United States demoted strategic
relevance of both Europe and Middle East during Obama’s first term with Hilary
Clinton as Secretary of State. Apart from continuing most of George W Bush
foreign policies, Obama regime demonstrated an attempt to repack containment
strategies a la Brzezinski and
unipolar doctrine of the New American Century. The final outcome is
reconfiguration of the grand chessboard of global balance of power to contain
emerging China with the Asian Pivot policy. This Asian pivot is a full spectrum containment policy including but not limited to military option. Considering that US projection of
power diminished or dismissed potent reaction of Moscow, nevertheless its
implementation has resulted in Moscow’s breakout to pivot in Asia. We’ll
attempt to navigate through the geopolitical jungle on how these developments
will reflect on Africa.
Last Man Standing
In a previous piece I attempted
to make a geopolitical case for the broadness of US Asia Pivot policy of
containing Beijing to include but limited to relocation of strategic and
convention military assets to the Pacific. I stressed that US AFRICOM is part
of the full spectrum of the policy to mitigate mineral resources supply lines
of China from Africa. It is long standing policy of US since 1945 not to tolerate
any competition in the global stage and the demise of USSR in 1991 provided a
triumphant and hubristic conclusion. Of course such investment in geopolitical
celebration seem to ignore lessons of history or where it was understood,
resources were mismanaged & misplaced.
It is the triumphalism of assumed
unipolar world dominated by Washington DC that led her to openly choose the
part of self-destruction. In any case global domination simultaneously by
military and cyber forces is perceived as fait
accompli. Africa’s resistance to US
overtures especially US AFRICOM was led by Ghaddafi since most of the continent
leaders were either weakly running the show only in their capitals or are
simply on the throes of stagnation. Nigeria was muddled as a baggage of
potential with increasingly diminished diplomatic profile of a client status.
Enter the Dragon
By the time Deng Xiaoping
rendered his own version of ‘riches is good’, USSR was on its deathbed as
Gorbachev struggled with its life support coupled with ineffective dual doses
of perestroika and glasnost. Beijing could only source for
mineral resources from around the world at market prices in other to sustain
her emerging role as the factory of the world. One must always understand
Beijing’s motive for dropping Marx for Adams on the economy. Potential loss of power albeit in a violent
counter-revolution by over a billion people is non-trivial expectation hence strategic
adoption of market economy is rather doing politics by other means. Internal
stability and unchallenged maintenance of power are the primary objectives of
Chinese Communist Party.
Therefore Africa offered Beijing
rich opportunities to invest, pay at world prices, extract minerals and
transport raw materials back to China.
Angola and Nigeria added to her crude oil sources while DRC and other
country opened up precious/rare mineral reserves. Underlying these developments is strong US
ambivalence on Africa summarised in Henry Kissinger’s dictum that nothing good
comes out of Africa which was punctuated by 3 events; 1970s – 1980s awashing of
US weapons for various wars of liberation crystallised in the final push for
Angola in the war between Washington DC & Havana by proxy, unleashing of World
Bank/IMF structural programme of austerity/debt inflation and emergence of
A number of developments enabled
Chinese economic expansion into Africa after her 1970s ill-fated attempt to
engage in liberation wars. These include US diminution of her only nuclear
rival, Moscow; US investment of huge geopolitical capital in the precarious
Middle East especially on the Israel-Palestinian file, Israeli
invasion/occupation of Lebanon, Iran-Iraq War and Gulf War 1. The more unstable
each case became the more US got involved even after suffering heavy day losses
in 1982 Beirut Truck Bombing. Two items foreclosed US involvement in Middle
East; ensuring Israeli pre-eminence and undisputed control of Gulf crude oil.
Full Spectrum Self Destruction
By the time US ‘won’ the Cold
War, USSR finally laid to rest, Russia emerged weak and confused, Europe
finally pacified; Washington DC seemed to have reached its geopolitical zenith.
The apparent consolidation and sole dictation of global events was insufficient
prize as new frontiers were mapped out for accumulation. In the meantime
European Union had garnered enough feathers to attempt serious flight while
NATO gradually moved eastwards unopposed by a hapless Moscow. Whatever happened
in 2001 allowed United States to advance her new programme of global domination
forward with hubris and miscalculated judgements.
Dual invasion of Afghanistan and
Iraq with the most lethal weapons ever made by man presented cheap military
victory, inter-generational social disasters and minimal real positive
objectives at years turned into a decade plus. In the decade of warring,
Beijing consolidated her African expansion to the point of rendering World
Bank/IMF irrelevant. US distraction and side shows ran by London & Paris
still didn't allow many African countries rooms to manoeuvre coupled with
mismanagement, huge debts, instability, crumbled infrastructure and lack of vision/innovation.
China’s non-interference in other
country’s internal affair and US distraction offered Africa new options in an
emerging geo-economic space for trade, finance and investments all in US
dollars. China-Africa summits suddenly
became new features in international events calendar. Prudent management of
these windfalls is an important subject for critical examination across African
capitals. However Beijing was focused on her strategic interest to ensure ‘a
peaceful rise’. Apparently Africa from
Clinton era had gradually became a serious subject as a space for actual
domination or (military) re-colonisation not her peoples but her rich geology.
This will mean further reduction of London & Paris influence. This is the
making of US AFRICOM.
The Bear wakes from
Moscow’s humiliation a la Boris Yeltsin is gradually reversed
by Putin nevertheless without commitment of global power projection rather with
expectation to be counted an indispensible serious player on the world
stage. Unfortunately Putin and Russian
elite since Peter the Great have a historical predilection of over seeking
Western attention. The same conclusion can be drawn on Moscow’s disinterest in
Africa which USSR accentuated it with hierarchical classification of communist
orthodoxy that relegated African players at the bottom. Havana tasted Moscow’s
modus vivendi in the conclusion of Cuban Missile Crisis with Kennedy-Khrushchev
rapprochement behind the scene as Fidel Castro painfully acknowledged.
