Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Delusion through European Terrorism and Weak Political Class

On the ropes of economic weakness with no end in sight, on the altar of austerity were no alternatives are countenanced!

It is not freedom of speech or any type of freedom that is at stake rather the common peoples of Europe are under severe threat of annihilation by their interlocking network of elite who remain impervious and oblivious to their declining economic degradation and insecure social plights. Europeans want cheap food and accessible future not imposed threats from their leaders.

Sadly one wonders how long the common peoples of Europe will continue deceiving themselves with obnoxious self-validation laced in regressive results and poor outcomes as the sole evidence. This is what naturally comes after failure, colossal failure of austerity!

When you imagine the person of Mr Nicolas Sarkozy blabbing about ‘civilisation’ and you ask what happened to his masterpiece, Libya? Look at France; look at President Hollande and think of General De Gaulle! What you confront is a tragedy, colossal tragedy of the French! On every verifiable indicator arrows are unstoppably down. The same arrows face down for the rest of Europe in her capitals, a continent of sorrows!

Less than 3 decades after the demise of communism, Europe is haunted by a spectre of regression, imposition of fear as the main tool of statecraft and full-spectrum domination of the powerful master class/elite. The puerile European elite approve, pay for and sponsor insurgents/terrorists in foreign lands where annihilation of the innocent is welcomed as disinterested normality forgetting that the world is round and not flat. The so-called foreign insurgents/terrorists are channelled and tracked back to Europe to wreck guided havoc later presented as error in intelligence. Buy it and you are stuck to the ground! Remember Operation Gladio!

With sophisticated misinformation/disinformation machines bleating in advance by fusion of State and Media, European commons is softened up to the point that drug addiction seems more palatable. The commons refuse to wake up from ontological sleep and sleep infection will never leave them as a collective. They think that power will never leave the powerful elite or can be modified to refocus elite attention on ‘national interest’ in the name of sustaining the dying embers of democracy which equals dispossession of dignity & mangling of humanity by the same powerful elite.

What has Europe got to show tomorrow without immediately reversing back into the doldrums of the long centuries of industrial destructions cum violent past? Tottering like drunks on parchment of dead letter treaties scrambled as interludes or interregnum of bewildered continuum of negatives? Like the auctioneer with the bell, Europe is going without the common peoples paying the least of attention.

European elite now ride on the back of supine commons in reversal to a labyrinth of darkness loaded with profoundly despiritualised demotion as the roughage of ahistoricity, even the murder of history. Where life no longer motivates even in its primordial dimension, only the brutal annihilation of its ontology is the prized objective of a morally reprehensible leadership and followership respectively.

European leadership and followership must scruff their necks toward assimilating the rich meanings of this statement written on ancient African temples that read thus; An unexamined life is not worth living!

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