Tuesday, 10 June 2014

The Fundamental Case for Nigeria’s Realism Perceived as Pessimism

It is conventional wisdom for peoples whose origins and home is coterminous to the geography and territory called Nigeria to struggle & hope for better outcomes therein. Given the fact that the concept of ‘independent’ Nigeria is very young including the fact that its current experience were already in place prior to its emergence as ‘independent’, it is difficult for an average individual to accept that the road to normalcy will take very long.  It is therefore the case of this article to re-emphasise that positive expectations will take very long to emerge.

So it was
The last many weeks has brought concentrated attention to Nigeria as a result of the abduction of school girls from Chibok, Borno State by Boko Haram. As awful as this crime is, the manner of its presentation apparently suggested that all has been well with Nigeria since its ‘independence’ which is a big lie. One should reconnect this incident with numerous instances of injustice and impunity perpetrated by both the state and non-state actors even as Boko Haram blazes her ugly trail. In any case Boko Haram is not the epicentre of Nigeria’s problems but just one of the many manifestations of a failing state. The history of the current was drafted in the past and was known & accentuated to evolve into the current state. The only disagreement was the margin of error.  

Evil History
One of the many illusions of being a citizen is that of assumed principal actor or consultant on public issues that matter. The plain truth which is analogous to real politics is that citizens and ordinary people do not really matter in decisions tied to realpolitik.  Information on the public domain is not different from the tip of iceberg showing the usual 1%. In the modern descriptive statistical parlance, 99% of the population or citizens are burdened with 1% of public information which most of them believe in like lifeline.  In an age of awareness of secrets it makes sense to confront what the role of a citizen means in Nigeria at different geographical contexts.

Stupid Intelligentsia & Abuse of Geography
If a non-Nigerian confront Nigeria the first time, only wonderment hits his/her mind on the mismatch between observed resources and minute actual positive outcomes.  One of the main trends of observation will be the intellectual veracity or acumen of normal Nigerian who seem to know everything about possible solutions. The missing link is that Nigerian may know little about himself/herself.  Rather he/she will shift gears into the beauty of various ideological and theoretical perspectives expressing the said beauty is ruined by poor implementation or benign neglect.

One area of bizarre concentration is geography. Many years after ‘independence’ you will think that pre-colonial metaphors of time and space have given way in an inter-generational shift of enlightenment. No, you rather confront a dogmatic entrenchment of identity of signpost of the 4 cardinal points; East West, North and South.  Individuals and ethnic nations are pasted to these directions. You find individuals and young people accept and pump up the saddlement with colonial spatial symbol disconnected from their present realities. These relics of ‘colonialism in one country’ continue to reverberate with savvy inducement from some quarters for its re-classification as geopolitical zones.  The print and electronic media seem to be genetically attached to these recognitions with their irrepressible attention to colonial zones from which any interlocutor hailed from.

As this flies in the face of basic logic of course exposing the farce and stupidity of their purveyors, one wonders what the current geographical subdivisions are for.  If you meander away from debates on federalism, the idea behind internal balkanisation into 36 states at the 2nd level and 774 local governments at the 3rd level cutting down both nations and directions should have been workable of course in principle.

Despite the fact these subdivisions are equipped with timely supply of monetary resources; most of them over time have failed and become failed states. They have become reference point for ethnic nationalists & power elite & local champions’ accumulation and consolidation only to revert to mischievous harping of marginalisation and discrimination.  These power elite & local champions are part of another nation, the national of global power elite, the part of global 1% who accumulate assets and capitals by any means necessary, making huge profits without any production and whose space of expression is the globe.

The citizens whose right it is to question spending and unfulfilled promises quickly abandons the offending local government HQ and guilty state capital  to collate grievances of certain ethnic nations and Federal government on incompetence. So the nested metageopolitical and metageographical constructions become architectures of malfeasance and inter-generational corruption. The poor men/women fill it! This sensibility to injustice and misappropriation of finger pointing & deliberate non-recognition of the guilty party is a troubling mismatch.

Sadly the Nigeria members of the global elite are shoe shiners and only submit on the altar of profiteering scrapheap to sacrifice their peoples, their strategic interest, state assets, their origins and their future generations. Watch the video below! Of course for them what matters is appreciation or even positive mention by the top global elite or their underlings.  Geopolitical forces extend their influence through their sell-out without positive returns for the peoples.

They are one
The narrative of abuse of national failure is always allocated to the other. How ‘they’ hurt ‘us’! Really? Majority of Nigerians regardless of their geographical and ethnic origins are collectively in a big mess. They are pawns in the high stake games played by the power elite across the country who hail from all the ethnic nations.  These are the descendants of the so-called ‘independence’ harbingers who saw it fit that power is concentrated in few hands and around few spaces over time.  For nearly 2 generations they have subjected the common peoples to fight against one another for the power elite as strategic distraction. Limbo of fear! Some ethnic nations have suffered more than others at times directly from the Nigeria state. Even as these texts are gushing out of the keyboard, one mindless mind will let loose about ‘our’ leader, the ‘northern’ or ‘south-south’ bonkers. Nice one!

At last
In the finally analysis, Nigeria’s problem is very deep and hope of positive outcome is not unusual nevertheless the structural genealogy of these problems make it difficult to have a good administration.  When you have a state set up without input of real people, an artificial space without the peoples’ contribution except their blood & modification/projection without positive results, then state’s existence remains unviable. Its existence will only favour a few feeding on hegemonic interest frenzy while majority live suffering and smiling.  Not because of the people or their places or their view and religions; a structure of weakness can be suffocating and dominant to overcome the least effort for positive change in a short time. The only investment required is adoption of clear awareness, real knowledge, positive network and time. Few more generations will pass before the fruit of real labour will transform the land and her peoples, may be at the time the concept of Nigeria as it is currently known have changed. 

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