power from Cape to Northern Angolan parallel across the whole of Southern Africa. Apartheid South Africa launched unprovoked attacks on Zambia, Botswana, Mozambique, Lesotho, Swaziland and others states on the pretext of pursuing liberation fighters. See Map below for apartheid military spatial capability. Namibia then SW Africa was a South African occupied territory. White Pretoria was not only exploiting with impunity internally but with massive foreign support had a grip on its huge neighbourhood/market. US naturally allied with Pretoria which is understandable with its Jim Crow/slavery policy for over 300 years.
Apartheid South Armed Forces spatial range in Southern Africa
Fast-forward to 1975 when MPLA (backed by Cuba, Nigeria and USSR) gained Luanda hence provisional power, only time play for showdown. As a communist party ruffling feathers over rich real estate, Western calculation confirmed its elimination. Cuba and Nigeria understood this strategic gambit. When battle joined it was bloody, exhaustive, expensive and prolonged until the 1987-1988 battle which not only eliminated presumed invincibility of white South African forces but served the death kneel of apartheid. See Map below.
Exaggerated Map of Angola - Source: Wikipeadia
Read Piero Gleijeses Conflicting Missions: Havana, Washington and Africa, 1959-1976 & Visions of Freedom: Havana, Washington, Pretoria, and the Struggle for Southern Africa, 1976-1991 for comprehensive treatment. On the basis of this battle, generations-long struggle for African dignity, freedom and ontology was won. The result include assured security of Angola under MPLA, elimination of apartheid ideology and its white minority rule in South Africa, independence of Namibia, conclusion of liberation struggle in the region and finally reversing Pretoria’s (United States) role in destabilisation of Southern Africa region.

IMF/World Masterstroke & Post-Soviet Malaise
Africa with her massive reserves of mineral, marine and hydrological resources can never be dismissed by foreign powers. For geopolitical powers including China, Africa offers the best laboratory for experimenting with imperialism, stretching the limiting of its evolution and modification. Coming on the onus of capitalism, the main thrust is making profit via vehicle of instability unleashed by industrial violence if possible with limited boots on the ground. This imposed instability by the West doesn't serve Africa’s strategic interest and this picture has dominated the continent for the past 2-3 centuries.

Nested western interests converged on United States supreme dictation parcelled out to European losers of WW2 especially UK and France reflect the main vehicle for Africa’s instability. France is quite deft in these matters. For history, it mustn't be denied or argued that USSR forces not only won WW2 but sacrificed millions of men/women and massive resources. USSR never haunted Africa. Read Vladimir Alexandrov The Black Russian for unique experience of a US person of African descent in Imperial Russia.

The so-called wind of change of independence never transformed ‘independent’ countries to security, clarity and stability. The new elite were and remain in the most part holdovers of colonial operations. This is clear especially in French colonised countries with their treasuries in the Bank of France. So by 1970s groundwork was laid for extension of impunity on Africa by UK & France. In addition to adverse natural conditions, bankrupt African economies gradually got hooked on massive borrowing of western funds. An addiction that developed dependence! The borrowed funds never stayed in Africa and there was no development of substance rather it recycled back in flight to Europe and United States while interest piled for citizens. Watch/read Confessions of an Economic Hitman by J Perkins for further treatment!

1980s ushered in IMF/World Bank medicine of Austerity/Structural Adjustment which finished off and started another round of regression in Africa. It was at the same period that HIV/AIDS appeared on the scene to complement the onslaught against Africans. The purpose of these geostrategic measures is to regress, degrade and eliminate Africa as a viable force in determining her own affairs by any means necessary. These geostrategic policies are renewed by Washington DC to suit her strategic interest over time or in response to serious challenges by other/new powers.

Look at Greece today with the same arguments made against Athens similar to those made on Africa & South America. Austerity is a weapon of economic warfare deployed against nations/countries by geopolitical powers in collaboration with domestic privileged and elite to extract their submission, subjugation, impotence, regression and ontological destruction.

It must be stressed that Moscow’s footprint in Africa was limited by design which classified hierarchies of communistic tendency on strict criteria of orthodoxy implemented by Joseph Stalin and remain unchanged by his successors including Mikhail Gobarchev. By the time USSR became history every geopolitical proxy in Africa set up to counter the presumed Moscow threat was cut adrift by Washington DC. This was best expressed in Zaire in President Mobutu Sese Seko’s meltdown and collapse of the country thereafter which continues till today. Patrice Lumumba saw it decades in advance!

Geographically African centre rich in mineral resources connecting Congo, Gabon, DRC, Central Africa, Rwanda and Burundi is hollowed out for reasons to be explained later. Communism and Moscow were perfect objects of false flagging and misinformation to advance western interests towards coveting mineral resources via fear, conflicts, insecurity and instability realised by industrial violence in Africa. The case of Zanzibar in the 1960 is a textbook in geopolitical red herring!

