Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Positive Catharsis Towards Refloating Imo State

A new nuance is required and a new reality is descending regarding Imo State political discourse. This reality is born out of a consensus that regression has taken hold and known secular mechanisms of transformation have failed Imo State. As a result the purpose of this piece is to move further beyond platitudes and commence tentative steps in developing the concept of Geospirituality (geopolitics reflecting spirituality of variables/events/processes) as a panacea to leadership problem of Imo State. No doubt a spectre is haunting Imo State, the solution is known and deliberately ignored. This solution is now offered in full.

Crucible of Disaster
History has confirmed that after the civilian administration of Chief Sam Onunaka Mbakwe, Imo State has continued on a regressive and downward trend. Even erstwhile political opponents of Chief Mbakwe have reversed their conclusion to acknowledge that the territorial integrity and dignity of the peoples contained is abused. On almost every indicator or comparative index imaginable in the last 3 decades, Imo State continues to lag behind global standards. The most disturbing issue is the acceptance and melding of the negative practices and experiences as the norm. Thus Imo State becomes an exclusive space of abnormality. A recent article in one of the dailies summarised this abnormality turned into norm.

Spatial Pattern of Political Experience
The confusion projected by failed expectation has the tendency of either increasing the scope alternative positive outcome or impose a depressed outlook for the majority where a laboured point of a single positive initiative turns into object of melodrama by failed leadership. For bruised and battered citizens though almost hopeless care less about the state, its operatives and its existence as a reliable vehicle of positive transformation. Such lethargy extends its grip in the usual conclusion that experience is not unique rather a dominant variable in the geopolitical neighbourhood. 

Intellectually, this is akin to the First Law of Geography which states that "Everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things”. This implies without context that if excellence and ugly variables at a give time take root in a part of the neighbourhood then the rest are condemned to be infected. Of course evidence that this is not always the case exist, exceptions emerge. Variables are also disaggregated and differential to give room for wider interpretation and performance. In the case of Imo State, the question will be if ugliness of leadership is the neighbourhood norm, how ugly is Imo State ugliness?

Let us take two variables. Based on various sources, it is established that pensions and salaries respectively have not been paid in full to recipient for more than 3 months. It could be longer but not less. This is not an unusual trend and this in no way suggest acceptance rather express an observation that has dominated over time. In a sense Imo State is now known as a space for non-payment of pensions and salaries. A great shame! If pensions and salaries cannot be paid, then which process can be designed and executed with efficiency?

Pan-African Regression
One of the most ignored dimensions of the sadness emerging from poor leadership is the erroneous assumption that awareness of malfeasance in this part of Africa is restricted to it geography. This is untrue, rather is given vent and ammunition to the long conclusion by global stakeholders that Africans cannot get their acts together. This example also testifies the difficulty of convincing anyone in Diaspora, Africa, Europe, Asia and South America that something positive with wider geographical footprint is emerging from Africa & Africans within. This is public relations disaster sustained!

While all Africans or all Nigerians cannot be tarnished by Imo State experience of the current regime form of governance, the citizens and stakeholders carry a huge burden individually and collectively. This unenviable task is no less painful as much of the anticipated decision on the next move and how to execute it becomes problematic. It is also difficult to even suggest which other option remains on the table in the confirmed event of a failed state. 

The pain is equally inflamed by glorious histories of past achievements including recent past heroic contributions by Ndigbo of this part towards Nigerian independence, actions in the short-lived Republic of Biafra and during the resulting war with Nigeria. It seemed like these events never happened, that these sacrifices are nought and a people no longer exist since they can no longer achieve. Rather a stupid narrative is taking hold lauding progressive individuals at the expense of a devastated collective on a backward match under a culture that is increasing accepting regression as ideal and positive transformation as anathema. 

Failed Solutions
There is no secular solution to the leadership problem in Imo State. Democracy as a secular god will not deliver Imo State, therefore more or less of it will make no visible change. This is not only a given, it is an established fact. The problem is quite deep and entrenched that soft processes are eviscerated while majority are misled to pay attention to physical maldevelopment.  While spatial distribution of various variables of physical maldevelopment has increased; efficiency, reliability, accountability and values remains sub-standard, qualitatively abhorrent and simply insulting to our collective dignity.

Confronting Forces of Power
One of the main issues confronting post-independent Africa is preponderance of ignorance especially intellectuals on the nature of temporal power i.e. political power. For the majority brought up on malevolent diet of ‘technical education’ laced in cultural amnesia & western democracy potion, they have a romantic and utopian view of power where all boxes are ticked and the power machine swings into action with expected results. They always looking North attesting to the ‘beauties’ of democracy in the United States blindly avoiding its genocidal stamp and to European dalliance while absolving its centuries of industrial killings of the innocent. These unfortunate testaments of minds born in suppress contradictions and uncontested impositions compound basic awareness of unique history, unique environments and the special role of time. 

Power of any form is contested by vested interests and vested interests commit fully to the pursuit of power through formidable vehicles of which opposition is only tolerated as the environment permits. The vested interests are interlocking networks of individuals mostly men who maximise their position, knowledge, awareness and above popular ignorance over time to converge around instruments of power through the economic, political, military and cultural dimensions of a state. For them power is a zero-sum game, there is no opposition, there is no dissent and there is no compromise. 