The second coming of Putin was on
the back of Medvedev misjudgement in giving US green light on ‘humanitarian
intervention’ to destroy Libya in 2011, in the process eliminate the sole
resistance to US AFRICOM operating freely in Africa with the murder of
Ghaddafi. Another expression of Russia’s
retrogressive view of Africa! Putin must
have absorbed the lesson and when Damascus’ turn came for vaporisation with
Hellfire & Tomahawk missiles, Moscow objected, blocked potential
‘intervention’ and offered strategic solution. US were not only saved humiliation,
Arab world was lifted up a bit while Tel Aviv consolidated her pre-eminence in
the area with Tehran waiting with uncertainty on the wings.
Curiously US policy was churning
out success in Kigali and Kampala in the genocidal frenzy in the Democratic
Republic of Congo leaving nearly 6 million dead. A bequeathal to Mobutu! These
arrowheads on the east African flank grew their profiles, received huge
military aid from US and consolidated their leadership with unchallenged
political structures. Addis Ababa played the regional policeman in Somalia while
seamlessly accepting Beijing’s investments.
West Africa has been sinking for
a long time with Nigeria running a client show in declining stature and
diplomatic misery. Libya’s invasion simply opened the door to further destabilise
West Africa for ‘humanitarian intervention’ and disrupt Chinese investment where
applicable. Though South Africa is a BRICS member with medium-sized diplomatic
weight, it broke ranks to vote for US invasion of Libya in 2011. Africa is
caged with increasing number of US AFRICOM military instructors and drone bases
across the continent to ‘fight terrorism’!
Moscow Asia Pivot
It is difficult to estimate the
depth of lessons Moscow learnt from its 2008 war with Georgia. One can suggest
little as NATO continued her eastward match. In 2014 finally Kiev offered
Moscow a grand opportunity to reconsider her foreign policy, revalue her
history in Europe and simulate her future interests/security. In deciding
against military response to the Kiev provocation, Moscow reaped huge dividend
which added to her urgency in recalibrating her disentanglement from the US
economic machine. Washington DC miscalculation in Kiev presented Moscow an
entree to finally establishing an independent payment system (cutting out Visa
& MasterCard), advance the use of rouble in trade and finally accepting
that her future partly depends on developments in rising Asia starting with
The recent past $400 billion gas deal
signed with Beijing to supply gas via pipelines for at least 30 years is
significant & in contrast signals categorical economic pivot in Asia. While
global trade in US dollar is declining, this deal opens the door wider for
trade in basket of currencies which may exclude US dollars. China finally
obtains secure energy supply lines with minimum interdiction. While Russia secures an alternative market in a near-perfect diversification strategy. The era of
bilateral trade in national currencies is finally returning with national
central banks on the throes of losing their ‘cherished independence’.
It cannot
be challenged that most of the deal will be paid for in Yuan and Ruble which
further diminishes US dollar profile hence US hegemony. With large high income populations across Asia
particularly in India, energy demand will surely rise. With Pakistan &
Afghanistan currently the sick men of Asia geo-stability, secure pipeline
encirclement of Asia from Iran, Russia, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan will be fait accompli in a few years despite US
European uncertainty and disunity
led by a weak Germany on isolating Moscow indicates that many capitals are
willing to defy Washington DC to preserve their strategic interests. France
publicly rebuffed US leaning to cancel her defence contracts with Moscow.
Berlin’s ambivalence is testified by the robust & unflinching position of
her business elite on their Russian investments. Curiously these investments
have potential opportunity to be conveyed in Euros & Ruble further
restricting US dollar.
Which Way Africa?
Africa is not in the position to
defy or resist US. Nigeria is already lurching between failed-state status and
moribund existence despite possession of huge mineral and human resources. The
unending freefalling of Naira is matched against dominance of US dollars in
trade coupled with members of Washington DC consensus serving as Economy and
National Planning ministers. However
with increasing profile of Beijing through various financing and investment
vehicles, African capitals may have to renegotiate old contracts and draw new
deals in Yuan. African central banks may
have to adopt stronger positions to enable Beijing freer hand in their
economies with greater injection of Yuan despite the challenges to their
domestic markets. In any case these central banks have huge potential in dealing
in basket of currencies as diversified investment portfolios with capacity of
negotiating improve trade terms.
Without pursuing illusions,
African countries have a long way to go especially French colonised countries
whose national reserves are held in the French Treasury without accountability
from Paris. Close cooperation is required for African countries to make
positive move which ensuring domestic stability in their internal affairs.
Gradual reversal from poorly negotiated & lopsided EU free trade agreements
is necessary. Whether such moves will be countenanced by Beijing in the long
run is a matter of conjecture. In the meantime Beijing lacks the capability to
protect her strategic interests overseas militarily hence the apparent threat
of US military. In the mean time Africa has the potential of swimming between
the tides of geopolitical powers as the older template of international balance
of power is giving way.
US is caught in a precarious
position as a result of ill-defined foreign policies especially over priority
on Middle East. With Middle East in tatters and seriously weakened, the
windfall of resistance will move towards Tehran elevating her as the regional
power as US reluctantly concede the errors of Iraq invasion. An Iran freed from encumbrances of US
containment and military bases will surely project power through expansion of
internal investments, welcoming Asian investments, securing Syrian file and
reinvigorate trade with Europe including in oil & gas sales. Most of these
potentials may inevitable lead to increased activity in a basket of currencies
with a diminished US power only able to tolerate and manage her strategic
interest without recourse to military force. This is a lesson for African
capitals and courageous policy makers.