Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Reference Time in Geopolitical & Geostrategic Planning

The 3rd dimension is a critical factor in the development and implementation of geopolitical and geostrategic plans which among other things allow for performance measurement on various metrics including but not limited to As-Is/To-Be differential and Expected/Observed quotient. Time is even more critical in geopolitical scenario planning due to its complexity that requires both quantitative and qualitative variables. The issue that calls to mind is the basis on which reference time is selected. Various states have reports and plans for 2020, 2030 and 2040. What do they mean and what is the reference time or benchmark for the chosen dates? As part of our expanding Geospirituality discourse, reference time from Christo-biblical dimension will be explored including the currency of unfolding events in select global hotspots.

Post-Reformation & Positivist Imposition
500 years ago reformation in Europe, the geopolitical centre of the western world at the time, opened up a new vista which impacted significantly on substance, method and delivery of knowledge. The most serious of outcomes is decoupling temporal and spiritual issues, the Catholic Church from the State/Empire and empirical conclusion from revelation/infused science. The decoupling was initiated by anti-Christian forces. For knowledge, its creation and dissemination; the implication and impact remains to the present. The reason for the decoupling remains at best puerile, weak, regressive and unsubstantiated nevertheless weakens average mind.

Geopolitical and geostrategic traditions share the same fate in structure, content and methodology. There is hardly any plan or report open to considering deployment of Christo-biblical data in its conclusion despite the fact that Europe is a primary beneficiary of Christian spiritual advancement. It is the view of this paper that geopolitical and geostrategic plans or conclusion devoid of Christo-biblical data are sparse, bare and incomplete. Nevertheless these plans are strategic platforms for protecting the integrity of populations, assets and governments within defined borders including spaces subjected or subordinated to power projections. 

The implication of reference time becomes obvious in highly configured global geopolitical space where few of these plans carry significant weight in terms of their independence. What is evident is that many geopolitical plans and their reference times are dependent and nested with few dominant geopolitical powers and or coupled with interlocking network of sub-continental political and security plans. For examples NATO countries cannot possess plans misaligned economically, militarily and politically with United States strategic plans. Similar conclusions are applicable in countries within Russia’s sphere of influence and those interlocked with emerging Beijing Consensus.

Christo-Biblical Reference Time
The currency of global affairs in view of statecraft, geopolitics and geostrategy including power projection is very fluid, unstable and highly charged. A consistent negative pattern emerged in the West since the demise of USSR in 1991. These patterns include declining economy, increase in triggering extra-territorial conflicts around the world, deployment of collective fear from terrorism as statecraft tool, narrowing of gaps between state and media, and decline of effective strategic leadership. 

Above all the post-WW2 governance style of democracy (of various persuasions) is already in sharp decline in the Europe and North America. Destabilisation, insecurity and uncertainty in and of states are common geopolitical staples which are not taking place in a vacuum/isolation. Rather these geopolitical and geoeconomic outcomes form part of an emerging trend of a meta-strategic temporal consistency running for thousands of years based on Christo-biblical source. 

Importantly the meta-strategic temporal structure is always interjected at various times in the life of the world either with understanding or ignorance of political and economic leaders of leading states/countries. Its consistency and dependability is unparalleled and undisputable. However the current decade is set for a climax one more time as the downward trend in politics, economy and security are moving in tandem with serious geopolitical and geostrategic consequences. Of course man-made and natural disasters of gigantic proportions have taken important positions in global affairs in the last few decades.

The year 2017 carries serious geopolitical and geostrategic imports. It is a reference time per excellence based on the meta-strategic temporal structure drawn from Christo-biblical source. 2017 will be a convergence of many serious anniversaries that cannot be ignored or that have been deliberately ignored especially in the Western hemisphere. Each of these events has biblical reference(s) and possess room for extrapolation in the view that occurrence of biblical events are not devoid of latitudes. It is equally safe to state that current chaotic state of global affairs runs in tandem with predicted models mapped out in Matthew 24: 2 – 14, Revelation 6: 2 - 8.

