Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Self-Destruction & Self-Elimination of the Last Bipolar Superpower


While the world is grinding under heavyweight of complex problems including inserted perpetual wars, a fundamental phase reached a crucial juncture on the geopolitical timeline. 24 years after the collapse of USSR the so-called last superpower of an erstwhile bipolar world, United States, finally unravelled. Interestingly and in line with historical precedence, United States, through her institutions and her political actors overplayed their narrow sectoral benefits beyond the bounds of their national strategic interest. By subscribing to undermine their president and core national interest to favour a foreign power, United States political institutions finally destroyed the last vestige of US strategic continuity and progressive relevance in global affairs. 

Berlin – Yalta – Gorbachev
The sub-heading is a deliberate device to highlight historical sensibilities for a gone era and for a time whose history is now deemed fit for manipulation and abuse in many unfortunate western quarters. The ravages of murderous WW2 opened European space for new geopolitical realities of which against expectations one of the victims of that war to the tune of nearly 26 million turned into a victor in her annihilation of Nazi German Forces. USSR is the victor of WW2 of a very costly victory! 

The end of that war by default left 2 contesting global (ideological) forces standing; USSR and United States. United Kingdom under Winston Churchill was a regressive appendage of a new order, a subservient yesterday’s man regrettably lapping up the basis for unfurling future remora role to be assigned to her by ascendant Washington DC. Yalta established order which essentially guaranteed among other things the security concerns of Moscow, a victim of cross-continental attack by Berlin and earlier 1812 Napoleonic attack. 

The basis for geopolitical focus of Moscow was clear, to obtain a continental buffer against future attacks which Joseph Stalin spelt out as, “Germany is, as we say, a geographical concept...Let us define the western borders of Poland, and we shall be clearer on Germany”. Guaranteeing that western flank from central Europe was covered and finlandisation secured the northern flank.  On these agreements, USSR established a national security format that steadied for the next few decades.

Internal contradiction of ideology and inconsistencies in running a global geopolitical machine from Moscow overwhelmed and Mikhail Gorbachev signed off the Union in 1991 from a position of weakness rather than approximation of deliberate soft strategy. Hence the outset of a journey of uncontested hubris, deployment of ill-conceived full-spectrum dominance and dangerous consequences of unchallenged global power on a youthful republic, United States. 

United States has limited experience in global geopolitical management and sharing global power for over 4 decades proved insufficient. Remember that Byzantine and Ottoman Empires respectively stood for longer periods. For comprehensive treatment review Luttwark The Grand Strategy of the Byzantine Empire and Mansell Constantinople: City of the World’s Desire 1453 – 1924.

Full-Spectrum Dominance
United States assumed global (super) power rather with internal and existential commitment to fear and contradictions of security concerns despite vivid absence of serious military, economic and cultural challenges from any part of the world. Apparently geopolitical and diplomatic offerings from Washington DC coalesced into a military/security paradigm that reduced the global space into chessboard of states deemed as templates for power projection especially in areas mistakenly allocated questionable tactical values. In parallel the domestic space was eliminated as a serious geography of value infusion rather turned into a staging post for global economic onslaught through weapons of economic warfare, interest rate evaporation and financialisation.  

It is interesting for the elites to present irrelevance of US mainland in her geopolitical calculus which is most vivid in the attacks of 11/09/2001 which not only exposed it but equally opened a justification for its exposure as inevitable. If the most military advanced country is exposed with justification by its political actors then which other (weak) state is safe? Attempts to explain away that incident through pre-emptive unprovoked attacks on innocent states disguised as endless & perpetual conflict enterprise remains puerile, fancy and devoid of empirical and intellectual rigour.  

In parallel in view of the new tradition of perpetual conflict, US domestic space offers a renewed function as reinforcement post for occasional power projection project validated through various military bases and warships stations around the world. Therefore the mainland is a dominated dilapidated space for the elite to levitate against with all the resources drawn from conflation of corporations and the state while the rest of the population only clutch on the imposed image of glory on decline. 

Loss of Compass
Washington DC misreading of history remains the single source of its near time incoherence and road to irrelevance. The zealous attention towards ascribing military solution to every geopolitical problem undermined her credibility across the board. The fixation to possess, control and dominate peoples & resources of Arab World with little dividend continue to dodge its status diametrically. A cursory review of states and locations in the sub-region only present chaos, bloodshed, instability, conflict and uncertainty. Sadly other geopolitical powers abandoned the conflicts for United States and she has miserably failed to assume full control for either victory or for defeat. 

Parallel fixation with diminution of Moscow continues to ebb and flow. Expiration of colour revolution as a strategy for military expansion of an (NATO) irrelevant security network only triggered a new one (SCO) by other concerned players. While correlation between possible humiliation of Russia and effort to do so is negative, the same regressive strategies are reinserted with the same results. The idea or strategy spurn that Russia’s geospatial security concern is open for grabs remains worrying. Ukraine crisis is another phase of a long practice of regressive diplomacy with zero-sum mindset and counter-productive result for distant sponsor and local client apparatchiks. 

Capitol Hill Implosion
United States’ Middle East policy has unravelled. The existential ambiguity between innovating an erstwhile policy towards a pragmatic dimension and equally managing unruly clients whose geopolitical raison d’etre leans on zero-sum diet is dangerous when their sponsor is weak, inchoate, unassertive and indecisive.  This is the emerging picture in US attempt on rapprochement with an assertive Iran with Israel and Saudi Arabia in the background. The last 2 are lesser powers.

With an inept political class and elite overdosed on Israel diet, the depth of the influence and weight of interlocking connections not only compromised internal policy development but inserts itself to disadvantage US core strategic interest. The fact that the legislative arm entered into an agreement with a foreign power against the decision and oversight of the executive branch only conclude the emergence of a new geopolitical virus. It displays chronic inflexibility to modify positions in a rapidly reconfiguring global geopolitics.

The idea and reality that United States internal affairs is deliberately led to be hostage of a foreign government by its own elected representatives is nothing short of consolidation of treason. While many blind pundits and regressive self-reinforcing analysts humour on the resilience of US-Israeli relations, US is finally emerging as the weak link and a weak player in the world. What happened to singular & unique US exceptionalism?

The process of fuzziness or subordination of strategic national interest below narrow counterproductive interest by US political class is a long one. With a long gestation, the outcome which has gradually taken root will inevitably express its liability in decades to come. What is the nationality of US elected representatives? There is element of certainty in terms of policy expectation from immediate future presidents and future advisers who will dregs of policy developments of the last 3 decades. Anticipating progressive, nuanced, creative and realistic reading & engagement with the world as template of US foreign policy in the near term is as pessimistic as it is irrational. 

An incoherent, disunited and unconsolidated capital cannot be a competent medium of astute diplomacy, a dependable partner in international relations and a reliable interlocutor in geopolitical reconfigurations. Beijing, Moscow, Brasilia, New Delhi and Tehran will be watching with interest and dry smile. This is the most important geopolitical outcome of the century no matter how much it is played down by western mainstream media.

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