Full Spectrum Dominance Phase
In the absence of a superpower challenger, Washington DC relaxed into geopolitics of hubris savouring the globe as her object of unchallenged manipulations over time. For Africa a window of opportunity gradually emerged in some regions as one funnel of resources was closed. Post-apartheid Africa generated new geopolitical demarcation of the continent by Clinton regime into 4 distinct sub-sectors assigned to a regional policeman; Nigeria for West Africa, Egypt for North Africa, South Africa for Southern Africa and Ethiopia for East Africa. In the meantime US AFRICOM was dangled and rejected by African leaders prior to 2001.

There are few frozen conflicts or cold peace in Africa. Conflicts in Africa are concluded regardless of duration.  Prior to 2001 remnants of conflicts in various regions are either in decline or are grinding to a halt towards new inclusive elite democracy or demilitarised decision making at the centre.In Southern Africa, effective cut-off of direct foreign support and resources from South Africa and Zaire to the UNITA enabled Luanda to regain full territorial control in routing UNITA. Instability in the Cabinda area was reversed. As a geopolitical space, military conflict was eliminated in Africa and became ripe for other kinds of instability exemplified by the unfortunate alignment of Nelson Mandela with neoliberal economic forces.

In West Africa a combination of forces converged to unleash conflagration in the region. Despite cessation of Libyan interference in Chad’s Aouzou Strip (rich in uranium), 1987 murder of Captain Thomas Sankara reconfigured Burkina Faso as the new linchpin of regional destabilisation. Ex-president Blaise Compaore strategically placed Ouagadougou as the entrepot of weapons & equipments supply from Libya and France to destabilise Liberia and Sierra Leone both rich in diamond. Interestingly Monrovia’s overplaying her hand and sucked Guinea in while Cote d’Ivorie played for time until her own rebels sought assistance from Ouagadougou that finally brought Allassane Quattara to power in 2011.

While Nigeria projected power in stemming the conflict with ECOMOG, unfortunately Lagos/Abuja was fuzzy on the complexity of responses the foreign conflict stakeholders will unleash on her interests even within her territorial space. Principally, Nigeria is the main obstacle to French ambition in Africa especially in the west sub-region. Remember the difference of opinion and policy between Washington DC and Lagos on Angola in 1976. Relationships between Lagos backing of MPLA and the 1976 murder of the approving (Nigerian) Head of State remain fuzzy.  

Interestingly French France-Afrique operations continue unabated as perceived in the changing internal forces in Congo, Chad, Niger and other countries under Paris bidding until 2001 arrived. In addition Nigeria’s destabilisation furthers French interest rather than Washington DC. Without Africa, France is diminished hence the current Boko Haram insertion cannot be dislocated from French influence. Remember the French president 2014 emergency summit on Nigeria & her neighbours in Paris following Chibok girls’ abduction, which Nigerian president broke protocol to attend. A meeting Abuja should have initiated and hosted.

Earlier allegation by Abuja against Ouagadougou (under Blaise Compaore) sponsoring/collaboration with Boko Haram was unanswered. Rather Nigeria is encircled by new US strategic assets in military/drone bases in surrounding former French colonies. Admittedly Abuja has been supine and dormant in diplomacy and bereft of robustness in driving internal cohesion for nearly 2 decades. Evidence is the current inability of Nigerian Armed Forces to subdue and eliminate Boko Haram. Rather African Union and even Chad is called upon to support and assist Abuja. The turn of fortunes!

North Africa erupted in massive turmoil when Algeria erstwhile power refused to cede power peacefully in 1992. The outcome became renewed war of independence without Paris as the opponent. Nevertheless from Morocco (asphyxiating Western Sahara) to Egypt an ossifying form of stability tied mostly to Washington DC design played out.

On the eastern flank interesting developments were unfolding. Sudanese debacle moved into irreversible gear with SPLA dug in with United States support channelled via Uganda and Kenya. Somalia has already drawn blood of Washington DC in 1993-1994 which later influenced policy underpinning US AFRICOM. Was this a deliberate ploy to trigger a new policy or influenced US domestic audience? Simply in Africa strategic geopolitical interests must be pursued with if possible no boots on the ground. Drones haven’t come into military formations at the time.

However as Zaire unravelled, Rwanda dissipated and Uganda waxed strong and in the near future was reading for battle. Weak Zaire opened for power grab while Uganda assisted rebel forces to destabilise Rwanda culminating in the 100-day genocide. Current Rwandan president was Ugandan Army Intelligence chief. Fingerprints of United States and France were written all over the conflict as Rwanda emerged as a powerful army devoid of a durable state, an export/’producer’ of mineral resources, a dependable accessory of United State and a member of bilateral axis US satrapy in East Africa. Read Reyntjens Filip’s The great African war: Congo and regional geopolitics for comprehensive treatment.