2017 will be the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s rejection of Catholic Church authority with the posting of his views in front of church doors in 1517. This act of defiance set off a chain of events that reconfigured the geopolitical power structure of Europe at the time and set a template that currently defines the world today. The act added another scar on the bruised body of the Church (post-1054 schism) defined as Protestantism. Some biblical scholars link this decision of 1517 to Revelation 8: 11. It is interesting that the theology of Protestantism (Sola Scriptura) is currently facing serious internal contradictions/struggle that new geopolitical reconfigurations are emerging with implications for many states.

2017 will also be 100 years since Bolshevik communist Revolution made landfall in Russia with all the destructive and regressive outcomes. The devastation wrought by this ugly monster set another stage for annihilation of millions and another gobbling up of nations by violence around the world. Communist revolutionaries’ vehement hatred and vicious attack on Christianity is a principal pillar of their motivation. Wherever communist revolution is successful Christians are annihilated and rivers of blood flow endlessly. Biblical scholars have mapped Communism emergence & its anti-Christian persecutions to Revelation 12: 3 - 4.

What is instructive is that this revolution didn’t come out of the blue but is rather a deliberate geopolitical calculation and geostrategy of death invested by Germany, UK and United States. This narrative is contrary to dominant accounts imposed upon the commons. Lenin received his millions from Germany in advance. The brunt of that revolution is currently felt around the world as a transformation in ignorance. Its main tenet of atheistic materialism has become global mainstream economic and social policies with negative impacts on human life, family, relationships, accumulation, economy & consumerism.

2017 will also be the 100th anniversary of the apparition of Blessed Virgin Mary in Fatima Portugal. Biblical scholars map the even on Revelation 12: 1. This is an impressive event in the life of the world because among other things this august prophet of God predicted 1917 Russia Bolshevik communist revolution before it took place. It was only a matter of months before Imperial Russia gave way to the blood-thirsty revolutionaries who devoured a 3rd of the world for more than 70 years. 

This same apparition predicted with accuracy the end of WW1 and start of WW2 on the condition that the world stop anti-God and anti-human activities. She predicted that defiance of heaven by man will usher in a new deadlier conflict and confirmed in advance with a sign in northern hemisphere skies which took place on 25/01/1938. Interestingly in the same 1938 Germany moved on Sudetenland, former Czechoslovakia and on Poland in 1939 while Spain and Portugal were spared the deadly conflagration. Why was Spain and Portugal spared?

Lastly 2017 will be the 70th anniversary of the initiation of proceedings by the United Nations towards the creation of Israel in Palestine. This is highly significant in geopolitical and geostrategic terms. On this point hangs the veracity of previous examples and anniversaries because of its uniqueness. Its Christo-biblical footprint is indisputable because it was predicted at least over 2000 years in advance as scholars mapped it on Daniel 9: 25, Matthew 24: 32 – 34.

It is the first time a nation with clear territorial layout that lost her independence thousands of years hence was restored compared the generalist comparisons of a world always in conflict and in flux. The emergence of Israel following her 1947 pre-independence notice at the world stage in the grand schemes of geopolitics calls for serious attention and focus. More so the decade is already shaping up for important eschatological events. 

Russia’s formal military entrance into the Arab world, an erstwhile US ‘backyard’ is significant and non-trivial considering Russia’s longevity and relationship with Arab states. It is a first and an evidence of US decline and formal eclipse of Arab world. Furthermore latest Russia’s accurate and successful deployment of cruise missiles on Syrian targets from medium sized vessel in Caspian Sea has serious geopolitical and geostrategic implications at least for United States and for development of blue water navy in general.

Therefore 2017 is shaping up for bigger things and Christo-biblical data backs it up because of its dependability, reliability and consistency. 

As this decade continues to display touches of flux and uncertainty, geopolitical and geostrategic planning of countries will follow similar patterns. Stockpile of negative and regressive outcomes indicate among other things dearth of ideas or refusal to confront new realities constructively. In terms of reference time of current and new plans, avoidance or deliberate refusal to consider Christo-biblical data and sources may prove to be unwise and counter-productive especially for geopolitical experts, geostrategists and geopolitical scenario planners of so-called advanced countries. 

NB: All biblical references are sourced from Douai Rheims Version.

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