Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Eschatological Geopolitics – The Son of Perdition Allegation on the Greek Prime Minister

Do not be deceived! 

While academic and professional geopolitics is self-limiting in its choice of variables for prediction and estimation, our attention is focused on extra-academic variable for solutions. As a result the purpose of this piece is to shed light of emerging suggestions on Internet (YouTube) that the new Greek Prime Minister maybe or is the Anti-Christ. The backbone of this exploration is built on biblical studies, Marian prophecies and historical convergences. I need to stress that approved Marian apparitions are biblical. While the reality of the subject is unassailable its interpretations and explanations are conditional with minor gaps due to epistemological limitations.

Be mindful that biblical prophecies have both near-time and long (end) time dimensions. Symbolic reading/interpretation takes precedence over literal reading interpretation. Nevertheless the spatial and territorial influence of the son of perdition or anti-Christ will be global. His domination for its allocated period will be holistic and total. This is important!

The Bone of Contention
Those making suggestions or allegation are correct in designating the present century as end time. The background the suggestion is from individuals of various Christian denominations making their conclusions based on hunches, limited observations and feelings/intuitions. The primary trigger for suggestion is Mr Alexis Tsipras’ absence or lack of faith. 

The main issue with a number of these exclamations is the ubiquitous lack of or absence of biblical or extra-biblical references. Such absence is misleading, intellectually dishonest and spiritually inconsistent.  Without rich detail and supporting information geopolitically, even from a critical geopolitical perspective such suggestions are hot air. Let us review the biblical requirements and prophetic assertions regarding the son of perdition and juxtapose them with the alleged candidate. Biblical references used are based on Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible + Challoner Notes.

Direct from The Oracle
Who is he? ‘He’ suggests that this individual is a male (Jn 17: 12, 2 Thess 2: 3) and is already born in our own time and era. He will ‘be born of a Hebrew nun, a false virgin’. This is the exact words of Our Blessed Virgin Mary in her prophecy/apparition as Our Lady of La Salette France in 1846. Reflecting on the text and nouns in section 3 suggest a number of possible outcomes focused on the illegitimacy of the man’s birth or the illegitimacy of his descent (generations earlier) or even that he maybe reproduced through artificial insemination. This should be equally perceived from the dimension of perversion focused on reversed imitation of Christ’s virgin birth.

Mr Alexis Tsipras origin needs to match the above assertions to be qualified for son of perdition candidate. It is dangerous to casually map data onto an individual devoid of critical analysis and empirical data.  

Where will he come from? This man, the son of perdition, has a geographical origin already prophesied in the Sacred Scripture. Biblical references give an interesting geographical combination as his origin which was formerly under Assyrian Empire and then Roman Empire.  Furthermore the geographical possibility in the text in Dan 8: 8 – 9 conforms to what is today western Turkey.  The main city on this large peninsular is Istanbul formerly known as Constantinople. See map below.

Exaggerated Area Coterminous to Anti-Christ Origin
Historically, current shared boundaries of Turkey and Greece only came into force in 1922 with acrimoniously consequences that rumbles till today.  Post-Ottoman Empire acrimony between ethnic Turks and Greeks led to 1923 - 1930 horrendous population exchange/deportation of populations between the 2 countries based on religious identity. In essence erstwhile Greek Muslims moved en masse eastward to Turkey and erstwhile Turkish Greeks moved en mass westward to Greece. See map below. Mr Alexis Tsipras must be a descendant of a woman or came from a lineage of a woman who made that arduous journey from western Turkey possibly from Istanbul to Greece to fulfil the prophecy. Data for Mr Tsipras is not available at the time of writing. 

Map of Population Deportations between Turkey & Greece 1923 - 1930
When will he arrive on world stage? There are 2 dimensions toward understanding the timeline of his emergence. The first dimension is the time line in world history and this aligns with the generation/decades following the 1947 UN approval for the creation of Israeli state (Dan 9: 25, Matt 24: 34). Marian apparitions/prophecies as Our Lady of Good Success Quito Ecuador (1581), Our Lady of La Salette France (1846) and Our Lady of Fatima Portugal (1917) all concur. By the way all the named apparitions are approved by the Catholic Church. 20th & 21st century bear all the marks of upheavals mentioned in Matt 24: 3 – 12.

The second time line focus on a particular time frame within the current era. This son of perdition will appear on the world stage following a period when the world is struggling with apparently irresolvable political, economic, social, environmental, military and moral confusion/uncertainty. Surely he’ll be staunchly anti-God, anti-Christ and anti-religion (Dan.7:8, 7:11, 7:20, 7:25, 11:36, Rev.13:1-6). Since the last decade insurmountable complex problems are compounding giving significant testament as many solutions are thrown in by the global elite without success. Read Matt 24: 3 – 12, Rev 6:2 – 8. His coming will usher in a false hope accompanied by his false ‘successful’ solutions to aforementioned complex problems (Rev.13:3-4; 17:17). St Paul pinpoints his emergence following first great apostasy of loss of faith (white Horse) and other upheavals (2 Thess 2: 3 – 11).

With special significance it is very early to map stated patterns on Mr Alexis Tsipras for a number of reasons. His currency in domestic and international affairs is being tested in his first confrontation with the beast, {one world government disposed} European Union (Rev 13: 1, Is 4:1). His solutions to EU banking/political elite are currently being chewed over to affirm/reject his proposals/solutions. His political and military solutions will surely offer deeper insight nevertheless only after the current Greek economic crisis is averted.

Ultimate Marker
While biblical references and Marian prophecies are concrete on the son of perdition’s emergence, it is important to focus on a single event that will surely designate his emergence. This individual, a global dictator & the most powerful global hegemon will among other things institute the abolition of the {new covenant Passover} (Catholic/Christian) Church Holy Sacrifice/Communion throughout the world. This is referred to as the abomination of desolation (Matt 24:15, Dan 8: 11 – 12, 9: 27). 

It is true that Mr Alexis Tsipras is an unbeliever and his private/political views may no doubt align with atheistic, humanistic and materialist dimensions. One must be patient to monitor his views/actions on religion, Greek Orthodox Church and Christianity at large. Nevertheless his potential action to eliminate the essence of Christianity which is the daily remembrance of Christ’s Holy Sacrifice of His Body & His Blood (at Mass) will be the clincher.

Strategic and highly geopolitical issues like the subject require care, tact and quality in presentation and dissemination. While it may apparently have a dedicated Christian disposition, its implication is not limited to them hence comprehensive & accessible presentation of information in any media is inevitable. Cheap, lousy and regressive content miserly pretending to assail the subject is illogical, disturbing and misleading which may apparently deceive contrary to ascribed expectation.

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