War on Terror cum Pivot to Asia
Degradation of Soviet influence opened the door wider for China to express her ambition in Africa. United States obsession (with crude oil) in Arab world & Afghanistan ensured that geopolitical vacuum cannot exist in Africa of which Beijing latched on with the masquerading policies of co-developing status and co-colonised victimhood. This is another imperial quisling masquerading weakness for a time at least on the economic front without hanging on to territorial ambitions. Time will come later in future for such adventures and memories of Boxer’s Rebellion may recede.

Considering the complexity of relationship between Washington DC and Beijing, on the one hand the former wants to constrain/contain the latter while it simultaneously wants to extract profits from the latter’s markets at least by US elite. US also wants to contain Chinese influence beyond her shores including moderating her access to and supply of mineral resources which Beijing pays for at world market price. Since most of Chinese mineral supply comes from Africa and China is deploying various policies to maintain her market share/supply chain including building strategic relationship with various African capitals, these interests are deemed threatening by Washington DC.

Dubbing Africa a geography of terrorism and insecurity is classic misinformation. Washington DC is willing to continue to underwrite insecurity and instability through industrial violence in Africa to pursue her interest. Convergence of US & Saudi interests in an apparent Saudisation of US (African) policy is an example of bizarre militarisation of binary violence of which Africans are helpless victims.

Another important outcome of 2001 is the wholesale subordination of French France-Afrique policy to US State Department in an attempt not to muscle out London rather to sustain her core interest against buoyant and expanding Chinese strategy. In a sense France is avoiding or slowing down evident de-imperialisation. Austerity has a downside; it weakens foreign policy, geopolitical ambitions and projection of power.

A decade on war-on-terror, the war machine was redirected against Africa. This corrosive and regressive foreign policy enhanced on Africa by US president of African descent is troubling at least for its diminution of leadership. In 2011 Libya was destroyed, hundreds of thousands of Libyans murdered including their leader with losses on Libyans for generations to come while billions of dollars in investment were irreparably lost to Chinese, Turkish and Russian investors. (Turkey assumed her handsome reward will come with quick overthrow of Damascus hence the frost in current US relations).

The attack on Libya created expected spatial dispersal effects on destructive forces inserted across the region and increasing insecurity. The whole of North Africa is boiling and for good measure an elected leader was excusably removed from power under duress in Egypt. Lesson for the all especially countries with nuclear capability!

South Sudan is barely a state. Kenya, a poor and struggling client was recruited for a few dollars more to keep boots on the ground in Somalia and eventually got stuck. Strategically, Nairobi is seeking for an exit strategy from Somalia which will only materialise when Washington DC approves. In the mean time there are more tasks (including internally in Kenya) to be done irrespective of any emerging evidence for immediate Somalia exit; hence Kenya’s client status will continue to undermine her independence and sovereignty.

US AFRICOM is now in ascendant with massive military aid (instead of development assistance) provided to many African capitals to fight off imaginary ‘terrorists’ consisting of mainly of opposition party members and legal power challengers to the status quo. US will raise the spectre of her bulging military aid to Africa but check the footprint in African blood then a better picture will emerge. Few years ago in the central Africa region, US deployed her forces in the excused pursuit of Lord’s Resistance Army group despite clear evidence that the group has receded into a band of loose hungry stragglers. What was Washington DC intention if not insecurity and instability?

If French position is injected the picture becomes clearer. Central African Republic has of late become a hub for western media. Her presidents are changing rather in quick succession for a simple reason. In the face of austerity which devastated French treasury, Bangui decided to invite China to explore and invest in mineral resources development in erstwhile French sphere of influence.  Paris construed such seeking of foreign investment as an affront and nipped Beijing investment in the bud by organising regime change. The macabre of death and merchants of murder plundering Central African Republic currently is underwritten by Paris.

Similar event is observed in Cote d’Ivorie were then President Gbagbo defied Paris hence inviting the blood thirsty President Nicolas Sarkozy to invade an already wounded country and overthrow the government for its favoured man to take power. There is a blunted parallel for US in her erstwhile backyard of South America back in the days.

Africa is a continent of stability, security and huge potential. Imperial ambition of foreign powers and geopolitical design of future powers is expressed in their united position to covet, exploit and denude Africa’s huge mineral, hydrological, marine and human resources. These foreign powers underwrote, are underwriting and will underwrite insecurity and instability. Insecurity and instability are in themselves weapons for gaining advantage in geopolitics.

Masquerading as market innovation based on profit, capitalism is once again deployed to extract maximum result in tandem with industrial violence and abiding fear. It is this fear that overhangs when Africa is mentioned while her airports are teeming with plane-loads of foreign investors and her seaports bursting with exports of unprocessed minerals/assets and imports of domestic-market suffocating, cheap-low-quality tangibles. Only Africa and Africans can create and sustain her own security, stability and unfettered development. It is only feasible when Africa unites