There is no romance in the pursuit of power regardless of its ideology or disposition or configuration of the political system. Power is not about systems, it is about domination of the majority with any means necessary including investment in dark/satanic forces of this world. No person or group of persons shares or gives up power without defiant struggle at times to the death. The question now is why is power the object for struggle and fatal consequences? This is a question Imo State citizens refuse to confront? Furthermore this is a question for majority of Imo State citizen who proclaim Christianity as faith. 

Subterfuge of Separation of Church & State
Either a person is Christian or not. One is by virtue of baptism and/or turned blind or ignorant through failure to accept the positive implications of baptism. The last 500 years opened a rupture in the erstwhile dominance of power in the western world and former powers linked to the Church was overthrown violently imposing a new order which at its core is the elimination of Jesus Christ (not just any God) in the affairs of man.  You read of Rights of Man, what of Rights of God? 

Organised programme of usurpation completed the rounds with Bolshevik Revolution which overthrew Russian Empire under Tsar Nicholas in 1917.  Pay attention to the fact that no viable Catholic monarch exists in Europe! This disposition was codified in the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia. This is the point which is lost to many Christians. Who doesn’t want Jesus Christ in the affairs of the State and will not be or represent his opposite? Who is the opposite of Christ who is not satanic?

Many claim ‘separation of Church & State’ as US patrimony but who wrote her constitution and why did the writers who claimed to profess Christianity eliminated God from it? If there is only one Faith/Religion of Christ at the time, who/what was the competing religion/god warranting Christ’s elimination or equalisation with another? What secret spiritual association did writers of US constitution belong to? Whose interest were they serving by banishing God from their constitution if they were so much of Christians? If they were Christians i.e. US a Christian State, why build a statue to Liberty in New York rather than to Christ? Ignorance kills generations! Hosea (4:6) was and is on the money!

There are many Christians in Imo State who among them probably possess highest accolade in learning from prestigious universities around the world including leaders. Their full expression of Christian spirituality is arid or morbid in their expressions and they fall hook, line and sinker to deceptions in the name of intellectual progress. Unfortunately they fail miserably to notice a raging spiritual war which is waged for the total dominance of temporal/political power which determines the direction of economy, education, culture, family, environment and practically everything is shaped. This spiritual war continues to haemorrhage Imo State citizens of dignity, honour and integrity while they blindly pontificate woefully on their bondage.

In Imo State like in many other parts of the world, vested interests with their interlocking network of powerful individuals mostly men with determined and formidable anti-Christian credentials have come to dominate political power. They have also sent the so-called Christians into submission, fear and panic to the point that no productive initiative in employed to counter the offensive based on the promise of their master, Jesus Christ. What may seem easy like taking over the public space at a given period for expression of the same faith is avoided. What is clear is that Christians in Imo State for the most part are ignorant, disorganised and dislocated. Many so-called Christians waste time tearing themselves on minor differences rather than converge on their common raison d’ĂȘtre, body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ. 

As a result of this strategic disorganisation, Imo State leadership will be dominated by the opposition. By opposition is implied those who see God of Jesus Christ, His Church and His Laws as obstacle to their enterprise. The inaction of Christian leadership to deliberate, plan, decide and deploy effectively the spiritual weapon systems to counter regressive leadership in Owerri simply puts Imo State on the reverse for many years to come.  

It is important to ask Christians in Imo State, “How did Emperor Constantine take power in Rome in 312 AD? How did 313 AD Edict of Milan come about which legitimised for the first time the Faith and Church in Roman Empire after almost 300 years of persecution?”

Rise and Shine
Imo State belongs to Christ. Public confirmation and consolidation process must start in Owerri. The state which belongs to her citizens who claim to belong to Christ therefore belongs to the same Christ and doesn’t need any act of law for citizens to justify the ownership or to reclaim it if they have faith. Does the Imo Christian what he/she has in Jesus Christ?

The only hope for real progress and genuine transformation in Imo State will emerge from effective, active & collective leadership of the Church including Catholic & non-Catholic. Clear understanding of a problem allows room for seeking for solution and effectively deployment of the solutions. The Church doesn’t lack weapons of Love, Hope and Faith but spiritual blindness, laziness and attention to material things have become cancers against real evangelisation and conversion. The Church is the true vehicle of signs of wonders which continue to the present day. If Christ is the same yesterday and today, the perceived absence of miracle flows from a lack of faith and in a case confirm a shameful contradiction.

Therefore there is need for new mobilisation by the highest leadership of the Church in Imo State to contain & reverse the current phase of spiritual war taking place before their noses. No amount of PhD will diminish this fact, no amount of intellectual reflection will eliminate it and the crisis will be sustained in part by defiance or repression of the Holy Spirit within the Church. It is sad that the Church today especially in worship seem light years away from post-resurrection, biblical and ante-Nicene Church worship where signs, wonders and miracles were the norm.  Most Christians in Imo State may not have observed signs, wonder & miracles in the Church, and may even accept their impossibility. A sad state of spiritual affairs! 

Imo State will not move forward until the Church unleashes her weapons effectively to win the latest round of a devastating spiritual war. This is the truth, no ifs and no buts! Ignore it to your peril!

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