Thursday, 26 November 2015

Yawning Gaps in Nigeria’s Harsh Response to Secessionists’ Protests – Pointers

The latest development in Nigeria is a new addition to a list of pressure groups seeking to redefine the internal contours of the country’s configuration and operations. In summary they are part of the silent majority who have been short-changed by failed leadership since deformed independence in 1960. They have come in various shades and forms, some violent others non-violent; nevertheless Federal Government response is expected and usual. Below exhibit a number of gaps in Nigeria’s statecraft kit towards her questionable responses.

Missing in the Toolkit
Allergy to History – whether it is the privileged few condemning protests or government officials shouting of threats to unity, what is clearly evident is palpable hatred of history. The bold efforts to challenge power and speak to power by the commons are unexpected due to the fact in the eyes of government elite nothing has changed. Several administrations and maladministration since 1960, the function of time seem alien to Abuja in recognising huge gaps in performance for nearly 2 generations. For a state her citizens always look to the heaven for terrestrial solutions, power elite refuse to address historical grievances as if history is irrelevant. Those who refuse to learn from history only repeat its mistakes and this is what the current administration is facing.

Anathema of Geopolitics – One of the main features of the administration is the preponderance of colonial mentality and cold war mindset. Most of the worldview and curiosity is laced in US-led thinking which incorrigibly refused to countenance reconfigured global power equilibrium. Other players despite limited military capabilities have nevertheless spearheaded multi-polar dimension towards international issues. This absence of nuanced view of global geopolitics and international relations forced Abuja into unjustified errors. You only need to think of South Sudan and ask how possible is it for new countries to emerge today without unanimous consent of Washington DC, Moscow and Beijing. Syria is the hotspot, not Nigeria!

Lack of Strategic Depth – Instability and insecurity prevents clear thinking and determined implementation of concrete policies. Despite all the huge funding and various administrations it is evident that Abuja has no sustainable structures/understanding to various issues in different parts of the country. With massive waste of human resources, idling of specialists and misused of time; unsurprisingly knee-jerk reaction become the main tool of governance. Thus threat to national unity becomes political football of questionable characters.

Abuse of Bureaucracy – The recent issue highlight shameful case of a besieged country. There is a geopolitical insertion called Boko Haram which to all intents and purposes remains a feature holding territory, it is very rich for Abuja to shout threat to national unity on non-violent pressure groups. Disappearance of full weight of law on alleged corrupt politicians contrasting with rushing of innocent plebes to the same compromised judiciary to protect One Nigeria is laughable.  Department of State Security that should have been deployed at the first instance to investigate veracity and composition of group is currently misused as bodyguards posted on social media.

Damn Public Opinion – Even China pays close attention to citizens’ attention and concerns. Hatred of history, lack of institutional capacity and lack of strategic depth including taking citizens for granted allow for errors in governance. These protests do not emerge out of the blue and actually take time to set out. Even though each group take calculated risk, they are all united in their certainty that Abuja will respond with ferocity. In the age of mass media and highly network interaction, young protesters are made heroes not by government harsh response rather by their clear-headed out-classing and out-maneuvering of government. Government is embarrassed and unfortunately forced to play catch up.

Running a country or state is not eating cake but those who fight to rule need to show class and mettle in the face of adversity. Even modest leaders are known to surround themselves with class acts and tested performers to enable clear policies, monitored implementation and display real results. Unfortunately Nigerians are no longer in the mood to wait for excuses, delays and go-slows. They want positive action now!

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